Too legit to quit!

Dear Rob,

You can understand that after the biggest announcement of our lives blogging careers yesterday and any thoughts about you and your new janky (heh) haircut and weird outfit flew out the window in place of a lot of squeeing and dopey smiles. Thank god this coversation between some LTR/LTT regulars took place BEFORE that!

Breaking down Rob’s new look…

Brookelockart: I think Rob will look cute with his short haircut, but WHAT IS HE WEARING?!? Also, what is up with the smallest back pack known to man? This is his answer to the man bag? His little black back pack? (cue music). THE PANTS!! <—

Don't make him give you a swirly in the locker room or take your lunch money

Moon: since i live on the west coast (west coast wins! HA!) and was UP when these gems came out last night, i had night mares about it. i think the outfit is the most troublesome. we’ve never seen this courier scum/too short cargo pants outfit combo. the hair’s not really a deal to me since it grows back but im just thinking about his upcoming tv appearances (I’m at Ellen today!)… we get crazy Jacob Janokski/80s teen movie bully hair. It’ll be like

Brookelockart: Come on, these are like modern day hammer pants. There’s enough room up top for another person, but then they get skinny jean like at the bottom. If he didn’t have his face, people would think he was some slow kid by the way he dresses. please.

Electric youth...

EastFriend: Because I can deal with the Hammer-time pants. (“We got to pray just to make it today!”) I can deal with his hair ’cause I’ve never cared about his hair–I mean, I love the dude & his locks, but his hair doesn’t make or break him, ya know? (That shit better get dyed red, though. RED. Stick to the book, dammit.) But…blue? And not even navy. Royal blue. NO.

Brookelockart: with pants and dark sneakers, I believe darker socks look better. BUT THOSE SOCKS. Wonder where he stole them from?

EastFriend: Salvation Army. Has to be. You know he shops there. Bet there’s even Rob-at-Goodwill/Sal Army fanfic out there. “He pushed her against the Bob Ross painting, breaking the seashell lamp behind it…”

location of all your Rob fantasies. Musty smell not included

UC: Then they fell together with a passionate moan on top of the army-issued camo tent that hadn’t seen that much action since the days of ‘Nam…

EastFriend: There are so many other worthy components to a Salvation Army hook-up…the stained Barcalounger…Alvin & the Chipmunks glassware, circa 1982…mauve silk lillies, in a matching mauve enamel vase…and a faded, hole-filled Michigan State t-shirt. OMG, that would be hot. Someone–go find him an old Michigan St. t-shirt.

UC: someone is asking on twitter where we think the neon blue socks came from. I mean obviously we think either the Salvo OR that homeless man who sleeps outside of Amoeba records, but … where else?

Rob's laundry basket

EastFriend: The socks came from Salvo, OR he stole them from Kristen’s brother, who obviously got them from Salvo…one night while really high.

UC: someone on twitter said this: “I worry that those were in the 3-for-$1 bin and he has other colors to spring on us.” this is a huge concern of mine as well

EastFriend: Dude. I hope he got a shitload o’ socks. Praying for some yellow. OR, even better…some big 80’s tube socks, with red and navy stripes on top.

Moon: i like a man in interesting socks. Hello, Chris Weitz loved a good colorful sock! And anything he does is obviously God-breathed.  i really dont care for white gym socks. at all. yuck city.

Brookelockart: Should we really be thinking what photo shoot or movie set did he steal these from? OR is he stealing socks from Kristen? (my ex used to steal my socks all the time).

Dresses like a hobo owns an expensive electronic reading device

CalliopeBlabs: i cannot begin to tell you have disturbed i am by Rob’s outfit. Seriously. it scares me. it’s like he went from shopping at the Salvo to straight up dumpster diving to find his clothes. i hope that one day he has the most materialistic child in the world who refuses to wear anything other than the finest italian fabrics and asian silks to punish him for torturing his fans this way. amen. bc that was definitely a prayer.

