Posted by: themoonisdown | August 25, 2009

Rob’s Mailbag, When people think we’re Robert Pattinson

Dear Rob,

Running this lil blog here sometimes confuses “special” people and they think we’re really you, which is odd cause why would you write letters to yourself?! But that is neither here nor there.  So as it turns out we receieve tons of emails and one thing I’ve learned from readers these emails is that any time someone says “I’m not one of those crazy fans” or “I’m not crazy” THEY ARE. 100% certifiable, bat shit crazy! Generally people “get it” but then there are the “special” people who think we ARE you, Robert Pattinson and well, what do we do? Yup, we post them on here and answer them! Fun, no?

Oh and I’m not one of those “crazy” fans,

Just call me Ransom, SPUNK Ransom that is

Just call me Ransom, SPUNK Ransom that is

Dear Rob,

I have just 1 question. Why do you want your name changed to spunk ransom?

Love, Questioning in Quincy

Dear Questioning,

Great, uh, question! As a matter of fact I think Rob was either drunk, sleep deprived or on a 5 hour energy bender and just blurted out the first two words he could come up with. And yes he chose a word that is synonymous with seminal fluid. Yup, wrong on so many levels.

See: bad idea that will never die

Spunk Moon

(this next one has been edited for length, trust me this is all you’ll want)

Follow the cut to read more of Rob’s letters!

Doing that "Cullen Smile"

Doing that "Cullen Smile"

Dear Mr. Pattinson

I been wanting to do this and that is to write to you after 5 months that you and your twilight family did the twilight movie anyhow I wanted to say you all did a  really great job. And to let you know that I am not like those crazy fan’s or some magazine company or some net work want to talk to you every time you do a movie.

anyhow I just want to say I know how twilight would win I just did not care witch away it wild start off in. and you all won  a lot of awards and I love the almost kissing scene you and Kristen stewart did on mtv awards and that day that make me do a Cullen smile.

Anyhow I just can not wait to see it in the movies. but I know you all are starting to film the eclipse movie and I just wish I was there in person to watch all of you doing a scene. Anyhow what ever happens in the movie you all will do a good job. And what you will do after new moon and eclipse and breaking dawn are done I will always still be watching and being a fan.

That "older actor" guy

That "older actor" guy

I started watching the older male actor’s who plays your father and dr. did his part as a vampire. Doing his smooth walking in a room in a hospital make me smile. and then before I went to a book store and I buy audio tapes on twilight and new moon and eclipse and breaking dawn I list to it and that’s when I want to got to a book store and got it and I started to read It and  I just love the book’s  and that’s I can image of each movie and how the story gose on I truly understand the story of Mrs. Meyer books came to alive and I will love new moon and eclipse and breaking dawn it was because of you all playing these people it like wow.   And if I every got the chance to say to you all from cast to every crew member’s to say thank you for all you have put into it and thank you all the cast for making Mrs. Meyer books come to alive I love the fight the laughing and sadness and a lot of war war 1 in the movie that I am sure it will have it can of odd for me I feel like I can relate to avery part of the movie even relate to the Cullen and the blacks even  relate to Bella and her to left feet and cooking and some always I can image why the reason why she was born and way she move to forks.

Any how take care and do not for get to smile and the cast will when more awards even Taylor launder will win a awards at some point and when that dose happen I be watching on TV preying and shouting out aloud that you all won again yesssssssssssss.

From: Not a crazy fan or Magazine Company, female age 36 from Tampa Bay Florida USA.

Dear Not a crazy,

5 months?! What took you so long? Was it that crazy magazine company you work for or the network who wants something from Rob? I’m pretty sure Rob isn’t interested in whatever magazine subscriptions you’re trying to sell but you might try that “old actor who plays his father.” I hear he likes to read the AARP quarterly magazine and the Readers Digest.

While we’re on it crazy can you let me know where the World War I stuff happens in Twilight, because I’m pretty sure Twilight takes places in Forks, WASHINGTON which is in the US and World War I was in Europe… but maybe I’m the crazy one here.

