Posted by: Bekah | September 8, 2009

10 things I love about Robert Pattinson (or LTR…)

Dear Rob,

Can you believe it’s been 10 months? No, not since you last washed your hair. Try again. Nope. I think Kristen smiled once back in April. You’re getting closer, but I think it’s been over a year since Hot Pockets had that pepperoni pizza recall (feels just like yesterday, huh? That was a long 4 days…) No no… it’s been eleven months since you bought found your last shirt near a hotel dumpster. Fine. I’ll just tell you. Today is the 10 month anniversary of LTR!

We can’t believe it. It feels just like yesterday that we had 4 commenters (holla christapie, hisoneandonly aja,& vickyb xo), hadn’t yet talked about the Dadcase or confessed our love for “Creepy Uncle” Rob. Where has the time gone? Wait- don’t answer that. Cuz I’m pretty sure life has gone on in the last 10 months, and if I consider how much I’ve missed of it while living in my little “Rob Bubble” (the Robble), it might ruin this momentous moment.

To celebrate our 10 month anniversary. I’ve compiled a list of 10 random things about you, LTR or the past 10 months that are worth celebrating:

Ten Random Things from the Past 10 months

1. Favorite Old School Rob Story: You disappear to London for a few weeks. Panic ensues. Vickyb makes this:

2. Favorite letter written to someone other than Rob: To Rob’s ex girlfriend: I hate you a lot but also want to be your friend.

Some highlights include:

Explain (in detail please) what it was like to kiss Robert. Please provide pictures, if you can, and crop yourself out.
Were you the one to take Robert’s flower? Please explain, in detail, what it was like (maybe not the first time, but after a month or so) Please provide pictures, if you can, and crop yourself out.

3. Favorite Breaking it Down Vanity Fair Style with The Quad: The Tuck

You can’t deny the hilarity of EastFriend & WestFriend before they were given those awesome names:

Friend #1: did he have that sicknast stache glued on?
Friend #2
: no stache. but his hair looks like ALICE! dude.
Friend #1
: I forgive him tenfold.
: looks like a damn wig
you really only saw a teeny tiny view, Friend #1?
Friend #2
: i’m sure it is a piece.
Friend #1
: I wish the wig was long enough to cover the offensive Tuck

4. Favorite Saturday AM Delight: Oh the famed Saturday AM Delight. The day we came up with as an excuse to not have to be creative one day out of the week. I will watch this every Saturday. And wish I could post it every Saturday because no video has even come close to being 2nd best:

5. Favorite Video that still leaves me speechless:

(Go back & watch the video at #4. You’ll thank me. Promise)

6. Favorite thing not about Rob that we’ve made about Rob: Dumpsters.

EastFriend, a women very much in love with her handsome husband, made a joke (ahem) about ‘even being willing to go down on Rob back by a dumpster’ (where you’d obviously be, scavenging for a new shirt). The next thing we know, you’re caught by the paps in front of a church, The Quad discusses the dumpster, and it’s used as code for women all over the world. Not to mention Moon & I get emails on a regular basis of pictures of dumpsters deemed appropriate enough to “meet Rob out by.” Plus now I snicker when I’m stuck behind one of those dumpster removing trash trucks.

7. Favorite real life moment: I went to San Diego & got to meet vickyB & MrsP. Vicky picked me up at the train station. I told her she’d recognize me from the sandwich board sign I’d be wearing that said “Letters to Rob (dot) com.” When I got in Vicky’s car, this was my greeting:


8. Favorite crazy fans: Oh how to choose…… I think the poem from the potential serial killer who uses a pink font wins today:

When I first saw you I couldn’t breathe,
It was like god made you just for me.
When you speak it’s like poetry,
When sing it’s heavenly.

I wanted to confess my love to you but can’t,
For you have gave someone that chance.
Why does love blind me so,
For my love for you will surely grow.

I would do anything to be with you,
Even choking your love until she is blue.
All I dream of is kissing you,
But I know that will never be true.

Our worlds are too different.
You live in the world of gold,
And I live in the world that’s cold.
Oh, why my love can’t you be the boy next door,
Instead of being everyone’s shining star.

