Posted by: themoonisdown | June 16, 2009

Robert Pattinson mobbed in NYC by Twilight fans

Dear Rob-

This just in: some of your fans are crazy psycho lunatics.

What started out a nice Monday with some new pics of you from the set of Remember Me quickly turned into a free-for-all when some fans made a run for it to tackle you after the director yelled “cut.”

Never underestimate the strength of a 15 yr old girl… seriously trust me I still have scars (emotional and physical) from NSYNC concerts circa 1998-2001… those bitches don’t mess around, it was like living through a teenybopper Vietnam. Going to their concert was like preparing for battle: steel toe stilettos and elbows! I learned to maneuver away from the freaks with the best of them hun, let me teach you the proper technique for the next time this arises, cause you know it will.

Witness THE CRAZY:

Of COURSE they have Twilight bags… you can use these for leverage or as a trusty noose to choke a bitch if she gets outta line

See your “bodyguard” has the “pinch a bitch” technique down, if someone’s getting a little too hands-y you just grab on and pinch till your break her forearm like a chicken bone or until a vein pops in her FIVEhead (too big for a forehead)… this is also a good time to sneak in an unintentional boob graze. Though girls like this don’t even deserve it… save that for when you accidentally (of course) bump into an LTR girl in a smokey bar and can’t figure out a non awkward opener.

If you’re feeling sorta nice and you allow a girl a picture, wait till right when she clicks the shutter and then sucker punch her in the gut, she won’t be expecting that!

And for future notice here’s a picture of the perpetrating sluts to hand out to any and all bodyguards, alert the homeland security dept and add to the ‘do not let within a 50 mile radius of you’ list. They appear harmless enough, right? But under their “Forever 21 meets Deliah’s” exterior lies the heart of a ruthless fangirl, or a deranged idiot… only the psychiatric tests they will receieve at Rikers Island after being arresting will tell us the truth. But in the meantime prepare yourself with these simple “step off bitch” techniques I’ve listed for you. Oh and girl in on the left I think I can see your vayjayjay on that outfit.

Hang in there Rob! And use your elbows!

See the rest of the malay over at Lainey Gossip

PS A big smooch to Ted C, you’ll always be our Buttcrack Santa!

Follow the cut if you’re a glutton for the crazy and wanna see VIDEO of the incident and my letter to those girls… it’s not pretty

Dear stupid girls with big FIVEheads-

Seriously girls? I never thought I’d say this but at least the paparazzi seemed a bit more respectful of his personal space than you guys. WOW. And the crying and begging? What in the WORLD did you think would happen by doing that besides creating utter and complete chaos? Would Rob stop and profess his undying love and affection? Would he ask to autograph your Twilight bags because OBVIOUSLY you are the biggest fans EVER!? Heck maybe you thought he would see what flawless beauties you are and ask you to be his leading ladies IN the movie! Well none of that happened and all you ended up doing was making yourselves along with every other fan out there look like crazy assholes. Thanks

I hope all your friends and frenemies find you on Facebook and post these pictures and videos and make merciless fun of you, just because.


PS never get on the bad side of a true Twilight/Rob fan because they make awesome stuff like this:

Found this over at the lovely Forum where it popped off today with all the action… the lovely itsjustme posted this beauty!


Thanks Robrocks via Newmoonmovie


  1. Uc – You should send a “If you are one of the girls who got REALLY close to Rob yesterday I want to interview you to let the world know your great experience” on twitter…
    and when one -or all of them- answer believing that she will be famous… hit her! embarrass her! tell her how much we hate them for doing that to sweet Rob!

    There’s a picture after the B**tch attack and he looks so sad… that’s not what you supposed to do to Rob!

  2. I’m so disturbed by yesterday’s events. It was appauling to see what those girls did to Rob. It crossed the line from admiring fan to losing your fucking mind fan.