Oh and I’ll be sure to pass this along to Taylor Launder, I’m sure he’d love to know that at some point he too could win some awards!

And yes, that makes me do a “Cullen Smile”
Ms. Moon

Rob and Tom. BFFs? Or Lovers...?

Rob and Tom. BFFs? Or Lovers...?

Hi Rob,

i just read u want to go back to london i dont blame you the girls here are crazy and your not use to that it just feels like you hate your fans even me. but i would never do that, i mean if i met you i would not scream or try to pull your cloths off i would say hello i love all of your movies and your a hardworker. lol if i was you i would take a break from all the fame and everything to go back to your hometown and just stay there for awhile and get to know your fans  and see your friends and family there that’s what i would do just keep up your good hard work and take a break once in awhile and try to ignore the papparazzi i hate them so much lol

Love, London Lover

p:s: loved you in Vanity Fair

Dear London Lover,

Is that you Tom Stu? Seriously, sending us a letter for Rob? Is it that bad? Kristen stole your man and now you’re all alone with no one to share a plaid shirt with? I’m sorry pal, why don’t you turn on some Clay Aiken and remember the good times.



Dear Rob,

Even though I’m not completely sure you will be reading this anytime soon (honestly, I’m not 100% you’ll read it, I hope I’m wrong), I have a few things to say to you related to the scariest thing a movie star can ever have: crazy and obssessed fangirls. Yes, you did not misread that.

Being a huge fan I am of the Twilight movies/books and everything related to them, I just can say that I sort of feel a little bit sorry for you. The reason? We Twifans are crazy and would do anything to meet the hottie that plays Edward Cullen in our beloved movies.

Seriously, I was there when you came to present “Twilight” to Mexico City. I was behind the security line at the movies (Cinemex) when some girl yelled:”He’s leaving!” (she, of course, meaning you) and everyone started running towards the emergency exit to try to see a glimpse of you. I saw all possible videos of how you were trying to escape (remember the crazy chick on top of your van? don’t worry, that was not me) and even made a group on Facebook entitled “For those who were angry because Rob couldn’t come out to say hello at Cinemex”. Your life is not easy at all.

But now, after everything I have seen, I have finally understood something: you are really down to Earth when fame is involved. Yeah, even when Earth is infested with girls trying to touch you, tackle you, kiss you etc etc. I am amazed on how you have controlled all this. If I were you, I would be totally freaking out (in a paranoid way).

That being said, I only have a few more things to add.

A couple of days ago, I dreamed about you. Yes, I’m kind of ashamed of that being written in this letter, but I can’t control my subconcious. In that dream, I was asking you “How can you handle this level of fame?, I mean, those stalking girls are crazy!” I woke up before you actually told me.

Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that, even though you are always surrounded by people that are crazy about you, you still look easy-going. Wow about that!

Good luck in these upcoming weeks with your new movie and crazy fans.

Lots of love from Mexico!

PS: I also hope that you’re OK about that cab incident, and I want to clarify that not all fans are like that. (Btw, I’m not a crazy fan either)

Dear Love from Mexico,

Stop lying you WERE the crazy girl on top of the van! And you not the girl who created the “For those who were angry because Rob couldn’t come out to say hello at Cinemex” Facebook group, you created the “So happy I climbed on top of the van at Cinemex and saw ROB while the rest of you losers didn’t!” Facebook group. Be truthful now.

Moon on top of the van

Oh and everyone turn the other way… this next one is a special one just for the man himself.

Hey Rob, someone sent this in and we think it got in our mailbag by accident…

For you


(for serious!)


  1. “Wow about that!”

    I think that right there dear sweet friends, sums up this entire post…..

    • i think i might make “wow about that” my new saying!

  2. After reading all the comments I’m laughing so hard at you guys who it took you a second to know she meant “The Blacks” and not “the blacks” in the tardo letter. Oh, I love all you girls!!!