I have been looking for someone like you all my life,
Now that I found you I want to be your wife.
Oh sweet lord please make this true,
Because Robert Pattinson, I Love You!

9. Favorite “Lists of 10” I’ve made before today: Easy- I only did one list like that. After explaining Twilight to a virgin friend & saying “Carlisle changed Rob into a vampire” instead of “Edward into a vampire,” I had to confess I may actually like you because you’re Robward

I’ve been telling myself that I crush on you because: 1) you’re incredibly attractive  2) you’re a great actor 3) you’re a great musician 4) you’re extremely humble 5) you just don’t give a damn 6) what else is there to do in the ‘burbs 7) you have a HOT British accent 8 ) you’re hilarious &  sarcastic 9) you have an “I don’t give a sh*t about Hollywood” attitude and 10) you’re so freakin’ hot it’s unbelievable. But it turns out the only reason I actually like you is because you played Edward. You’re my Robward- my subconscious doesn’t lie.

10. Favorite non-famous Rob: Myspace gangsta Rob


So Rob.. what have been your favorite moments of the past 10 months? Going to Cannes? Reading my letter to your mom? Being attacked my fan girls in NYC? There have been so many moments.. it’s so hard to choose. Here’s to another 10 (and since this post has taken me ten hours, I promise I won’t be making lists of “Twenty” if we get there!)


And to our LTRers: You’ve made these past 10 months feel like 10 minutes. You rule. We love you. We hope you know that. We’ll save the real sappy stuff for our 1 year. For now, after the jump, enjoy my Top Ten Hottest Rob pics (and don’t hold me to it- they change daily!)



cff canal celebs 200509


This still counts as 1 picture. Made by the awesome _momof3_ on twitter

This still counts as 1 picture. Made by the awesome _momof3_ on twitter






Thanks to all the awesome ladies on twitter who sent in their fav Rob pics. I was overloaded with hottness!

Moon: Thanks for sending me that card that said “I’m here for you. Unless you’re gonna cry. I hate that shit.” Cuz I love you. You’re the best part of the past 10 months. xo

The Forum is happy we’ve made it to 10 months too!
And LTT is celebrating TEN as well!


  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i love top tens!! and i love you AND RON!!!!!

    but seriously no crying.

    ok maybe some. 😉

    • “RON”

      typo and it stays!! rob always turns into “ron” on my phone.

      ps i still love that milk carton. amazeballs.

      • I don’t know how, but my Ipod Touch recognizes the word “Pattinson”.

        Even Apple can’t resist the power of Ro(n)b.

        • motherfudger! Every five minutes, I realize I am an idiot. I meant auto-corrects.

      • Crap…SNS was me. I used that handle on another website where I WANTed to go incognito due to the “mature” nature of my post.

        Happy Anniversary (lol, like newlyweds, you are still counting the months)!!!

        • and until that comment is moderated, no one is going to know what the hell I’m talking about!

          This FEELS like a Monday!

          • Seez…R U drunk? How late did you stayed up partying last night? Or maybe you got wasted with all the Robliciousness this morning. Can’t say I blame you.

          • ok, not sure why I can’t reply to Dannygirl directly…oh well.

            I prefer your explanation over the reality.

      • amazeballs is right! I love the carton-o-rob. One of my faves is defs the dumpster post. I refer to it often,even in my own blog. Howev just so ya know, we refer to it as blowing him IN a dumpster cuz my slutatstic co- writer decided he was the kind of hot that waranted bib lettuce and old garbage on your fave jeans.

      • My auto fill is crazy…..I was trying to tell my husband to meet me at Jamba Juice and it kept coming out Jambalaya Juice… which he responded “Yum”…..I could puke!

      • LOL, I love Ron WEasley, too.

