Posted by: Bekah | April 10, 2009

It is a good Friday

Dear Rob,

So today is “Good Friday” and I’m thanking God for all the goodness that is you… Robert Thomas Pattinson. Not that I have to remind anyone at LTR why you’re on my mind on this particular Friday, but the reasons are:

You're so cute when you're drunk

You're so cute when you're drunk (and look heart-breakingly sad here)

Cause you looked THIS hot at a movie premiere. And it wasn't your premiere. And the movie was called "Sex Drive"

You looked THIS hot at a movie premiere. And it wasn't even your premiere. And the movie was called "Sex Drive" 'Nuff said!

Because Stephenie Meyer created Edward but you BECAME him.

Because Stephenie Meyer created Edward but you BECAME him.

Porque Mexico se ve bien en ti

Porque Mexico se ve bien en ti

Cuz anyone else in a white beater just looks white trash

Cuz anyone else in a wife beater just looks white trash

Cause you're badass...

Cause you’re badass…

You look so pure and beautiful- like a boy in a man's body

yet you can look so pure....

you look amazing dirty

you look amazing dirty

but you clean up reallllllyyyyy well!

but you clean up reallllllyyyyy well!

Because sometimes.... no caption is necessary...

Because sometimes.... no caption is necessary...

Whether drunk, sober, working, playing, fictional, international, badass, good boy, dirty or clean… today is a good day.

UnintendedChoice (xo)


  1. Why am I thinking that Heidi is only in NM?? Is she in the rest too?? Good LORD I’m glad I’m re-reading the books… I feel like such a bad TwiHard.

    • i thought that too Jbell… unless maybe she was in breaking dawn?

    • yep she is only in New Moon

  2. That was SO great! Those pics of Rob really made my day! I’ve been feeling really annoyed/stressed/blah until just now! THANK YOU!

    • Hello, Renschke! Yeah, this is our daily fix, works everytime! lol

  3. After seeing the new set photos, I’m going to be a disasterous mess when Edward leaves. I was going to be a disasterous mess anyway, but look at him…I’m really going to be a disasterous mess! By the way, did I mention I’m going to be a disasterious mess? I know they are going to include him as much as possible as they can with still staying true to the book, but it’s gonna crush me. I don’t know what will be worse, the scene where he actually breaks up with Bella or the fact that I will know he won’t be around much and I’ll have to deal with Jacob Quack for 2 hours. Oy the agony!

    • Jacob Quack! LMAO!!!!!

  4. @Jena: Hey!! Sorry for the late response, I’m reading WA, so I got carried away lol.

    I’m sorry to hear you have to be working today…what do you do for a living? I’ve never asked you that…

    • I work for an independent insurance agency
      in property and casualty insurance. I work with my mom.

      • Really? Is it sick that I started thinking what kind of insurance you could offer Rob? yeah, I know, it is LOL

        • LMAO! I’ve already wondered what company he had the clown
          car insured with, LMAO!

          I actually got a degree in social work, I worked with
          troubled youth for 3 years outside of college and got so
          burnt out with it and wanted a change,
          then this job opened up and I took it and
          I love it. I enjoy working with my mom as we are BF’s so we
          get along tremendously. But being infront of a computer all day
          I have slack issues as you can tell, LMAO! But I love it here,
          I just leave you guys up and minimized all day! 🙂

  5. a nice little writeup on our twi-gang:

  6. Good afternoon ladies! Yes it is a ‘Good God’ Rob Friday!. I was just running through posts and trying to stay a little caught up on the day. I noticed some of you asking about our Rob project – HOPEFULLY it will be ready tonight. It is our first video attempt so it has required lots of ‘tweaking’. Anyway, maybe around 9pm tonight we can premiere. Sorry, WTM. I know you requested us to wait, but the anticipation is killing me! When you get back in town, all you have to do is ask and we will gladly repost.
    Gotta run kids to horribly expensive orthodontist!
    Be back tonight!
    Also, Hi to all our newbies! Welcome! This place is a little crazy and alot of fun!
    See ya’ll later!

    • Rob project? Vas ist das? Where the hell have I been? LOL!