    • “The tardo letter” LMFAO…oh we are SOOOOOO going to hell, all of us.

      I shall correct…she is “thpethial.”

    • Must agree, that was a bit of a fail on my fave ladies’ part.

      The brilliance of the post and every other comment makes up for it thoroughly, however.

  3. I am speachless.
    Idoit overload.

  4. UC I LOVE< LOVE< LOVE your article on

    Twilight fans in an uproar over news of Kristen Stewart nudity

    "Two words: photo shop" lmfao……still laughing

    P.S. Is it normal that I follow you not only at this sight but also on twitter?!? unintendedchoession?!?

    I heart UC 🙂

    • oh wow! you’re my favorite!

    • I have a total fan-girl, Epic, “equal only to the way I felt about Hanson in 1998” crush on UC/Moon these days.

      But I love Rob more than you. Well, maybe not more…just different.

      Rob love involves a lot more sweaty nakedness.

      • sweaty nakedness?! we love a good sauna!

        also equal only to hanson?! OMG love you. mmmmbop!

        • LTT/LTR sauna field trip!! But only if Rob can be naked and sweaty with us.

          Moon, if you knew me in 1998 when I was a 14 year old teenybopper (btw, why do the kids now get to be called tweens…sounds much more respectable that teenybopper) you would understand the magnitude of that statement. Me ❤ Moon, UC and all the goodwill you have brought unto the internets.

          p.s. I couldn't decide between nudity and nakedness in the original post, but nakedness sounded more biblical, as in the sense in which I wish to get to know Rob.

  5. You’re so right… “I’M NOT A CRAZY FAN!” immediately = thou doth protest too much.

  6. Oh my…I couldn’t even get halfway thru that second letter. Hats off to you Moon & Unintended Choice for even TRYING to decipher those nonsensical ramblings! Yes, Rob be afraid, very afraid of your “not crazy” fans!

    • Hey! Your avatar looks like mine, except yours is blowing chunks or something.

  7. UC was that your tweet on twitter???

    Thinking of trying to ‘cyber’ w/ the girl who sent in her pic to ‘rob.’ I’l pretend to be Rob of course…

    can I play too????

  8. Oh.

    I used to think Rob was overreacting about being so paranoid. Now, I completely understand why.

    Deer all yous beothces

    Why ure you so meen to me and all th others whu luv ron and the old guy and the blacks and ww1 so much I am not crazy I just listened to the stories and rully and like cookeez and the sun is out. Dew u like my bathroom? It is super cool and and I had a dream and tomoroow is foinfg to rain and ia m want to see u filem. I will bwe the one outside ur window and u r supr hot.

    Can you imagine the letters that Rob gets?
    Poor boy….

    • LMAO! I’m going to press the thumbs up repeatedly just for you. Mwah!

  9. Moon fess up.. that one pic was really you AND you work for the agency that reps Rob (Endevor/William Morris) so you’re the one that goes through all his looney fan mail, and that’s were you got the idea to do this blog…

    you poor child!
    hands you a vicodine and a brew.

    keep up the good work.
    Making us laugh 24×7.

    • thanks for the booze… ill need it to take more half nakey pics!

  10. Hahahaha!! WOW. The letter written by the woman from Miami is by far the best one. Any chance she was *trying* to be as funny as you or UC…? jk

    • *Cough* and by Miami, I meant FLORIDA… I swear, I’m smart! 😉

  11. rofl!
    i died at the last pic.
    i wonder if women have ever been crazy enough to send naked pics of themselves to him.
    but, some women will go to ANY extent, so im sure that at least someone has done this, unfortunately.
    but that just makes me want to cuddle up to him and cover his eyes and erase that memory…
    okay now im just rambling, but UC and Moon, thanks for another great post, you guys always know how to brighten my day!