  2. No crying…I hate that shit.


    Happy Anniversary! I had forgotten all about the Sparklepeen & Vickyb’s milk carton. CLASSICS! Nice walk down memory lane…

    • hahahaha the classics! That’s what we’re calling shiz from 10 mos ago. Oh my how time flies! Some of the best Robward stuff came from the “drought of 08-09” With nothing to do but look at old pics our creative juices were flowing. I lovingly refer to them as the “good ol’ days”

  3. My favorite part of the history of LTR? This post here:
    It was my second day reading the blog and it’s the day I realized LTR was going to be my favorite. The caption under the photo was enough to do me in. Happy 10 month anniversary, Ladies! Thanks for the laughs Moon and UC and everyone else who contributes!

    • Ooooh, I forgot about that post!! Haha, that caption should be in the top 10 list of captions ever!!! Seriously.

      • “picture it….Sicily 1912” ROTFLMAO!

  4. LMAO
    Loved the carton milk. And the Myspace Rob is my all favorite bc it was the first thing I read on LTR. Then I was hooked on LTR.
    Happy 10 months!!!!! Congrats

  5. I love that you used my collage though it was more than one pic. Those were my favs at the time I made it! Hmmmm, 10 months eh! I need to try to go back & figure out which post was my first. My brain doesn’t let me remember things like that. But what ever it was had me hooked, line & sinker!

    • Ok, this is my first post when I started reading, I believe.

      You, on my bed

      I still don’t have an Edward pillow case, can you believe it!

      Now I’ll see if I can find the first post I commented. I know it took me a while to come out of the wood works.

    • Well I am lame, and I was wrong, my first day……

      Distracted by Rob

      Jan 15th!

  6. The milk carton – epic win.

    I believe me – if I had known who LTR or Rob was in Jan 2009, I would have been stalking his arse in SW13, and providing daily pics to LTR 🙂

    Haha, only kidding (sorta).

    Happy 10 months 🙂


    • Meant to say “And believe me”

      Epic FAIL!

  7. OMG!

    That 350 pics in less than 2 minutes just made me fall in love all over again (despite the – Sean William Scott in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back – look that Rob has in a fews of the pics).

    I forget sometimes just how beautiful Rob is.

    Thank you for that. I needed something to make my headache go away and I think that was better than a werewolves presence for Alice.

    : )

    Happy 10 months!

  8. Just watched the second video.


    That is all.

  9. Dear Girls,
    Happy aniversary and thank you for all the good moments that you gave to us.
    Brazilian Girl

  10. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to all of my LTR/LTT ladies and unicorns!!! We have become such a family and for that I wanna say I ❤ U guys!!! UC and Moon you girls are the best!!! 😀

  11. LOVE it all…#2 is how I found you guys…from Google Alerts. Good times.

  12. Video no. 1 just reminds me of what I miss about him these days. Totally and absolutely love his smile. He seems to not want to show his beautiful smile to the world anymore.*sigh*

    Maybe he’ll smile for your anniversary this week! Congratulations. You rock and my day wouldn’t be complete without my daily dose of LTT/LTR.

  13. Happy 10 months to LTR & LTT!

    First, you guys were the first Rob-blog (Roblog?) I found when I googled HHH. I don’t remember which post it was because I have shit for memory, but I do remember LMAO and bookmarking the site immediately.

    Second, hot damn, those pictures are awesome.

    Third, one of my biggest regrets is that I wasn’t around when LTR started. Okay, maybe not, but that would have been cool to be an original.

    Fourth, and to get just a little sappy. UC & Moon, you guys will always be my favorites, because I’ve made some really, really good friends from this site & the forum. So even if I never meet you, you’ll always have a special place in my heart for that reason alone.

    Now I’m going back to watch the vid at #4 so I can get my pervy back.

  14. Of course in all my wanting to see when I first came to LTR craziness, I forgot to say…..

    Happy 10 months Anniversary!

  15. “I would do anything to be with you,
    Even choking your love until she is blue.”
    Seriously, I think Kirsten should be ‘concerned’….

    Love this post as I do all, great excuse to reminisce….start of dream sequence…..I was not here from day one or even week one, I found LTR around the 29th of December 2008 and soon discovered I was far from some sad old lady with an inappropriate lust I was in fact and continue to be ‘That’s Normal!’
    I rejoiced and continued to do so with all you great ladies and unicorns….
    Happy 10 Month Anniversary ❤ to all

  16. Congratulations! Looking forward to many more hilarious LTR posts to make me spit tea first thing in the a.m.

    LTR/LTT is my favorite Rob blog/site. It’s more than just info and pictures-I need the laughs, the support and the therapy LTR provides to get me through this inexplicable, crazy “acute fondness” for this man(who I don’t know and probably never will-but hey,it’s normal.). Oh and thanks for the euphemisms too.