Brookelockart: can we go back to the little black back pack? What is the point of such back pack if it doesn’t fit your stuff?? like scripts? who bought that for him? is it a child size? Is this what he picked up at the Salvation Army?

UC: and Brookie you’re right- he stole them from Kristen, who stole them from her bro Cameron, who stole them from the LAST foster family he lived with, who probably got them from Salvo.. it’s cyclical y’all i love saying y’all

Fat man and a little backpack...

MOON: wtf is up with the backpack? that and this whole outfit makes him look like a german tourist(no offense German readers!) at disneyland. i half expect little packets of fruit snacks, fast passes and english/german dictionary to fall out. get it together man!
UC: Do we think it’s a beer backpack? Is he a weirdo who collects teeny tiny things? like miniature sets of his movies- like a serial killer? Complete with a minutiae Kristen & Miniature Rob, getting it on a miniature bear skin rug?

CalliopeBlabs: DEFINITELY

EastFriend: OMS–don’t be saying miniature in reference to Rob.  it makes me thing of small things

BrookeLockart: you know who else is miniature? David Slade. Are they really buddies and all the rumors were vicious lies? I mean, he lent him is backpack. So nice.

Come see the softer side of the Trinity!


You’re worrying us again Rob, the new shirts and pants, the fact that they’re ill fitting and oddly reminiscent of early 90’s pop stars or tourists at a popular amusement park is alarming. Just when we thought we got you back, you do and buy a new shirt and pair of pants. And now you’re shilling for Sears? We’re so confused!

Come back to us soon old, fun Rob

PS See you tomorrow at Ellen! Yup, I’ll be there this time! In the audience! Follow us on Twitter for updates before and after the taping!

So what in the world is up with those socks, would you call it a cerulean or electric blue? And what on god’s green earth is he wearing?

Special Thanks to EastFriend, BrookeLockart and CalliopeBlabs!

DON’T FORGET: The contest to celebrate the grand opening of the LTR/LTT store! Make sure you participate cause you could win BIG! Your entries are due this Thursday! Get to it!

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTT, The Forum, Twitter

Posted by: Bekah | May 17, 2010

Stuff I find when googling Robert Pattinson

Dear Rob,

Sometimes when I need to find an old letter we wrote to link to, I just google it- it’s easier than using wordpress’s search function. In this case I was looking for my post on losing my Rob pattinson virginity. I should’ve known that what I was going to ACTUALLY find would be entertaining… it did not disappoint:

While the answers to this Yahoo Question were quite good, I’m going to take a stab at answering this question because I think it is a good one, and a question I’ve often had- except since my v-card is long gone I wonder if that’s considered cheating on my husband if I use my Edward Cullen penis toy while watching Twilight.

After much prayer & contemplation and conversations with my pastor, I’ve come to this conclusion: It is best to include your man in your plans with your Edward Cullen penis toy. If you want to get it out while watching the fight scene in Twilight cause vampire fights turn you on, just make sure your man is around to participate if he wants. And if you like the break-up scene in New Moon and want to get freaky during the part when Edward says, “I don’t want you to come” (oh! The irony!) just give your man the sexy eyes so he knows you’re not interested in what Edward is saying. And just a secret between you and me- if your man DOES decide to join in, then it’s like you’re doing both of them. But shh… don’t tell anyone I said that!

Then I came across the headline on this post

Robert Pattinson is a Catholic Who Believes in Abstinence

which included this video:

(Yes, THAT just happened…)

But not everything I came across was so serious. A headline from popped up that said:

‘New Moon’ Can Cause Loss of Virginity; Unwanted Pregnancy, Warns Surgeon General

Unfortunately the article was no longer available, but if I had to guess, I’d say it an article about how the essence of New Moon encourages a young girl to forget the love of her life who left her alone in a dark, scary forest causing her to run into the arms of their less attractive, kinda needy bff who is happy to take her v-card, knock her up and ensure she’ll never really belong to the love of her life when he returns 8 months later with his tag dragging between his legs. But that’s just a guess.