  12. […] Rob’s Mailbag, When people think we’re Robert Pattinson « Letters to Rob – view page – cached #Letters to Rob RSS Feed Letters to Rob » Rob’s Mailbag, When people think we’re Robert Pattinson Comments Feed Letters to Rob Vanity Fair Outtakes… What if Rob wasn’t famous: the Wedding crasher edition — From the page […]

  13. “More Spunk” please.

    • That’s what she said

  14. Just two things…

    1. The 4th letter make me feel 2nd-hand embarrassed of being mexican. Just like Natsu says “she just made the whole city look dumb” but this girl made the whole COUNTRY look like crazy stalkers. Please forgive her… well, not, better send her an e-mail and tell that Rob wants to keep “in touch” with her and so she will send more letters and you can laugh of her…

    2. “the first time i read it i was like WHAT?! had to reread that blacks line like 4 times.” LMAO! I did the same thing Moon

    • umm.. i think the 2nd letter from Florida has Mexico beat- she has proven people from the states are the dumbest!

  15. Funny how the girl from Mexico had better spelling and grammar than the American from FL… and, poor thing, give it to the girl in the pic. At least she got a trash can on the background (not like some others that I’ve seen that don’t even flush and take the pic with a floater in the shot…)

    Keep sharing! My eyes may suffer but my heart laughs! (and tears up a bit too…)

    P.S.> 1st post ever, 😛

    • yay!!! thanks for commenting! X

      • You’re still getting to the newbies, and I still love you for it.

  16. Of course, you know that the girl in Mexico is also the van-babe. Too funny that they all seemed to want Rob to be sure that they weren’t nutbars. I’m wondering – doesn’t it mean we aren’t real fangirls because we don’t jump on top of vehicles. Well *I* don’t. Really. Honest, Rob.

  17. I have seriously been sitting here laughing until tears are streaming down my face. LTR and LTT were both so hilarious today. My dogs are looking at me like I’ve lost it! I am dying!

  18. “you created the “So happy I climbed on top of the van at Cinemex and saw ROB while the rest of you losers didn’t!” Facebook group.”

    God!!! hahaha i’m still laughing about this…

    that’s why you need to come to the Monterrey Premier this year….we all hate those freaks from Mexico City…we’re better you’ll see

  19. This post is probably the funniest I’ve read so far!!! LOL
    I think I can understand why all those fans would send you those emails… english not being my first language and all…
    I think U are the ones to blame for that… in a way… at the very least.
    You guys are so CONVINCING when you ‘write to rob’ that a newcomer very likely would think ‘Great! a website where you can post letters to Rob Pattinson… I’m sure he actually gets to read them!’ jaja
    Next step: Writte the email and send it TO YOU! Who in their strange, not understanding and (of course!) not crazy fan BRAIN, are the very commited workers that decide which email stays and which goes… who knows where!
    There you have it! It’s really, really convincing at times… I think!
    So stop being so serious about the letters!!! LOL
    Ok. 4 Real. You guys are very good at this (I’m a journalism-soon-to-be-graduate… I spend my day making notice of what other people is writting) and in some cases, for the first time, your blog might confuse some people ’cause u writte as if HE was right there reading this, and some fans are just so …NOT THAT CRAZY about him!
    Great site!
    PS: Pardon my french!

  20. Any LOTN around??

    • Hi FN.

      • How’s it goin?

        • I’m doing fine. Packing again for the next 2 days. It always takes so long to get ready.

          • Oh man! I forgot you were leaving. Where are you going again?

          • To the cabin in SD. A week.

          • Oh yeah! I remember now! I’ll miss you!

          • I was going to say a bit early to be packing for San Antonio in Oct isn’t it E?

          • Oh, I wish Lizzie! I think I’ll be at my quota for trips this year.

          • Trust me E, it is So going to happen, have faith obe-one-kenobi

          • Oh that would be so cool!!

  21. Packing your FF notebook, Ee?
    That must way a tonne by this stage.

    • No, no notebook. lol I think there will be room for a couple hundred more.