    • Hi Soccermom *waves* CAN’T WAIT!!!! ❤

      • Hey Gen!!! So waiting for the classic Mustang moment this afternoon. Let us know when you are free and clear.

  7. I also have to admit I wasn’t much of a Kristen fan until I read about the bathroom encounter with the fans. That’s really restored my faith in her. I think I understand her a bit more now. I’m still jealous as hell that she gets to kiss Rob, but at least I don’t think evil thoughts of her anymore…..

  8. @Calliope: Stupid work called me away so I couldn’t respond to our Hardwicke discussion, but basically I agree with everything you said, and I’m glad we’re on the same page!
    p.s. – did anyone else get mad at the “you can google it” line?

  9. Gee Whiz! I have been trying to catch up and you guys keep adding posts. Waaaiiiittttt!!!

    @Jena: Wasn’t it Ayden who had the uterine comment? I really liked your “holy water” addition. BTW, I miss our smartypants Ayden. Where is that Oakey (or is she an Arkey? – can’t remember).

    And, one more thang I’ve been meaning to tell you Jena – you come up with the BEST one liner comments! I mean “vas is dast”?!?! ROFLMFAO. You had a couple of wingdingers yesterday too. Very granny stuff, but so incredibly classic. Darn – which I could remember which one made me pee myself yesterday. Think, byrdie, think!

    • Hey! Sorry I missed your reply last night (I found it as I was trying to catch up) – Glad we have the same plan 🙂

      • Remember our line at the bar: “two shots, two beers”

        • Haha, on it.

    • LOL! Awww, I’m glad I could make you laugh! Thanks Byrdie!
      And yeah, I think it was Ayden.
      I think she’s swamped in school stuff!

      • You and I never really cross paths during the day too much, so I’ve been meaning to let you know about your dazzling self. Unfortunately, they are always those little quips that just don’t render themselves for much later commentary. Really have to be “here and present” to let you know how much I appreciate them. Classic!

    • Hey Byrdie- I agree. Jena is made of brilliance! ‘vas is dast’!!! LOL

      • You know, I took 4 years of German in high school
        and I think that’s the only thing I can remember to say.
        That and vulgar stuff, LOL!
        I can say “I got on a plane” and “my name is” and
        ask “what time is it” but everything else….pfffttt,
        I don’t know where the hell it went!

        Hi Gen! How’s it going with your guests?

        • @Jena- Good thanks. They’re gone for the moment but will be back shortly. I’ll email asap!

    • HEY BYRDIE!!!

      Girls, i’m off to lunch, but be back in a little while. Hugsª!

      • Hey Cakes! I’m off to Target soon!



      HE LOOKS SO GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      “How am I suppose to tell you how I feel? I need oxygen!”

    • Gah this is before they break up, when she’s documenting everything with pictures! I didn’t think they’d look so happy though in these scenes, maybe they weren’t rolling.

    • OK, so no one jump on me about this, because I’m just asking. Does he wear some kind of veneers while being Edward, or is it just that I haven’t seen him truly smile in RL to know what his teeth look like. I kept thinking that during the movie I could tell a difference in his Rob/Edward teeth.

      Am I crazy?

      • He said the producers made him do the invisiline
        thing but that he only wore it a few times.


          She just posted a teaser in the comments section of Chapter 47…

          It’s good.

          • OMG. I LOVE IT. I LOVE DARKWARD!!!! Thank you!!!!

          • thanks for the heads up…can’t wait for the rest!!

  11. @calliope

    SO he was where the chicks got to see her in the bathroom? Wow, missed opportunity there!

    • i don’t know.. the bathroom story was from Wednesday night (they said at midnight it was her birthday) and then the birthday party stories were from last night. who knows if he was there weds… but DEFINITELY missed chance if he was!

  12. Oh yeah, and just want to add, I think KStew is absolutely beautiful in that super natural way. I’ve never been a fan of her public persona, but I’ve also had a soft mom spot for her considering that she is “but a babe” at 18 (well 19 now). I’m not a RobStew conspirator at all and I really liked how someone earlier posted that they didn’t want all this off set gossip to ruin the magic of just really digging all things Twilight (and RP of course). I think she is one of the luckiest chicks around and I wish I had been so fortunate to be chasing my dream (and kissing it too) at 19.