    Did anyone see pics from the set today? He looks absolutely miserable. I’m afraid he’s gonna crack from the pressure.

    Those loons were there heckling Rob all morning, yelling his name while he’s filming. Its disgusting. All of it.

    • I know! He looked like he was scared some idiot was going to jump around the corner and tackle him or something. I am so afraid he is gonna crack. He probably wants to run back to London where people hardly even acknowledge his existence.

    • Can you imagine trying to do your job and act w/that kind of sh*t going down? He should get an Oscar if the film is even halfway decent!

  3. Rob, I am sending you healing and recovery thoughts. I know you need them. You’ll be okay. We all pray for you, everyday, every second. But we will never invade your personal space and believe me some of us will never admit that we are Rob fans in real life. LTR girls appreciate whatever you do, whoever you are and so on. But we will never cross the line of appreciation and gratefulness to craziness and real life stalking behaviour.

    Believe me Rob, you will be okay.

    Much love

  4. Love the post Moon and so true! Perfectly said! Thank you.

    Photos and videos like the ones above make me want to cry out of disgust, especially, when all he’s trying to do is work – you know, at his JOB! How frustrating! He’s like a frickin’ groundhog already! If you get to close and he sees his picture – he just runs away. Why do they have to spoil it for the rest of us?

    Dear Rob,

    I apologize on behalf of the entire human race for the existence of PSSs (Psycho Stalker Sluts). Please know that most of us worship at the Church of Rob in private and we love you and we love your work. Please stay strong and stay safe!

    Your Faithful Worshiper,

    P.S. Dear Summit – spend some money and get some damn bodyguards and street security for your most popular actor under contract! There is no reason why that should have happened. None at all. Shame on you!

  5. As I said in Twitter…I will cutabitch. And to use Janetrigs signature word these bitches are FUCKERY!!!!!!!

    K, I’ll stop cussing now.

    UC/Moon this post is RIGHT ON. I swear I want those girls to own up to this so we can inform them how dumb and inappropriate they are.

    • :singing to you::

      Have I told you lately….that I love you?
      Have I told you there’s no one else above you? (except Rob, Jackson, Taylor, Kellan, and Peeetah)
      Fill my heart with gladness
      Take away all my sadness
      Ease my troubles that’s what you do…

      • Girl, don’t sing me Rod Stewart…I will come find your butt and make sweet fake lesbian LURVE to you…or real lesbian love, whatevs.

  6. Ugh… and they even posed after what they did? I mean, I would be utterly embarrassed for doing what they did to Rob. Like, I wouldn’t want my picture up for all the world to see. And did they expect people to be like ‘O.M.G. I wish I was them?’

    Seriously, I watched the video and I got fucking goosebumps everywhere… and not the good kind. The kind where you stomach twist and turns. I hated to see Rob get mobbed by fan girls… actually fan women, cause apparently, these girls also were involved in the whole NSYNC/Backstreet Boys/NKOTB era, so they have had much practice when be annoyingly obsessed.

    So… ladies. I can promise you that if I were to ever stumble across the great presence of Mr. Rob Pattinson, I would not try to jump him with a hug, or take pictures, or scream ‘PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE’ while sobbing.

    AND…. I also don’t own a Twilight bag!! See.. I rock already?

    • My aunt bought me a Twilight bag (not the kind with his face creepily plastered on it). I plan on making it my beach bag, actually. Would I ever treat anyone like this? Heeeeeell no.

      Would I use my periferals to gaze at him longingly if I saw him in personal. Yes. Yes, I would.

      • personal = person

        I can usually form coherant thoughts. I’m just blown away right now.

    • that pic of them posing is a disgrace. How can they be proud of making him wig out and fear for his life? Why didn’t the director send someone over and tell the girls/crowd to STFU and if they don’t they’ll be removed? How can these girls be that defiant?!?