      • How will you survive w/out FF??? It’s dreadful. Trust me! lol

      • think of how many updates you are going to have when you get back, we won’t hear from you for ages while you catch up. *sad panda face*

        • FN, it’s going to be very tough. But I’m taking Haunted along and Jenny’s Poison Study and EP’s Hugo Cabret–pretty good that they all came in at once, huh?

          L, I KNOW! I’ll have sooo many updates to look forward to!

          • you need to take all 3 of the study series, E, hope you love them I sure did

          • Well, you’ll get a chance to read something with some new characters! lol

          • I’ll be taking my Twilight CDs and hopefully NM too. We’ve got lots of movies there to watch and I’m really going to try to learn more about this fancy camera.

          • Nuggety, new characters?!
            Gasps with disbelief.
            Do these things exist?
            I don’t remember the last time that I read something that didn’t have an Edward or a Bella in it.

          • Oooo…good luck with your fancy new camera!

            LOL Nat! I do believe those stories are still out there. I didn’t believe it at first either 😉

          • I think you are talking about a MYTH, Nuggety.

            Surely these things do not exist.

            Something that I’d heard of, in the dim past, but didn’t actually believe to be real… a land where other characters exist in fiction…where there is no Bella, Edward or Forks…

      • Well, there is over 100,000 now, so…
        Speaking of the famous notebook, how does it work?
        It’s you, Ee, so I’m thinking there is a system in place.

        • Mainly I keep the title, author, when last updated, whether I liked it enough to rec it and that BIG number so I can easily get to it. I mark whether it’s a completed story and note when I’ve finished it. LOL

          • So very organized! I’m jealous.

          • This is very… thorough.

  22. Hey Nat and Lizzie! How’s the future??

    • It’s looking good, Nuggety. Windy as all hell, but satisfactory as a future can be.
      It involves chocolate.

      • thought your wings were looking a little battered there Nat

        • They aren’t Red Bull wings, Lizzie!

          So small for my enormous potato frame, it’s hard to believe that they would keep me in the air for long anyway, so battered they are. And chocolatey, apparently.

    • bit blah, but nothing to be worried about.

      • Thanks gals! I LOVE chocolate! I just had one actually. It was delish.

        • We all love chocolate.
          Can’t wait to be back in the US and indulge my love of Ghiradelli’s. It’s not very affordable at DJ’s.

          • Haha. I just have some plain ol’ Hershey’s. It’s a special, creamy chocolate w/ toffee and almonds…mmmmmm….

          • Now that sounds a lot nicer than my Lindt with fruit and hazelnuts.

          • give it up just go and get some Haighs speckles and berry chocs then all will be right with the world!

          • Lizzie, I have no clue what you’re talking about. But I bet it’s nice.

          • Haighs… will visit there at weekend, Lizzie.. and indulge.

  23. Okay, so should we discuss today’s post??? It makes me sad.

    Related to that, I’m reading CoaN and the grammatical errors are SO ANNOYING!!!

    • jinxed! I win!

      • LOL! Great minds think alike!

    • I get so annoyed with some of these stories and the errors. I have to calm myself down over and over again. Isn’t that the purpose of a beta, to read through it and catch all the spelling/grammatical/wording errors? Some of them should be fired!

      • I always think that exact thing! I don’t get mad at the authors, it’s the betas!

        • If I was going to do a FF, I would have one of you be my beta. Because you’d so nail it. Besides, you understand your FF. What makes a good FF and what makes a bad one.

          • Lemons?

          • LOL. I appreciate that.

        • Given this is all voluntary by the authors and betas while i agree annoying i am prepared to take the lumps especially when you coem across some real gems that are out there. besides we all know there is NO WAY i would dare criticise any typos… pot and kettle I hear you call!

          • You’re right. I would quit reading if it bothered me that much. Which it obviously doesn’t.

          • Lemons!
            Epic Lizzie win.

            But, you know, the most erotic thing I’ve read in FF is in HL5 from the last chapter – that whole pulse thing – and nothing happened!

            Although, I have just re-read my favourite Office moments today. So maybe there is something in that.