  13. Oh sigh…he’s got the keys to my vulva!

    • LOL
      Oh Goodness, you did not just say vulva. Reminds me of a Sinefeld episode.

    • HA you clever one!

    • Love the shoes on that pic!

      • Yea they stepped up the Edwardrobe. (that one was a little sickening, sorry)

    • there you go again…SEE? Funny little girl.

    • when i was a child my parents were considering buying a volvo or a jeep… however every time i went to compare them i would say “so we are either getting the vulva or the jeep” … for the life of me i couldn’t say VOLVO. at the time, of course i didn’t realize why my mispronunciation was such a big deal. We got the jeep.

      • Isn’t that really just how you say Volvo in Boston?

        • Hold the phones – are you in Boston, Rock Lobster? Maybe that is Limeslice…..

          • I’m in Boston! But originally from Oregon–>NYC, and I do noooot like the Boston accent, ha.

          • haha… no i’m in Philly! Limeslice i believe is Boston.

          • Hey! I was born in Oregon, but lived in Boston as a kid. I had a crazy Boston accent for the first two years, but I beat it out of myself since then.

          • @Calli – Philly?!? You know UC and Sass are there, right? I also go there quite frequently cuz RLBFF and in-laws live there. Planning to spend some summer time there this year with the bambolinos. We should plan a little dive bar reunion!

      • LMAO! “We’ll be driving the vulva to Forks!”

    • LOL!!! good one, Jena!

  14. I LOVE that new word!! You genius you.

  15. Thanks! I do like his hair shorter as Edward I think – maybe I’m just hoping that HE will like it more, seeing as I know the bouffant made him feel a bit ridiculous last time.

  16. Hi everyone.

    This has been a long day…I had like 500 kids to take care of at the Y today! Art projects out the ying yang, reading stories and dealing with all the 3 and 4 year olds is enough to drive me to drink a whole bottle of Tequila after 4 hours…think someone could buy me one even though it’s not my birthday?

    Also, is someone up in Heaven trying to make my day longer by reminding me what Rob deliciousness I am missing on here… I have 2 boys come in today that are not regulars to the Y Children’s Center…1st comes a boy named Salvador…great…how many more hours do I have to work here today??? Then I get a kid named Rob (these names never come in)…ok…I thought I was being tortured or something…I said the Lord’s prayer several times stressing Lead us not into temptation…so I have come home and repented…

    • Hey SSMster: Remember, a Dali a day does a body good.

      • Let me go get my gifs for you….

        • What a gifT! It is in superslowmo. Check out the lady in the background. That is the only way you can tell it is moving cuz she is blinking. Heehee.

  17. BTW – to all the night time chicks, I just want to point out the power of manifestation going on in that bathroom in Vancouver. Buy the booze….they will come.

    Okay, one more time – two shots, two beers!

    • Byrdie

      That was really cool how all that happened over and over last night (well morning for me)–I did manage an hour of sleep before work thank goodness. If Vogue were here she would probably have said something about it being very cosmic and significant in some way.

    • yes the manifesting going on last night was WEIRD city.

  18. UMMMMM……….

    i am so secondhand embarrassed… seriously.

    • NOoooooO!!! Haha oh man the fact that it’s Dan Humphrey makes it at least a hundred times worse!

    • OMG I don’t think I can watch anymore of that. How are they going to make this in the movies not come off as Dateline NBC Pedophile with Quil and Jacob?

      Even the YouTube versions are coming across that way…it will be a big challenge.

    • Why do I think he’s hot…in the black suit/pinkish purplish shirt where she’s peeking over the bush?

    • Chris Hanson is totally gonna have to bust that sh!t up. WTF that was second and even third hand embarrassing. UHG!!

  19. Omg Keys to my vulva! I’m rolling over that!!!!!

    Byrdie, I agree with you about KStew. She’s a very pretty girl.

    Sigh. I wish it was November already. I guess I’ll just have to be happy with the New Moon set pictures.

  20. Dear UC & Moon, and Rob of course (“Duh!”),

    Are you aware what are you doing to me on Good Friday!? To a nice Catholic girl…

    But, since today is a good day, I think this song is quite appropriate.