  7. Thank you for this letter! It was the only bright spot after reading and seeing what those pathetic girls did yesterday. I only hope that their friends and family see them all over the internet making complete fools of themselves and let them know how disgraceful they behaved. No one should be attacked like that. That picture of the four of them together smiling makes my stomach turn.

    • I whole-heartedly agree with you, but your comment makes me wonder… where are these girls’ parents? Anybody know? They’re like… 12?!

      Oh Wait! These are the same types of girls who end up on on shows like My Sweet 16 or Bootcamp and eventually Bridezilla. The spoiled brats who don’t know anything about boundaries or the word ‘no.’ Notice the one with the vajayjay hanging out, has a $400 purse from Louis Vuitton.

      Maybe if the parents were actually around and doing some actual parenting – they wouldn’t be Psycho Stalker Sluts. The posed picture at the end makes me truly sick.

  8. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it’s like to live your life like that. Those people thinking they have the right to just grab and touch you and that was horribly disgusting.

    I don’t even know what else to say. That just broke my heart. 😦

  9. I can’t even try and watch the video…. poor baby
    However, you said it all in your post… One more thing to add…..

    Ladies, get a helmet…the short bus is waiting.


  10. So let’s come up with positive strategies for Rob to protect himself from the “Annie Wilkes” type of Misery fan he found himself mauled by yesterday…..

    And while I’m thinking about it – I no longer consider myself a fan thanks to these delightfully deranged “ladies” (why does the song “Soho Whores” come to mind??) who reminded me that FAN is short for FANATIC – I now consider myself an ADMIRER.

    Ideas for Rob

    1 – Arm Rob with his own camera/vid cam & blog site so he can turn the tables by taking pics of the fanatics and pap’s. What do you think? A site called “Walk This Line” or “My Ring of Fire”(a little tribute to Mr Cash)?

    If people could see their actions through his eyes maybe they’d leave him alone like he’s asked in interviews (“If you see me on the street…just ignore me”). Sadly, after yesterday I don’t think this will make much of an impact. I was delusional to feel that healthy guilt might curb some of the exuberant enthusiasm Rob faces. Rob if I ever see you, I promise to ignore you after a warm smile and nod of the head.

    Rob can you hear the echo of “I’m sorry” flowing around the world? I too am sorry for the way you were treated. Although, I remember my dad once telling my ex-husband “Sorry doesn’t mean sh!t!” when he learned I was being abused and the ex apologized. Actions speak louder than words. Be kind, respectful and hello …what happened to treating others the way you would like to be treated? Please! You do make us all look bad….but I digress, oops..

    2 – As an Energy Worker I’d love to teach Rob how to create energetic boundaries for self preservation in his newfound crazy world. It may sound woo wooy, but it works wonders with those energy vamps out there sucking you dry and invading your personal space. Rob, I’m sure there are some great Energy Workers in NY – Stephanie Ritz or Summit – help him out please.

    3 – SECURITY – Yes everyone agrees – Summit you hired tons of security for New Moon – unless you’re purposely putting Rob out there to promote Remember Me by feeding him to the wolvettes on the streets of NY (Oh, please say it isn’t so!) then get on the ball and protect him! If not, we will volunteer and women in battle are much worse than men can even imagine. (Right ladies? I’ll protect my kids more fiercely than myself any day) In fact, you should hire female security for Rob!

    4 – Rob sweetheart, just say NO. We all know you’re a nice, shy guy dumbstruck with this crazy thing called “FAME”. That’s one reason we all adore you. We know you don’t want to offend your fans thereby sabotaging your shooting star career, but HELLO YOU DO HAVE THE RIGHT to SAY NO and to get MAD when people violate your personal space. We ADMIRERS will understand and applaud you for standing up for yourself.

    5 – Hell, turn prankster and carry a water gun! Squirt the unsuspecting, pinch deserving crazies that maul you – it’s okay. We’ll all get a kick out of it!