          • Agree doesn’t have to actually be lemons, really good and well done UST works sometimes even better, having said that I am not prepared to go completely cold turkey on the good lemons, however the crap ones i am prepared to let go to lemonade, nothing worse than a really sour lemon.

          • Agreed.

            Sometimes, a girl just has to revisit the change room at La Perla or the Super Bowl.

  24. BTW I loved todays blog by Moon, was a cracker.

    • They both have very different styles… but yes, it was a cracker.

      Next RB vid is going to be based on Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego.
      Epic win in the making.

  25. How many entries does the notebook have, Ee?

    • I’m at 58.

      • 58?!
        You’ve read 58 FF?!

        this is *gold*!

      • I’m not prepared to count for fear of embarrassing myself (and having to admit to myself) how many I may or may not have read.

        • I feel like this is a Four Weddings and a Funeral Moment, where I will be Hugh Grant and Ee is clearly Andie McDowell.

          • I’m sure many others have read more. I still read slow.

          • What are you favourites from that 58?
            Is Art after Dark worth it?
            I tried to get in to Mr Horrible, but it didn’t work for me.

          • I loved Mr Horrible, at first wasn’t sure, but i absolutely adore that story now, in my top 5

          • Mr. Horrible is hilarious! lol

          • I have enjoyed Art After 5. It’s a little unconventional but Edward can be so beyond his years. He seems to be the more mature one here. Childhood has such a lasting effect on a person. There’s some heartache and some joy. Also a companion piece from EPOV.

  26. Very excited, just went out and bought the 4th book in a series i am reading (gasp from the peanut gallery not E & B related at all) as it was released today and it still hadn not made it in at lunch time, but just popped over again and now happily in my posession. All smiley face now.

    • What’s the book, mouldy toast goddess?

      • I am just going to put it out there it is ALL stupid bloody Twilight’s freakin fault OK? I had no interest in stupid vampires or anything paranormalish, i used to read literature for goodness sake, and now well i read crap and lost of it! Having said that I have loved the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead, and the 4th book was released today after the third had a cliffhanger ending so have been waiting, waiting, waiting (what is it with authors and keeping their public waiting all the time?). I then read some of her adult stuff and loved those too. She is actually going to be here in Sept at the store I just brought the book from so will pop over.

        • That is gold, Lizzie.
          Should I be buying this to read on my flight to Van in 3 weeks time?

          • Yes, and Richelle actually can write, make sure you get them all though no point going half way, the third book was by far my favourite, she is not afraid to go places that soem other authors (Stephenie) def would not.

          • What, in to some good writing?

          • lol

          • Apparently it doesn’t matter if the writing is shite, as long as the story is good. You will be dazzled.

    • Yay! I’ve been reading a couple non-TW related books myself. I don’t make much progress in them b/c I have priorities, but it’s nice. lol

      • Uni text books don’t count, Nuggety.

        • LOL! I know, I know. I was proud of myself b/c I actually read a chapter. Hopefully, I can stay up to date with my reading assignments.

      • Let me know when you finish if they are any good, i am alwasy up for new bus materials!

        • I’ve read them both before. One is a Stephen King novel called “The Long Walk” and the other is “A Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood.

          • i loved a handmaid’s tale, really interesting book isn’t it?

          • It is. I read it in High School, and it’s good to go back and have a new perspective on everything. I’m catching things I don’t remember noticing here and there. It’s cool.

  27. Hi!

    • well hello there little blue baby – how goes the munchkins?

      • Done with the munchkins until January. At least those munchkins, I’ll have a new batch wating for me in London.

        How are you today, Miss Lizzie?

        • i hope you can understand the new munchkins, although i think from memory you said you were going to an understandable part of London so you should be right.

          And I am excellent thankyou very much, the day is practically done, i have avoided indulging in chocolate (well so far) despite FN and Nat doing their best to make me succumb, I am getting happy holiday vibes from E and you popped up, so all is good.