  21. Hey I’m reposting this since I put it WAYYY up top….


    She just posted a teaser in the comments section of Chapter 47…

    It’s good.

    • Don’t tell me! I’m just reading ch.18! lol

    • OMG Thanks!
      I just got here but, um, bye…

      • EEEEE! I’ve been having fantasies about how the next chapter will play out. How crazy is that?

    • Thanks!!

      OMG, still left me with angst waiting, do we know when 48 will post?

      Someone said last time she approximates on her facebook page…but I don’t have facebook. 😦

      I hope Bella doesn’t put him on the FKL…I really want them to be happy and together…I hope he finds her napping in his room or something…I think he will be happy that she was living in his room while he was gone. 🙂

      • Well from what it says on my FB (she’s on my list), she says she has 48 in EPOV and it’s being edited as of this morning. So she posted the teaser, which was totally not enough for me, because now he’s standing on the porch in my head and not driving in the car…

        I don’t know, but I think if it’s being edited, that chick does it fast, so it should be up this weekend I would think!

        I also read Place Your Bets last night, and SPunk…you’d like it. It’s Dark/badmouthward…and it’s very funny/do me/interesting.

    • OMG!! I can’t wait for the next chapter!!

  22. @Spunkme…hey sunshine, i missed you mwah!

    • Hello. I just had anxiety attack yesterday. I’ve repented and medicated LOL! I’m ok. Hope you are well.

      • LOL, I was all freaking out like, oh crap, I don’t have her email or messenger id or anything!

        • I have just signed up for a live journal account…I saw you posted a comment to angstgodess above me on Chpt 1. I gave her my video as a thank you gift.

          My e-mail for you or anyone that wants it (no hate mail please) is

          I don’t have IM or facebook or twitter or anything…I’m lucky I have figured out how to do as much as I’ve done…like how to ccoment on a blog–I have never blogged before this…or make a video that was fun.

          • did you request me as a friend on LJ?

  23. when i look at the new set pics of Rob and Kstew i hear this song playing….

    So Happy Together – The Turtles

    p.s. don’t watch the actual video… it’s embarassing. haha. instead, look at the pics of their smiling faces.

    • aww I like that song…I like the I’m yours one…did you see that one, Calliope?

  24. The Twilight merch continues…

    • OH wow, we have all the scene it’s and I love them, I am so on this pre-order.

    • i can already guess that no one i know will play that with me bc i will whoop their bums.

  25. Hell-o Ladies!!!

    Hi to all the newbies! Welcome!

    I started reading The Submissive last night until I literally fell asleep at my computer. It started out as, “I’ll just read the summary and start it tomorrow” and I ended up reading like 7 chapters!

    • Yay! FN is here early!

      • Hey SpunkMe!! How are ya today?

        • I’m doing better..prayed a lot today after all it is Good Friday…but prayer helped me get through and you guys thanks for all the support. I don’t know where I’d be without all of you…..

          Going Crazy…that’s where. Did you work today or were you off?

          • I’m off! YAY!! Thank goodness. I’ll have Monday off as well. God bless the public school system!

            Also, I read about those fan’s run-in w/ KStew in the bathroom and I’ll have you know that I’m liking her a tiny bit more 🙂

            Rob’s Catholic, right? (non practicing, grew up Catholic whatever) But I was wondering what he would give up for lent. lol

          • Yay! I’m off this weekend and Monday too.

            Yes, I thought that was very nice of her KStew in the Ladies Room…and man, how the Papps were so mean to he and they told her that they called her a b*tch…she seemed upset about that…maybe they shouldn’t have told her that…Think about if you were her, it still wouldn’t be nice to be called that and talked about like that….I asked for forgiveness today, can you tell? So, being nice today and saying Nikki….REED…there I said it.

            I am not Catholic (non-denom. actually), so I don’t do lent…I praise all you girls that do that..God bless you. Oh my gosh…I just had a thought…you don’t think he would give up sex (w/KS–ignore that FN) for lent?

            If Rob wants me to, I’ll convert to Catholicism. Really.