    Happy Anniversary!!

  17. I love how the 250 pictures in 2 minutes is done to savage garden, ahhh the 90’s how I miss thou along with Hawaiian shirts, scrunchies and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. But if your ever feeling nostalgic and want to revisit the 90’s just take a look at Rob at least he is still in the spirit of the 90’s rockin’ the grunge look 🙂
    Happy Anniversary girls, thanks for the daily laughs xx

  18. Happy Anniversary!

    I heard through “word of mouth” about this site and I got here as quickly as I could. It is my daily does of reality, and yes, I mean reality 🙂


  19. Happy 10 month Anniversary! I ♥ you all! You complete my day! True story.

    I loved the milk carton, the letter to Claire, the pictures of Rob looking dead, drunk, etc., the Rob Pattinson drug… fave moments!

    Can’t wait to see what the next 10 months bring!

    * smooches mmmmmmmuuaaahh*

  20. Happy 10th Anniversary. You guys are fuckawesome! And by you guys I mean everybody who comes to this site. It still blows me away that there’s this whole community of people who share the same snarktastic sense of humour. I have never laughed as much as I have since visiting this site. I am hopelessly addicted to this site, dare I say even more so than my addiction to Rob? It’s my crack.

    And now I shall begin fasting and praying for Moon and UC to never run out of crazy funny things to post.

    • please seriously do that. cuz this rob dry-spell is KILLING me!

      • I’M ON IT!

        Ohm, Ohm, Ohm……(in lotus position)….Oh gods of the Robness, I beseech you, cast your loving presence over UC and Moon, that they may never lose the divine power of awesomeness, let them not falter in their quest to bring the goodness of Rob to all who desire it, fill their hearts with snark and bestow upon them the strength to continue living in the light of the Robness. Namaste.

  21. Congratulations Moon and UC! But I’m a little sad…it took me five months to find this site and only another four and a half months to come out of lurkdom – I like it real slow (that’s what she said) and I’ve missed a lot. Y’all are awesome as well as the LTT/LTR community. TammyO and the haters included – I’m feeling all giddy inside from the celebration so I’m sending love and gushes their way too. Keep the fun and laughs coming!

    • we have THREE more movies to get through- plus a lifetime of Rob (Um, kill me if I’m still writing letters to Rob in 10 years, k?) so we’re not going anywhere!!!!

      • Please kill me if I’m still reading in 10 years…not that I wouldn’t mind still reading y’all’s brilliance. It’s just suddenly all I see in my future is me reading about Rob, the plaid, the sparklepeen, dumpsters, etc. surrounded by twenty cats. Y’all are already too much of my everyday life…”you don’t know how long I have waited for y’all.”

  22. Happy Anniversary. Cheers to all great posts to come.
    Thank you UC & Moon for keeping us all normal 🙂

  23. Top Ten Changes In my Life Since L2R/L2T…(I believe I began reading in Jan., so ten months, WOW!!!)

    1. I’m even snarkier…and that’s really sayin something people…

    2. I’m filthier…I think before this blog, I was likened to a college sorority level of filth, now I believe I’ve achieved drunken sailor level. Not bad for a prude.

    3. I read Fan-fiction…see above.

    4. I discovered my untapped (heh) love for dumpsters..

    5. I’d never cried, shot coffee out of my nose, or let a little pee out over reading a blog post before.

    6. I have gotten over my fear of being the RL embodiment of Mrs. Robinson, and instead have embraced it! RWAR!

    7. I have been exposed to new…er…talent…AmanDUH, Twiart, Pattison Pants, etc.

    8. I Tweet.

    9. I know more meaningless, trivial information about complete strangers than is healthy, or necessary.

    10. I made ‘friends’ in a very unlikely, and unexpected way…friends I truly expect to meet in RL someday. Friends who get me, even though they may be younger or older, live far away, etc.