    I have a ton of ideas, but I’m sure you ladies have some to add as well. In parting…Rob, we want you to have a long, successful career without burning out due to the overwhelming attention thrown at you. Do what you need to do to be happy and healthy. You deserve to have your own life and live it in the manner you desire. Enough said.

    • Totally agree!!!!

    • You know the idea of an all female security is actually a really good idea. A woman with Chuck Norris skills (yes, I know, my second reference) could handle another girl much better than these guys.

      If the guys get ‘TOO’ rough with a little teenybopper her parents could sue cause precious angel got hurt by the big bodyguard.

      Hire some women like Gracie Hart (what movie is that?) and all will be perfect in the world according to Rob.

      • Ah, yes a female with mad skills in the martial arts! Sweet. I like the way you think sasysmart! And Gracie Hart (Sandra Bullock) would be from Miss Congeniality & another great suggestion.

  11. AND ONE MORE THING!!!! I agree, what f***wits are doing his security detail???

    “Let’s give Rob that ONE middle aged security dude, you know, the one with the mean pinch, we shall call him “crabman” WTF…..

    somebody stop me…..


  12. I seriously wanted to cutabitch yesterday. Why the hell would you do that?! He is a person! A human! and a very socially awkward one at that. I must agree…Rob needs him some LTR girls to do the bodygaurding.

    Dear Rob,
    I am so sorry. Just so you know, Nebraska is pretty low key. So if you need to get away….just sayin’. Also, I submitted a resume to be your bodyguard. I will guard your body all day long in bed. It will be easy…just like me…ahem.

  13. Thank you Moon. I think we can all agree – THAT’S NOT NORMAL!!

  14. Your post was hilarious!!! I still have scars from *Nsync too they are never gonna fade or is my hearing going to come back either! 😛

    But poor Rob those girls are crazy b’s!!!! He really needs better security or something…maybe an invisible cloak from Harry Potter when being assaulted by psychos who look like they just came from the red light district?

  15. Thank you Girls!

    We are not all complete idiots running to Rob like that! Last I remembered, he is still Robert and doing a job called acting. This is so bad for me, I might even stop following Twilight. I mean it is sickening to even view. I threw up in my mouth over this!

    When I saw 100 Monkeys and was 5 feet from Jackson I didn’t attack him. I said hi and let him do his job.

    Robert is a human like all the rest of us, not a HOT SPARKLY VAMPIRE-human!!!!!

  16. I honestly couldn’t get through the video. The crazy hurt too much. *Shudders*

    Yeah, dittos about the girl on the left Moon! The first thing I thought when I saw that picture was, if your short pockets are hanging way out of the bottom of your shorts they’re TOO SHORT. Slut.

    I think I need to go bleach my brain now. And maybe look at Rob pics from a far like a normal, nice, sane person.

  17. Seriously? What were they expecting? That he would stop and make out with all of them in appreciation of their obsessing over him. Get a life sista please! I love that they posted these photos thought. it gave me something to laugh at all morning. Stupid Bitches

  18. Crazy ass bitches.

  19. As Moon said:

    Please don’t give up, don’t stop making movies, don’t move to Scotland to become a farmer.

    Hang on, Rob, because there are real fans out
    there who respect and love you and would never attack you.

  20. I could only get about half way through the video . . . I started having a panic attack FOR ROB! STUPID STUPID STUPID skanks! Let the man work for crying out loud.

  21. So…. I’m worried!!!

    After seeing this video I’m in horror mode (like all of us)… My brain managed somehow to connect that definitely when Rob touches his hair he is stressed… it’s like a release technique. Because in a moment like that when he is being dragged for his safety there’s absolutely no reason to touch, his not so long hair that isn’t even going in his face, except trying to soothe himself.

    Then i got to another conclusion. Among Rob’s fans the ones that would just quietly enjoy his presence are like… what? 10% (that’s gotta be almost equal to all of us here at LTR).