      • Hey FN!!! 🙂
        Everytime I see your name I want to dip you in
        ranch sauce! LOL! Don’t worry, that’s a good thing!

        • LOL, that’s okay. I love ranch!

        • How have you been Jena?

          • I’m super swell, and you?

          • I’m pretty good. Thanks for asking.

    • FN!! The same thing happened to me! It’s just that the chapters are so short that you say “ok, just one more” and then “ok, the last one” and just keep reading! lol

    • Hey FN! I just got here too. Guess the late night got to us all. I finished Let Your Light Shine after we all parted. It was SO good. Now I’m onto the follow up story. So, The Sub, huh? Hope you’re liking it.

      • I took the recomendation and started reading that one too..I’m just at the end of 1st chapt, but very good so far.

        • Good SpunkMe! Isn’t it lemony all the way through? Sitting on towel good!

          • So far so good!!

      • Oh yes, very HOT! (like I didn’t expect that, but still)

        What’s the story behind that one? Is it finished?

        • Yes, it’s finished!!! It’s the honeymoon as it should have been written. Hot sex morning noon and night. No Pregnancy. The family comes to visit after a week. There’s a follow up story.

          • Ok, I need to read this! What is it called? Is it one that
            someone already sent me?

          • Jena

            Let your light shine


  26. Jumping in—U. C. you’ve got all the favorite pics there and it definitely makes this a GOOD Friday seeing him in all his glory! I think that says it all.

  27. LOL! Edwardrobe! Love it!
    I’m digging his shoes. They got rid of his sneakers and gave him some slick shoes!

    I want Kristen’s skin! And her co-star!

    • Agreed! While we’re making requests, I’ll take the whole package. His package. Hmm…

    • I do think she has pretty skin…it looks like porcelain …I wish mine looked like that…I am fair with freckles. 😦

      • I really like her hair with the hairpiece, it’s looks more bouncy and full, even though Forks is supposed to be humid…she has nice hair in it:)

      • Aw, we must embrace our freckles. Think of Rob’s neck freckles. I know you would like to embrace those!

        • Well, yes, Annie, that is true…maybe I should be Twinners like that with him…my freckles are actually light but freckles…his are actually moles which he has all over from what I can tell…arms, face, back, hairline…and that is exactly like my DH, so just trying to picture Rob superimposed over DH. Kinda works.

          Have I said hi to you yet? Are you new here? If yes welcome…

  28. Seriously. His pants are just too low. He just doesn’t know what he’s doing to me right now. Ahhhhhh!

    • Lean your computer screen back and you can see under the shirt LMAO….

      • ROTFLMAO!!!

    • I feel a Twi Theater coming from Calliope about that one …you can barely see Kristen in front of him.

      Like the pants Love the shoes, nice grey shirt but open with the t-shirt reminds me of some Rob style coming into play.

      Catalog away, Jbell, he’s liable to steal that ensemble.

    • OMG. I LOVE IT. I can’t handle this…ah. damn it.

  29. I love that you can see his contacts!
    One of the other things I was looking forward to cause I just love those topaz eyes! Can you imagine them worn with the brown bubble jacket? The color would pop out like no other!

    Dr. Chris Weitz,
    Can you please make Rob wear the brown bubble jacket in a scene…please…? Just don’t let it be the breakup scene because we can’t tarnish the jacket with something sad, no we can’t.

    • Nice! And yes to the jacket…and the current Edward hair color goes really nicely all together with the contacts.

      also glad to see they worked out all the glitches in the make up wneh w first saw him on set.

      Edward make up looks good.

    • @Jena U really love the Brown Bubble Jacket.:-) You should get an air-brushed t-shirt made. Jena+Brown Bubble Jacket 2geteher 4ever. LOL!!! I;m a dork and know it. 😉
      It would be pretty awesome if it got to make a cameo in NM. There would be lots of sequels in the theater when it popped up.

      • LMAO! Then I would wear it to a signing and hopefully get
        the TomStu reaction, LOL!

  30. @spunkme

    I just emailed you, so you have my email address now:)

    And you should request me on LJ also.