    Good Times,
    xo Pros

    • I’m just going to go ahead and say MEE TOO!!! haha! ❤

      • xo Kristin! And all normal.

        • Mee Three!! Except the pee one…nope never done that!! 😉

          • Meee Four! Never done the coffee out the nose part but proud to pee my pants/knickers whilst reading/thinking of LTR/LTT…..


    • This is all kinds of win! Especially #2!

  24. Happy 10 months! I enjoy this site so much! I love the witty and sarcastic humor! I only wish I came out of lurkdom sooner and visited more often in the past. I can see that I missed so much. 😦 Coming here has definitely fueled my robsession. I know someone will say, “that’s normal!” LOL

    Long live LTT/LTR!

  25. HAPPY ANNI you two!!

    I don’t know the date and I’m too lazy to look it up but the first time I came here was the letter to Rob’s ex-girlfriend. I still giggle when I buy Goldfish for the kids thinking about it being the preferred after-sex snack.

    I love all the people on here too.

    Thanks and see ya again tomorrow…

  26. How can I choose just one? Or even 100? I can’t.

    Each day that you post, you bring the funny…and it is better than the day before. You ladies have truly been touched by the magic stick.

    Rob’s Magic Stick.

    Love you and Happy Anniversary!!

  27. Oh my… some of those pictures are new to me. He really is somethin’. I sent over Rob in the white shirt w/the skinny tie via Twitter last night, and outed myself as a Rob/LTR fanatic to some RL friends in the process. A few are asking why I have pictures of “that Twilight guy” uploaded in Twitpic. Uh… no reason?

    Also, that poem is simultaneously one of the most hilarious and terrifying things I’ve ever read. Hilarifying, if you will.

    “I would do anything to be with you,
    Even choking your love until she is blue.”

    REALLY!? The crazies usually provide for some good entertainment, but ALWAYS result in severe 2nd hand embarrassment.

    WOO Happy 10th! I haven’t been reading since the beginning, which I very strangely feel guilty about. I’m pretty sure that’s not normal. I WISH I had been. Can’t believe I missed out on all the fun for so long… But I am so so so happy to have found you guys. ❤ you long time.

  28. I can’t believe its been 10 months! Its been since the beginning of February since I started reading and I can’t believe that in the last 6 months I’ve pick up a gaggle of crazy new friends, professed my love for Rob (which might I add is my first ever celeb crush) and become utterly addicted to this website. I don’t comment every day because I suck at life, but I laugh outloud every day because of you girls!

    Happy 10 month anniversary! XOXO

  29. Congratulations! 10 months! I don’t remember exactly when I began to read you guys, but I can tell you that since that day, you have made my life so much better and fun.
    You have become part of my daily routine, if I feel a little sad or depressed I know I can smile a little with your posts. They’re amazing.

    So here’s my list:

    10 things LTR / LTT / UC/ MOON has changed in me:

    1. You made me smile a lot more
    2. You made me learn more English (and want to learn more when I don’t understand what you say)
    3. I’ve become an expert at hiding web history
    4. I tweet
    5. I almost don’t feel sorry for telling people (ahem, strangers at book stores) that I love Rob (almost, almost)
    6. Now I have new friends from different countries… and you are all amazing ROB GIRLS! thanks!
    7. I feel a strange sense of familiarity with all the commenters (girls, you all rule)
    8. I hate women with mullets
    9. You’re part of my life now and…
    10. I’m unconditionally and irrevocably devoted to you.

    Thanks girls!!

  30. Happy 10month-sary UC & Moon! Thanks for always providing funny & interesting reading, esp for the 20-something plus Twi-fans. 😉

  31. Newish to this site as well. Started in July…but damn…I can’t get enough! I don’t even want to tell you how many hits Google has tabulated for my visits at work…because I can’t bookmark the page for fear of the wrath of the American Idol loving IT guy.

    Honestly, if the pic wasn’t posted on your website or linked to from your twitter, I probably haven’t seen it. I know, I know, I’m missing out, but I am as Rob-satisfied as I can be without actually engaging in some (spider) monkey loving with him, just from LTT and LTR.