          • I hope I can understand the new munchkins too, I have a hard time with American children sometimes.

          • you could probably text them, that will work, so long as u r bilingual wt txt

          • I just read the terms of my phone over there, no texting of any kind will be taking place. It’s too expensive. I’ll just have to go with “What?” and “Huh?”

    • Hi EP. Is it still fun?

      • Teaching? I hope so, I’m done for a while, at least here. My life? It’s a little scary right now…

        • Well, yes, your life is about ready to jump off into the abyss but I was just thinking about all those little British kids and their American teacher. You’ll have that strange accent and they’ll want to know all kinds of things about you. At the root of it all though, kids are kids. You’ll have such a good time listening to those sweet British accents and catching their enthusiasm!

          • jinxed with you too E! I am on fire tonight!

          • lol “My strange accent” I never thought of it that way. I’ll be happy to tell them about it though. I’ll be glad to hear their accents as well, it’s been a few days since someone talked to me in a British accent.

          • the right english accent and i melt, put that with him being in a tux and i am a goner, big time… hopefully the kids won’t quite have that effect on you EP.

          • You’re having withdrawals, aren’t you??? LOL

            Oh yeah…btw….HI! 😀

          • No, Lizzie, part of being a teacher is that children don’t have that effect on you. I’ve never been a much of a sucker for the accent anyway, well until recently. But that doesn’t apply to children!

          • Maybe a few withdrawls, yes.

          • see that’s why i am not a teacher…

        • but FUN scary.

          Seems like we are all shaking things up a bit, you guys all just had bobbypalloza, FN moved and started being a grown up, E is off to the cabin (don’t mean for that to sound like a punishment btw E) and will get her jewellery business up and runnung, EP off to London, Ms Jennay graduated and is chillin, Nat is off on hols and I will bring up the rear with my hol in Oct. Not bad ladies, not bad at all.

          • We are very international here.

          • We are an interesting bunch. I’m proud of us being so cool. Go us! lol

          • Aw, FN, you’re a grown up now? Why didn’t you tell me?

          • I’m not *actually* a grown-up yet, I just started the very long journey. It’ll be a few years before I get there. I might have to take detour.

          • she didn’t know it yet, it is a future thing you see, I can see it but you lot can’t!!!! And now I really am out of here


  28. You’re going to London, EP.
    It’ll be great.

  29. Ok loverlies, short but sweet today, i need to finish up a few thinge before tomorrow mroning ao that i can get out of here and start my new book on the bus on the way home.
    ❤ youse all

    • Bye Lizzie!

    • Later Lizzie!

      I’m out too gals! I told myself I’d be in bed by 2:30 (b/c I thought I’d be done w/ CoaN by then).

      Sweet dreams! Talk to y’all tomorrow.

  30. Goodbye Lizzie–have a good time reading tonight.

    Good Night FN. It’s good to sleep….

    • Probably a good time for me to be out too. Night EyeC, enjoy your trip! Later Natalie, if you’re still around.

      • Good Night EP. I will. Sleep well.

  31. OMG what ever goes through these people’s heads to make them write letters like poor things having to be subjected to those sort of ramblings

    i have to say though reading some of the bad grammar and spelling did make me think of rob in the pap video with drunk rob when he says is that even grammatically correct.lmao

  32. friggin hilarious

  33. Um, why does the tag for the pic of Peter Facinelli say “carlisleherpesjpg?” Hmmm… is there something we don’t know? 😉

  34. […] From kids, to divorcees, to Twilight moms, we get letters every DAY from delusional freaks (oops, I mean dedicated fans) who find LTR and think it’s a site where all their dreams will come true and you will answer their fan mail in which they PROVE to you they are not a “crazy fan.” We don’t mind getting these emails. They provide us with countless “Cullen Smiles.” In fact, if it weren’t for one of those very letters, we wouldn’t even know what a Cullen Smile was. Thank you, female, 36, from Tampa, FL, who won a spelling bee in the 1st grade and hasn’t spel…. […]

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