    So this thought hit me… and that’s when i started getting worried… WHEN IS THIS MADNESS GOING TO END??? Do you guys think he’ll be able to live a “normal” (star) life after breaking dawn? that the “Crazy stalker cases” in Rob’s life will settle down to a regular steady level (not every other day)?

    Because… yeah… he is really cool… he’s a guy that takes fame wonderfully but… for how long?
    I would have gone a little insane about… 6 months ago! and it’s not the fame… it’s actually all the screaming people and the persecution and the not being able to just you know… chill on a street with out getting mobbed.

    By now I’m also pretty sure that if you ask Rob to describe what hell would look like to him he would say… “Oh.. Well… an Eternal life of screaming girls with cameras… trying to grab me”

    It would be wonderful as a therapy thing (and punishment) to have the same thing happen to these girls… and I’d bet they’ll be crying in the first 5 mins… so yeah… Rob is fudging GRACEFUL About his fans!!

    But then… the worried feeling came in… He’s gonna SNAP one of this days… 😦
    I decided to ask you girls and unicorns… HOW LONG DO YOU THINK IT WILL TAKE FOR HIS LIFE TO GET KINDA STABLE? ( Sigh… there will always be one or two screaming girls, that’s just part of the normal star life)

    I know we are also part of the craziness… but i can honestly say that i doubt that if UC and Moon didn’t run this blog in such a funny, entertaining way, kinda promising me that i will get a laugh out of it almost everyday… i don’t think Rob would be enough to have me checking a website every single day
    ( please don’t throw stuff at me, I bruise.. LOL)

    So… this is about the longest comment i have left… ever! Sorry for the writing… i just kinda write like i talk when it’s some kind of letter. :p

  22. I totally don’t understand why these scary looking girls felt the need to do what they did. Boundries people…personal space…ever heard of it? And I second Samantha a-f*cking-men!

  23. I’m sure it will be a relief when he’s on the set for Eclipse. The security seems to be better. He does look very tired and down in many of the pictures. NYC is overwhelming on a good day, but to have people screaming and jumping at you while trying to remember lines, I can’t imagine how draining that is.

  24. DAMN. Thems some scary ass bitches. Seriously. I actually blushed out of embarASSment when I watched that video.

    I feel so bad for him sometimes. Like I just want to dive in front of the paps and spoil a shot for him, you know?

    OR! I could dive into Rob and knock him to the ground so that he’s out of the shot… and then cry and beg for him to sign my Twilight tote. Because then he will love me eternally.


  25. I can’t get over the fact that these dumb bitches got dressed in those ridiculous outfits and thought that Rob would jump their bones. Especially Curly Sue with her vag hanging out all over the place. Let’s not forget Miss Skull and Crossbones on every item of clothing. And finally, the “I’m so cool” ripped up jeans twins.

    Hey, blue, go home and make you another iron-on letter t-shirt that says, “I’m a fucktard who just made an ass of herself in front of Rob Pattinson.”

    I want to choke these bitches out. I’m still so livid with them!!

    That is all.


  26. Another shocker – these ARE NOT TEEN GIRLS that should be chaperoned by their mommies! Check out the wedding ring on the hand of the neck strangler and the one in the blue shirt looks (BTW – Really like the Red light district ref – so right!! No longer Twilighter’s – they are now Redlighter’s) older than me – I still get carded at 40 so age is a hard thing to read in some people.

    I forgot to add that I love the captioned photo of Rob and the WANTED pic – I lmao. THANKS for channeling my thoughts again!

    I’d love to see those Wanted posters hanging around NY to shame those Redlighter’s! Maybe hang them in the local bars and Starbucks near the movie set & Rob’s hotel. That might give Rob a good laugh! =) I’m too far away, but anyone in NY willing to do it – I’d love pictures!

  27. Dear Rob,

    One question.. did you have the song Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads.. running through your head when this happened to you? Because I sure as hell would.