    • Thanks! Ok, I’ll figure it out (LJ)…I was lucky I figured out how to sign up, get an avatar and post a comment..That was a lot for me to learn in one day right there…not very tech savy. So, I’ll work on it.

  31. OK…is it weird that I wanna print off these pics and crop them down ’til they fit in my wallet where pics of DH and kids should go?? Just asking cuz sometimes I worry myself….

    • NO, that is no more weird than Rob being my phone wallpaper that replaced my daughter.

    • No way. Hello btw. I don’t think I’ve “met” you before.

      Was it Carrie that had one of the GQ pics made into a poster?? Does anyone know how that worked out? I might need one of those myself 🙂

      • Hi Frenchy…uh oh, i’m making up nicknames on here. Sorry, that’s partly from Grease, it just came into my head!

        • Hello to you too! It’s cool. Byrdie calls me that and so do my siblings. I love Grease!

  32. snmlamb

    “did you request me as a friend on LJ?”

    How do I do that? Is it just push a button–I need the Easy button from the office supply commercials.

    • go back to where you saw my comment, on chapter 47 at the bottom, click my name and then click add.

      • Ok

  33. @SpunkMe *Waving* Hello to my fake lezbo lover.

    @Jena Saw ur comment about talking German in HS. I am way worse I took 4 in HS and 3 in college. Have visited 2x and have friends who are fluent and I can’s speak it worth a damn. *Hides in shame*. All I know are the dirty words.

    Also notice lots of comments about peeps slacking at work and Robsession getting in way of job. Add me to the list. I have so much crap to do and have not desire to do it. I hate working. Can I please win the lottery and the I can devote myself completely to my obsessing.

    PS Did someone say they are reading some new fanfic. What are we reading. Share!!

    • Hey Carrie! How are you?

    • @Carrie

      I started this FF last night, and so far there are 10 chapters up, but it is not done. The reviews on it are great, and it came highly recommended and has a bug following.

      I just found this last night, it is all human, but has a very bad boy Edward, and Bella is quite likable because she is very assertive and gives as well as she gets.

      It is NOT for you if witty cursing isn’t your thing, or if sex bothers you.

      • I said has a bug following, yes the insects are really into this story LMAO

        It has a big following.

      • LMAO “or if sex bothers you”

        • Well ya know, i gotta warn people lol.

      • Thanks for link. Will add to my library of fanfic I need to read. I will prob wait til it’s finished before i start.

    • Hi Carrie *waves back*

      I try and post some pix today for the vid.

  34. Jena here’s the link to Let Your Light Shine:

    • Also Jena I don’t think you saw my reply to your post to me the other day–it was late into the night when I went through the comments. I know you’re a Gokey Girl. I had been asking what you thought about the reaction to AL but I guess I know that now. He barely got to sing last time but they are really supporting him, aren’t they? I like Matty, the bluesy guy. Think Chris Allen is doing well and Allison’s got the pipes. Not too many watching around here.

    • Danka Sehn! 🙂

  35. @SpunkMe
    “aww I like that song…I like the I’m yours one…did you see that one, Calliope?”

    yes i did… i get so distracted watching all that gush online!

    • I also like the Damn Girl one…that is good too…I know what you mean about the gush.

      For Calliope:

      (may have to Ctrl + that one.)

  36. @FN How’s it going. Heard u started a new job.
    Also saw u started the Sub. So what do u think so far?? Ansd yes it was me that had Urban Cowboy Pic made into poster. Had to some forging of paperwork to say I had rights to pic.
    Prob going to jail. @Jbell said she would write me often. If I do get locked can u guys please send me lots of smokes. Need something to trade with. I hear that how u can keep the real lezbos off your back. 😉

    • LOL. I did start a new job, so far it’s not too bad just REALLY time consuming. Hopefully once I get the hang of the new schedule it won’t take up my LTR time. I’ll write you often too. You could always learn to tattoo w/ a paperclip or learn how to make toilet wine. If not, I’ll send you some money for commissary, I think you can buy Ramen or something. lol

      • @FN thanks. Will have to look up how to make toilet wine just in case. LOL!!!
        Thanks The RobCrotch rules!! U should see it when I post with Ceri and snmlamb. We have the crotch. the nip and the arm. It’s some hot gravatar action going on.