Next, I came across this article called: Robert Pattinson on Statutory Rape which was a satirical piece from the point of view of Rob himself & dedicated to Roman Polanski and it was…. kinda hilarious. Especially because the commenters, not surprisingly, seemed to miss the point, entirely. Here are some highlights:

[Today], I speak to you as Robert Pattinson, an individual who can no longer remain silent while a terrible injustice goes unchallenged from New York to New Zealand. Of course, I’m talking about so-called “statutory rape” laws. Governments continue to enforce these draconian mandates from a bygone, puritanical era, and I for one think it’s high time we put a stop to it.

In some jurisdictions, such as California, the age of consent is a staggering 18-years old, which is well beyond a typical girl’s “celebrity crush” phase. In more progressive areas such as Arkansas and Albania, the age of consent can be as low as 14. Now, am I to believe that a random 14-year-old girl in Arkansas is somehow more mature and better able to choose a sex partner than a hypothetical 16-and-a-half year-old girl from Santa Monica who, as it happens, lives twenty minutes away and is totally obsessed with vampires? Who in the hell decided that?  Hitler?

I know for many the knee-jerk reaction will be to dismiss what I’m saying because I’m an actor, not a scholar or a pundit. To those people I ask that you attack my argument, not my career choice. I also know that many people will argue that these laws are in place to protect children. I ask them to remember that we are not talking about children. What we are talking about is consensual sex with pubescent and post-pubescent girls who will probably just end up losing their virginity to some 17-year-old scuzzball at the bowling alley anyway. So why not level the playing field? There’s already grass on it.

After the jump, there’s oh! So much more! Read More…

Posted by: Bekah | May 15, 2010

Open Weekend Post: Weekend Delight

Dear Rob,

It’s been a busy week. First we celebrated Moon’s birthday, then YOU had a birthday and then you aired on Oprah and had to re-live the horrifying moment when you came face-to-face with a TwiMom for the first time. I hope you get a LOT of sleep (alone) this weekend.

To the rest of us- with Rob’s birthday comes great things- fan made Rob’s birthday videos. Some really bad ones. And also… some that remind me of back in the glory days, when Saturday AM Delights were new & fresh and we hadn’t seen every Rob clip & video known to man. I’m pretty sure there’s enough delight in these videos to last both Saturday AND Sunday

Dang…. all this hottness in pictures

I like this… cause he’s NOT… but yet… I’ll claim him:

Happy weekending!


Not enough? Get more Saturday AM Delights here!

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTT, The Forum, Twitter

And then I showed them my beef pattie... heh heh, bet you didn't show that family your hot pocket!

Dear Rob,

How does it make you feel that when asked to visit the homes of fans for the Oprah show, they sent you to the homes of teenage girls and crazy moms who blurted out the most embarrassing stuff TO YOUR FACE that I shall not repeat here, while they sent TAYLOR, under drinking age TAYLOR, to a sorority house?! Did you see that footage and wonder WHAT THE?! I got jipped! You could have been doing a keg stand with some Theta girls instead of playing the Twilight Monopoly game in a basement in Naperville.

I mean, you know Taylor doesn’t even know the first thing about what to do with a girl let about 20 sorority girls. Not that you do either, probably, but still you’re Rob at least give Steve/Dean a workout by trying to restrain the greek system’s finest! It’s not like tripping someone’s mom with a ficus tree in the rec room is hard.

Speaking of moms…

at 118, I almost peed my pants from laughter when the interviewer said, after being shown Jacob/Edward dipped strawberries: “Uh..That’s not weird at all!” OMG give that woman an Oscar for her delivery of that line! HAHAHAAHAHAHA Oh sweet heavens that was rich… now here’s the difference between us “normal” fans and folks like the Twi-Moms. We may THINK about having different dipped strawberries to represent Team Jacob and Team Edward and we may even MAKE said strawberries after a drunken night of pin-the-mustache on Charlie Swan but we would NEVER and I repeat NEVER in a gabillion years make them and show them on national television on the highest rated talk show, whilst wearing homemade tshirts next to an Eclipse count-down on a ceramic plate my mom pulls out when people from the church come over. YUP, that’s pretty much the difference.