    I’d also like to point out that as hilar and brill and full of win! (all new vocab to me) each post is, the ladies (and occasional unicorn) who comment make the site what it is.

    I’m pretty emo today, so I can’t really bring the funny, but thanks Moon and UC for not ever giving that excuse, because I don’t know what I would do without my daily dose of Rob-snark.

  32. Kinda pissed there’s no DRUNK ROB or even DRUNK RON pics. He is the hotest of the hot! Oh the eff well, to each their own….although I’m right!

    Srsly, Awesome list of Top 10 posts. Cannot believe you all have blogged for 10 months. That is some crazy ass shit. Kind of gives one something to aspire to. ❤ your faces!

  33. Happy 10!! I have been lurking around since May, and I must tell you….thanks to you amazing ladies I can actually get through a day of work without killing anyone! 🙂 So many favorites…..the Dad jacket, jitterbug phone, pattinson pants patty, dumpster diving….too many to mention! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next! xo

    You ladies have MASSIVE WIN!!!

    And the good people of NYC thank you!


  34. Happy 10 month! It’s the first year honeymoon when you still celebrate month anniversaries. So sweet!

    So – I’m a bit freaked out by how long I’ve been reading this blog. It seems to be from Jan – just a few weeks after you started. Yikes. Guess that Robsession is not slackening as quickly as I thought it would . . .

    So, my favorite post remains the Rob v. Taylor, though the first Hose ’em down is also a classic. Thanks for giving me so many laughs and an outlet for my “normal” need to read and write about Rob every day.



  35. […] 10 things I love about Robert Pattinson (or LTR…) « Letters to Rob – view page – cached #Letters to Rob RSS Feed Letters to Rob » 10 things I love about Robert Pattinson (or LTR…) Comments Feed Letters to Rob Vanity Fair Outtakes… Happy Labor Day Rob and LTR! — From the page […]

  36. So obviously I have been reading all that stuff again and some posts for the time time. The Joy! I surely missed out!

    This has to be my new favorite line:
    “his other ONE outfit” Hahahaha
    Rob wearing a new shirt would probably be breaking news on E!. Btw, my 14 year old brother lost his white baseball cap at the airport. If anyone finds it, let me know, K?

  37. Congrats girls! Is it a coincidence that my baby is 10 months too! Man, I wish I had discovered you guys sooner, I could have named her after you!!

    You guys are awesome and make my day better!

  38. 10 months?!?! “WOW ABOUT THAT”! Thanks Moon and UC for coming up with great posts to make us laugh everyday. You and all the ladies of LTR/LTT are awesome! Here’s to another 10!

  39. I have to say I loved the letter to Clare. And the milk carton is classic! Happy Anniversary LTR! (and LTT)!

    But I have to mention that I feel deprived that this is the first time I’m seeing that shot of Rob from behind at the airport. 😦 Pic #6 is one of my faves though! Rob looking very James Dean-y. Yes, Please!

  40. Well I am definitely the new kid at school here and I obviously have a lot of catching up to do. 10 months?? I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of hilarity contained in that time span.
    For me, my all time favorite LTT/LTR category is 2nd Hand Embarrassment. I was literally tearing up yesterday trying to explain PattyPants to my husband. And then there was this

    Breaking down my embarrassment

    Forget tearing up, that classic piece of art had me choking.
    All of you are brilliant. I feel like you’ve filled a little hole in my heart. A Hot Pocket shaped hole.

    • Holy Hell! Can’t say I’ve any recollection as to when I first starting popping onto your site, but after seeing such gems as Breaking Down My Embarrassment, I clearly need to work my way through the archives. I’m laughing and crying so hard right now I’m almost embarrassed for myself. Not as embarrassed as if I had that oil painting hanging over my sofa though.

      Congrats on 10 months, and keep up the stellar work ladies!

      • To those who haven’t yet, I strongly suggest reading back through the archives.

        True story: when I finally stumbled upon LTR and LTT just a few months ago, I spent a few weeks reading back through the archives. Every single post. There’s so much hilarity contained within, that it’s a sin not to read it all.