    Dear Skanky A double snakes Bleaoches,

    Oh you better.. run.. run.. run.. run.. away. Just sayin’.


  28. Aww.. you ladies were nicer than me. I went with the Dear Crazy Bitches.. perhaps I will add “with five heads”, LOL.

    I say we create an underground legion and we head to NYC and stalk these bitches. Ill put the green plaid “my shorts are so short they look like underwear” in a headlock of my own!

  29. At least the bodyguards have learned a lesson from yesterday and they are armed with… an umbrella. Because, you know, that won’t attract attention to him at all and is scary enough to keep crazies away. Yup.

    A friend of mine tweeted me that she had gotten close to Rob shortly before these photos came out and I spent the afternoon looking up asylums in the NYC area, but I am way proud to know that she played it all NYC blase and was not in the slightest bit insane. I can only hope that if ever given the opportunity that I can play it as cool as she did.

  30. Those girls will never get hired for a job…ever. You know…since people google potential hires, now.

    • Made the same point yesterday. I hope one tries to run for a political office and the video come out!

  31. i have no words…

    no litterally no words i wrote a bunch off stuff but deleted it all because well it’s just to weird!!

  32. haha, i think i recognize the blue shirt girl.shes the one i had to bitch slap after she bit my little sister at a jonas brothers concert. looks like she swtiched teams

  33. ZOMG, Immacutabitch, swear to Cheesus. WTF is wrong with these people?!? You don’t just maul/grope/paw another HUMAN BEING. He’s a person, not a fucking stuffed animal. I’m so disgusted right now. You know what’s gonna happen? He’s gonna say “screw this, I’ve made plenty of money, I quit this fuckery.” AND WE NEVER HEAR FROM HIM AGAIN. Is that what these stupid h00rs want? Unbelievable.

  34. OMG love your response!!

  35. I have no word for this.
    ….Just an homicidal rage, that’s all.

  36. oh my god, these girls make my “obsession” of rob look really small. i feel so bad for him. now he’s totally going to be bodyguarded when i go to NY soon :/

    screw you FIVEHEADS. 🙂 thats my new favorite word, thanks moon 🙂

  37. Yeah!
    stupid girls!! we hate them!!

  38. wow…I have to post again after seeing that heartbreaking/infuriating video, which i skipped this morning. How many times does he run his hands through his hair?? he looks about ready to rip it out and his face looks like he’s about to puke. What a fucking fantastic life it must be, hmm?

    If you love/ lust after/ care about/ admire someone, is that the impression you want to leave them with? That you’re a rude, disrespectful, annoying embarrassment of a skanky slut?? Rob can’t feel anything but contempt for these freaks but he still tries to be nice.

    Pathetic skanks like this will ruin Rob for his actual fans-he won’t go anywhere without security and that’ll be it for the normal, respectful fans-no more fan encounters, photos,etc.

    I truly hope this isn’t what Rob thinks of when he imagines his fans.

  39. Oh yeah, well I know you are but what am I?

    I’m so cool ’cause I’m under the age and I gets lots of the sex.

  40. Has anyone seen this article on yesterdays attack:

    The last sentence actually had me laughing out loud.

  41. Has anyone seen this article on yesterday’s attack:

    The last sentence actually had me laughing out loud.

  42. aún estoy molesta por todas esas dis que fans! enojada! muy enojada!

  43. I have never posted here, but Thank You so much for putting this up today! I hope those 4 girls are humiliated now! lol ha ha

    Poor Rob, my heart was twisted yesterday escipally after watching that video. How dare those girls treat him like a piece of man meat for there pleasure, I bet there regretting it now.

    FYI to anyone who intends to hassle, jump, make Rob get upset. Don’T PISS off us Twilighters, your life will be miserable.

    I hope Rob knows NOT all fans are loike that. I live in NJ and havent gone to NY to see filming because I didnt want to feel like I was going to bother him or stalk him. I guess some people see him as a person, some see him as a peice of meat.