It's ok kids, Mommy is just screaming because she has 5 kids and lives in surburban Illinois and owns a Twilight jewelry box

Oh and probably the fact they actually own stuff like the jewelry box, blankets, lanyards and have a red carpet in their basement?! I thought that stuff was for 12 yr olds who actually shop at Hot Topic, not grown ass women! But hey, they’re on Oprah and I’m here writing a letter to you Robert Pattinson. Who’s the loser?

Yea, they are. I’m glad you agree.

NACHOS and will never be your sloppy seconds!

PS Please don’t EVER say you’re lonely on a Saturday night again!! That shiz breaks my heart and besides I’m like around the corner from you practically and I throw the best parties. Come dance your socks off and I swear I won’t make it weird or even blog about it. I may video our make out sesh in the broom closet, but that’s IT. I swear.

What’d you think? Did you want to crawl under your couch when they started drinking the apple-tini’s? Did you send an invite to Taylor/Rob for your regular SNL viewing party on Saturday nights?! I did!

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTT, The Forum, Twitter

Posted by: Bekah | May 13, 2010

Happy 24th Birthday Rob Pattinson

Dear Rob,

HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY! We love you so much we even threw up a flashy .gif image to show our affection. Nothing shows how much we care like a really gay sparkly sign.

We thought about writing you a heart-to-heart letter today.. spilling our feelings, showing everyone how we’re the best Rob Pattinson fans in the world and no one’s love could compare to our love for you.  We threw out the idea of writing poetry, making a sappy video of ourselves, sending you a care package including everything we know you’d love (plus a print out of the past year’s letters) or even writing you a song and posting it on You Tube so that we could score a record deal like Bieber people would know the depth of our love, but nothing felt right. It all felt…… forced and not like the Rob we “know.”

So we put our thinking caps on and thought, what do we know about Rob? Well, for starters, you’re a guy. What do guys like? Guys like porn. Turns out, we know a LOT about porn & a lot about YOU, so for your 24th birthday we’re going to make YOUR dreams come true and be those girls who do give you something really, really different & memorable… We give you:

Much more Porn for Rob after the jump! Read More…

Posted by: Bekah | May 12, 2010

Do’s & Don’ts around Rob Pattinson Take 2

Long long ago we informed you all about the Do’s and Don’ts when meeting Rob Pattinson. Today we hand over the reigns to Sparklepants to update the list so that none of YOU end up the butt of a joke as many who have come before us all…

Dear Rob’s Fans,

Yes, I’m talking to you. Not sure if you’re really a “fan”? If you’re here reading this, you my friend, are a fan. But this is really more of a public service announcement than a letter. Actually it’s a plea. (Well, not the fans of LTR cause we’re normal). Well Rob is also normal. A normal, freakishly handsome, adorkably funny, smart, talented guy who could serenade you as you fall asleep. But for argument’s sake, let’s just say normal.

Over the past year I’ve seen a lot of disturbing images floating around the interwebs of the crazy that ensues when people are in the presence of HHH. And I thought it’s time someone offered some much needed advice to the clueless.

So I’ve compiled this handy dandy list of Do’s and Don’ts should you have the pleasure (hehehe…she said pleaseure) of meeting Edwa…er, I mean Rob.


Do not, I repeat, do not attack Rob.
I know it sounds obvious. But it frightens Rob. If you’re not sure what constitutes attacking, please review Exhibits A – C below.

Exhibit A: A bodyguard has to physically pry Rob loose from your kung-fu deathgrip.

Exhibit B: People are pointing and laughing at you.