        And yes, I do realize that by admitting to the world I read back through literally 100’s of archived blog posts, that I’m simultaneously admitting that I have no life… But I don’t care. The “antique funnies” are worth it. DO IT.

  41. Has anybody seen the pics of Rob leaving Bobby Long’s concert in Vancouver? It was last night I think. Some of the twilight blogs are all angsty about posting the pics because they’re so “intrusive”. I am in no way knocking the other twi-blogs cause some of them are actually amazing, but what is the deal with that? All the handwringing about posting pics that are supposedly intrusive, yet posting it anyway. Of course they preface it by saying how much they just haaate doing it. Hypocritical much? We all feed into this vicious cycle cause we want to see pics dammit. No use getting all prissy and sanctimonious about it. I realise that it must suck for the cast to have their every move photographed, but they know they are gonna be papped pretty much everywhere they go. All the attention is not unexpected. I’m ranting, but I’m just tired of pretentious blogs not owning up to the Robsession.

  42. GAH UC, you trying to kill me? I’m working here! Well, barely working haha. 🙂

    LOVE these photos…love love love. Can’t wait to see more. I want a Rob-a-day callendar. I wonder if he knows how much we admire/love/obsess over him. I think we should tell Peter to show Rob this site. Wonder what he’d do…

    I’m kissing my Edward doll in your honor.


  43. Happy Anniversary LTR!!!
    I don’t remember the exact date, it was in April sometime. I refer to that bleak time as BLTR. (Before LTR) I’m so glad I found you. Friends and family nearly had me convinced I had a serious problem. Now, I know “that’s normal”.

    You guys give me the courage to express my intense devotion to Rob and never fail to start my day with a smile. I love you guys.

  44. I never post, but visit daily! So glad you have been around for 10 months! Congrats! Love the site…I need my daily Robward fix and the commentary cracks me up!

  45. dudes if I even start to think about the amount of time I have spent in these sites on the last 8 months…i was a late conversion (I refused to go to a site called ltr bc I thought I was going to be letters from 13 year old fangirls boy oh boy was I wrong.) anyways… If I were to think about the time I spent not cleaning my apartment not doing my homework being late for work bc I was reading ltt/ ltr it would make me sick. All in all I’m glad I found you guys. Love your faces and of course I love me some Ron.
    Ps I love calling him ron bc for some reason my phone always switches rob to ron in auto text.

    • Ron!

  46. Ooopsie! Totally got all excited and posted my comment on the wrong day…OMG!! I am so honored to be included in the OG’s that first found (and secretly wanted to keep all to myself b/c I thought you really were Rob) your awesome blog! I have met so many awesome people thru my love*obsession* of all things Twi/Rob and I am so glad you decided to share your love*obsession* with the world

  47. Wow.. how do you pick a top ten list of things to love about Rob. I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to narrow it down to 10, that is for sure!!

    Awww Happy 10-monthiversary! Thank you both (as well as the awesome ladies (and ‘corn(s)) who leave comments and the haters too) for the laughs and for helping a girl feel “normal”.

  48. Two words, ladies: AWE-SOME!
    Love both top 10 lists on LTR/LTT! Love, love, love to love Rob and you girls! And congrats on your 10-month anniversary! Aww, how sweet!
    Here’s to the next 10 months, and more! Cheers!


    I do have a bone to pick with you girls, though. I had almost completely repressed that shitastic Bedtime Stories video from my brain and now you have brought it to the front and center of my mind again. Dammit!

    S’okay…I still love you guys. I’ll forgive you just this once, b/c I have had 8 and a half months of hilarity and Normalcy thanks to LTT and LTR. I started lurking way back in December even though it took me months to comment. Can’t imagine the internet without you guys.

  50. You gals are sofa king great. I wouldn’t be here without you (obviously)! MWAH!!!

    Now, all you MILFS (and Dadicorns), put your kids in front of the boob tube (did you know Baby Einstein has a continuous play option!?) and come celebrate 10 happy months of Roblove over in the Forum!

    I just posted a fantastic pic of the Sparklepeen.

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