    • Welcome to the blog!!!
      Hope to see you around!

  44. I dont understand wuts with the hair on these girls… least if you are gonna put on a wig, try it with your own haircolour?

  45. *pinch-a-bitch* works every time… guaranteed

  46. To the four”Fiveheads”:What the f**k are you doing on Letters To Rob anyway?This is a website for all of us “pathetic undersexed over-the-age women”(and those who are younger and have class)and not for you crazy-ass, psycho, NONSEXED,pathetic skanks!!Oh I’m sure that Rob wanted to take all four of you back to his trailer and make mad, passionate love to all of you, pfft, you wouldn’t know half the things us “undersexed over-the-age women” know anyway!I’m sure that Rob just loves screaming,grabbing, mauling pathetic girls like you!!
    Like Rob said in his papparazzi video the other night, “GO AWAY”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. First off – is that supposed to be a skirt on the girl on the left?
    Secondly – girl on the right has some serious Mall Extensions.
    Poor Rob. I hope he gets checked for the Herp after being touched by those skanks.

  48. First let me say that though I have felt sick over this all day to the point I could not even eat, Moon, you have lifted my spirits for the first lmao of the day with:

    “See your “bodyguard” has the “pinch a bitch” technique down, if someone’s getting a little too hands-y you just grab on and pinch till your break her forearm like a chicken bone or until a vein pops in her FIVEhead (too big for a forehead)”


    Dear Rob,

    I have been at work all morning thinking about this. It has plagued me since I woke up again this morning. I, unfortunately, clicked on the vid yesterday on Twitter and saw what happened to you. I felt immediately sick to my stomach that those women (not 14 year old fangirls), but GROWN women were doing this to you and smiling the whole time as they choked you and tore at your flesh with their fingers. I seriously was strongly disturbed by it. We are all painfully aware of your paranoia that someone will seriously hurt you. I can only imagine what you were thinking experiencing that! I respectfully will admire you from afar esp. after seeing that f*ckery! I hope the poor excuse for body guards you had at least had the common decency after it was over to offer you an antibacterial wipe for your neck and arms. Maybe you should get tested now.

    Virtual Special Hugs, Hot Wet Kisses and Lusty Love only,


  49. Seriously, the photo on robsessed of him with his head tucked between his legs….

    That affected me. Not in that youtube video of the crazy & crying “leave RP alone” 2nd hand embarrassed twi-mom kind of way….but I definitely teared up a bit. He may be a celebrity, but he’s still a person and doesn’t deserve to be assaulted (which is def what it was)…

    And I think we should have a LTR fundraiser to purchase a twigirl-taser for the boy. Then next time, he can zap a bitch to the pavement….

    • haha…love the taser idea!

  50. Firstly: Moon, excellent letter today. Am too knackered to be more witty and eloquent about it. But that doesn’t matter because everyone else has made fab comments.

    Secondly: Rob … you need to learn the bitchface from KStew. I knew she’d have a special purpose one day.

    • EG!!! Hey! how are you??

      • Hi Dany – I’m good. Drowning in yummy Rob pics and surrounded by a desk full of paperwork at 11pm not managing to get much of it done. I have a very creative job … but being self employed I still have shitty paperwork to do and I HATE it. And now I’ve left it for so long I don’t know whether I’m coming or going and all these pics and set reports are so enticing … it is really hard to concentrate on something else that you don’t want to do!

        I wish I worked in films … I could be the props girl handing Rob his coffee and swizzle stick quite happily. Would just have to remember to tie my jaw shut each time.

        • Yes, being the ‘umbrella girl’ does sound appealing sometimes! lol

          I’ve been a little sick this week (just a cold) so I’ve been quite useless in RL. I’ve read a lot of ff though!

          I’ve missed all the girls from the night shift here! Hopefully, I’ll come here later to say hi.

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