Exhibit C: Rob looks like this. If he does, you should take your knitted beret and your Nikon Coolpix a few feet back cause you is crazy.

Don’t ask him to sign your Team Jacob schwag.
Actually, “do“, cause Rob has openly admitted he’s Team Jacob. Go wolves!

Don’t get down on your knees. (Editor’s Note: At least not in public.)
Otherwise you’re gonna be caught by the paps looking like Rob just found you on the corner of Hollywood and Vine. Doesn’t matter if you dropped your lucky penny or Rob’s Samba’s are untied (which they usually are). Keep your knees off the pavement. Capish?

Don’t ask Rob to sign your NC17 FanFic about Rob as a homeless man who is rescued by Bella, a young shoe saleswoman.

Don’t forget to spellcheck your fanart.
Rob’s smart. He reads books with authors names I can’t pronounce. Give the dude some credit and ask your tutor or remedial English teacher to proofread your work. Seriesly.

Don’t harsh Rob’s buzz.
If you’re out getting shit-housed, playing hour of power at your local pub and you see Rob chillaxing in the corner with a Heiny, be civil. No need to hook ‘em horns or whatever hand gesture signifies that you are intoxicated.

Don’t wear this outfit.
Like ever. Even if you are his agent a big fan.

Don’t worship wax Rob.
It’s totally cool if you have friends from out of town and you head on over to Madame T’s for some shits n’ giggles, but please, please don’t bring fan schwag. Maybe if actually resembled Rob and not a cross between Stephen Moyer and Luke Perry. But no.

Bu-bu-buuutttt what CAN I do? Good question.. find out after the jump! Read More…

Posted by: themoonisdown | May 11, 2010

Rob, did you break up with someone?

Who could break up with this guy?

Dear Rob,

This isn’t going to be one of my normal letters to you where I make a few dirty jokes, drop a “that’s what she said” and then photoshop you with a mullet  and it may not really fall under Roblosophy but…

My roommate just broke up with her boyfriend. Have you ever been there? I won’t mention the big ginormous elephant in the room, since we’ve gotten pretty good at just ignoring it but have you ever been the one to realize it was time to call off something that in the end just wasn’t good for you? Even when you loved the person and cared for them with a love much deeper than that just boyfriend/girlfriend love it was a truly meaningful friendship above all else. But in the end you knew you weren’t meant for each other and no matter how much it hurt it was better to be apart? If you have, than you know how rough that can be. How do you put an end to a very deep friendship, that’s beyond the physical attraction and general good times? It’s not easy, is it? And how do you suggest we cope? Can we take a few hints from your life?

Take out a good friend who will listen for a drink – I’m sure you’ve sat with TomStu for hours after he (or you) have broken up with someone, downed a ton of few beers and just talk about life and google “heartbreak quotes” on your phone? Cause that’s what life is really all about.  It’s the “only true currency in this bankrupt world . . . is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool.” (thank you Lester Bangs)

Sing it!

Get creative – Maybe it’s time to write a song. You can’t listen to a song like Never Think and wonder if you’ve ever had this experience.

Binge on wildly unhealthy food for a night (or two weeks) – I’m not gonna lie, my family is from the south so we want to feed people and when the tears started flowing I pulled out the Sprinkles Cupcakes (and then the hummas and then…). Because sometimes you just need a Hot Pocket to make it all better. I’m bet that’s actually your life quote.

Watch ridiculous amounts of TV, Movies and listen to music till you fall asleep when you stand up*. If the Sex and the City gals, the Golden Girls and Jimmy Fallon can’t make it better than we better pull out the big guns:  Sex and the City THE MOVIE, Joni Mitchell Blue album and High Fidelity. Forget the real world for a few minutes and escape… sounds like a little movie we know something about, right?

A lobsert and beer with the pals sounds like a GREAT plan!

And mostly know that no matter how much it hurts you did the best thing for yourself. It’s a sign of maturity and wisdom when you can be true to yourself through difficult decisions and situations. And as cliche as this say is it’s #truefax, time really does heal all wounds.

Rob, I hope you understand that I needed to get more serious tonight. Sometimes life knocks on your door, crying and you answer it.

“Some people think it’s holding on that makes one strong- sometimes it’s letting go.”

Have you ever been in this situation? How did it go? Can we really get life lessons from Robert Pattinson?

Special Note:
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all your readers, the contributors, and UC for the birthday wishes, kind words, tweets, cards and everything else. I love yours faces and wish everyone could be as lucky to have people write you such nice things about them. This has been one of my best birthdays ever. I got to spend it with people I adore and listened to all the music I could stand, ate tons of crap/good food and reflected on how this year will be my year. xo moon

Dear Rob,

Yesterday was Moon’s birthday. Hopefully you remembered and you zipped up the hill to her house & wished her a happy birthday properly in person, but in case you didn’t, I have an idea.

You should date her. I already live vicariously through Moon’s boy stories, and I’m pretty sure I’d enjoy them even MORE if they had words like “Then Rob & I got Kogi & went back to his place.” or “I bought Rob shampoo yesterday- and taught him how to use it.”

So here is a list of 10 reasons why I KNOW you’d like Moon enough to date her:

  1. She’s got a nice Rack
  2. She’s extremely intelligent. She’ll discuss the latest pretentious book you are currently reading (she probably already has it on her nightstand) and then discuss pop culture with you in the next breath
  3. She’ll throw you a damn good birthday theme party- it’ll be something no one has ever thought of before… like a Hot Pocket party or a party where you come dressed as your favorite Frozen Snack (I call the Klondike bar). Or something really cliche- like Harry Potter. (I CALL CHO CHAN)
  4. She’ll introduce you to bands you’ve never heard of and then get you tickets to their shows.
  5. She’s a great DD.
  6. She LOVES to karaoke
  7. She likes younger men
  8. Her mom ALREADY loves you- no pressure there.
  9. She loves dogs. Flash & Patty RIP
  10. Dick & Clare would EAT her up. Seriously. Parents DREAM about their kids bringing home girls like her. Plus she’s NEVER been caught smoking pot by the paparazzi. GRANDMA PATTINSON APPROVED!!

After the jump, enjoy more birthday surprises for Moon!
Read More…

Dear LTR-ers,

This weekends open post is hosted by a couple people because I can’t decide and because it’s my birthday on Sunday and what I say goes, right Rob? Tell the girls. I like what I like and I want it when I want it. And that is definitely a “that’s what she said” sentence for you. I’m going all out after all.

So let’s get to it… for my birthday open post I bring you…

DrunkRob. Omg this picture kills me. This freaking lucky girl got to pose it up with a totally toasted Rob in Vancouver sometime last year. Whoever you are lady we are jealous and hoping you’ve made this your profile picture, your christmas card, your AA member support picture, your graduation announcement, baby announcement, wedding invitation, change of address card, and had it spray painted it onto the hood of your Datsun. THAT’S how much I love it. And besides this is the exact face I will be sporting sometime around 11ish PM Saturday night. Thanks unidentified lucky biznatch and Rob for making my weekend.

Next we have the luckiest girls in Naperville, Illinois

I can’t imagine being a sophomore in Chandler, Arizona loving NSYNC and hoping to see them on some TV show only to open my front door and Justin Timberlake (or JC Chasez, depended on the day) was standing there looking all hot and wanting to come inside my parents house to talk to me about whatever it is you talk to a celeb you’ve never met for 15 minutes and all while wearing an REO Speedwagon shirt. I haven’t even seen the Oprah episode yet but I gotta hand it to you gals for holding it together and ALL of you looking super cute in what is sure to be your Facebook profile picture for eternity or at least until you run into DrunkRob and get your own version of the previous picture.

Don’t let me down girls!

And with that I will bid you farewell and hope you will celebrate with me as I turn Forever 21! (Stop laughing!)

I wanna be forever young… I wanna be forever young…

Seriously, what would you do if Rob showed up at your front door? What would you do with him? G rated! Or maybe PG rated…

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTT, The Forum, Twitter

Posted by: Bekah | May 7, 2010

Rob bringing sexy back… Finally

"and then, we'll drink prune juice, take a walk around the mall and go to bed by 7:45"

Dear Rob,

I’m not gonna lie, your hotness had been waning for me recently. There was a reason I barely talked about your Bel Ami pictures the past couple months- Mr. Darcy Rob doesn’t do it for me. However, that being said, the tides have turned. Suddenly it’s like it’s November 21, 2008 at 10:30 pm. I’m sitting at PF Changs with people who for some reason don’t want to talk about the MASTERPIECE of a movie we just got out of and would rather talk lettuce wraps. Um, no! I just wanted to go home and stay up till 3 am googling that GUY I saw on the SCREEN in those SUNGLASSES and in that PEACOAT. It’s like that… all over again… well, it’s a little different, because by now I know you’ve never owned a jacket resembling anything as nice as that peacoat in your entire life. But still.

I know I’m not alone in how I felt recently either. In convo with EastFriend and Too_Far_Gone yesterday, two friends I met through a shared love of Rob, the following statement was made about new pictures that Lainey posted of Ed Westwick (aka ChuckBass)

omg he would be such a dirty f*ck. but not in the way that rob would be a dirty f*ck – as in he hasn’t showered – i mean, a dirty f*ck as in positions, as in you wouldn’t be able to speak or move afterwards, as in cigarette immediately after dirty f*ck… is it hot in here?

When did your kind of dirty f*ck become the kind that can be fixed with a shower and not the kind that makes us want to run out to our local convenience store and pick up a pack of cigarettes? Oh I know, when you looked like the ancestral pictures of my family on the coffee table at my Grandpa’s house. That’s when. I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit. EastFriend even admitted today that lately you’ve only been in Freebie TEN status on her list- no longer in Freebie 5.

Sorry- that was a lot of negativity at once. I’m about to make it better because…… I think you’ve been looking smokin’ hot lately!!!!! YAY! It’s like Christmas, your birthday and $0.50 day at the Goodwill all at once! But what is it? What changed besides you no longer reminding me of my relatives from the old country?

A. Do you suddenly seem badass for standing up for your principals, i.e. telling David Slade to Hobbit-off?

"Hoodies aren't Serious"

B. Is it because a image from Eclipse was released and you’re in a HOODIE like a normal boy and not wearing clothes from another era?

C. Are you suddenly getting some regularly and it brings out a special Pattinson glow?

D. Is it because you’re freshly shaved? While I love the scruff from time to time, the last vestiges of your 23 year old baby face are killer.

E. How about because you’ve been seen with a GUITAR which means you’re writing new tunes and we can renew our dream of hearing a Rob Pattinson album some day!

F. And you’ve been seen in sunglasses!! Sigh.. you look so adorable in Ray-Bans…

G. Plus “airport Rob” is just an effable Rob. It must be something about you high up in the air, sipping on champy & using those hot towels in first class that just looks GOOD on you!

H. Does the idea of you playing Jacob from Water for Elephants soon and having your ‘thing’ pulled out of your pants by two slutty circus freaks SUCH a turn me on!? (of course)

I. Do you just stand out next to this freakin’ lucky family because they’re in PJs and for once you’re the best dressed in the room? (Sidenote: I know Oprah’s people TOLD them to wear pajamas, but I would’ve rocked a negligee, just in case!)

Is there really nothing different at all, but I’ve just really missed you!? I dunno, but it’s good to have hot Rob back!


What do YOU think? I know there’s a ton who never thought the hottness waned, but I also know I’m not alone. What are you feeling and if you do think Rob’s bringing sexy back, WHY do you think it is!? What has changed!?

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTT, The Forum, Twitter

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