        • Ooo….sounds like a party. lol

    • BTW I’m loving your Robcrotch gravatar. I’m jealous.

  37. For Jena:

    Doesn’t he have aperson to do this for him? Guess he’s trying to be “one of the people” again…


    Hope you can see them!

    • I know I’m not Jena, but I’m still posting! Try to stop me! LOL

      I just love that he looks a little older in the first picture…SO sexy…

      • Dang, I can’t see photobucket at work. 😦

        • Crap! Look whenyou get home…what can you see at work?? I know you can’t see a lot of vids posted here and stuff too right?

    • What book is he reading and is that a laptop bag or a murse?

      • Book?

        FBR Jena here’s you a case for Robstigation.

        • I meant FBR—- JBELL–why did I say that–well jena can help too!

      • Murse?! LOL!!

      • @snm- “2666” by Roberto Bolaño Ávalos

  38. “There is no need to worry about the success of New Moon, people. Pattinson could sit in a chair and read the book on camera for an hour and a half and it would make a hundred million dollars. By the way, Kristen Stewart confuses me. She always looks so unhappy, but maybe she’s just stoned.”

    • I love the part where they say that he should date us.

      Hey JBell! How are ya?

    • I think I love this woman! lol Not only she’s very funny, she thinks what we’ve been saying all along: he should date us!

      And I totally agree with the obvious success of a movie where u can see Robert reading a book for a couple of hours…hell, I’d even pay to just see him breathing for the whole movie.

      • I’d pay my entire savings to go watch him microwave a hot
        pocket and eat it without saying a word. True story.

        • He could even dribble and mess down the front of him
          and everything!

    • Um, where is Franklin Village, and can we get cabs in that vicinity?

  39. I’m totally making out with him in this picture. I’ve put myself in her shoes and I’ve ravished him! LOL!

    • She’s doin that weird cock-eyed thing again. lol And she’s totes staring at his mouth… not his eyes.

      Don’t blame her.

      She’s been dazzled.

      • Totally dazzled. She’s beeing zapped by his tractor beam…causing

    • I just love him in that shirt! I hope he keeps it 🙂

    • Is that the Vulva behind them?

      • LMAO the vulva…that is gonna stick.

  40. @EyeC, I totally don’t get what everyone sees in AL, but that is just me. I think it’s because Randy Jackson compared him to Rob and that is just so not cool in my book, LOL! Randy has been FKL’d by me! I will say he did good with Mad World, but other than that I think he sings like someone squeezed his nutsack into an ablivion. Ahem….on that note, LOL, I love Gokey and Matt and Kris to. But 100% Gokey girl!

    • I was totally into Adam throughout the tryouts and Hollywood week and all…he’s been my pick from day 1. I also think he’s hot, even though I know he’s flamin’.

      To me, he and Allison are the only 2 I would pay money to go see, and that is my criteria for voting.

    • “squeezed his nutsack into oblivion” LMAO! He’s very emo. I’m afraid he will be one of the last to go though.

      • I know, I’m so worried for Danny. But even if he doesn’t win I think he
        has a set career.

  41. I don’t know if this was ever discussed previous to my lurking days…but are these pictures of the original “Dadcase”?


  42. Just felt the need for a little SmirkPorn – with the excuse of comparing makeup/hair between the two movies.



    The bouffant is muuuch more casual this time around – no more rhino horn.

    • He is truly HHH in both of these pics.

      • Bless you for these! YUM!







      • What. If this is because Volvo wanted to promote a new line or something I’m going to be livid. That makes no sense!

      • WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! You know, this doesn’t make sense.
        They changed the school to. Are they gonna change Bella’s
        house to? This bothers me! Really bothers me!

        • I was wondering what they were going to do about the Cullen house, too. Now I’m worried.

        • I think I remember seeing something about them re-creating Bella’s house. Like they were building and exact replica or something.


      • Dear Chris Weitz,
        Why must you do this to us? I think I need to go weep in a corner.

        • I know. This is not a good sign 😦

        • Aww…JBell, are you going to be okay?

      • @JBell- WHAT!! (

      • WHAT?? THEY CAN’T DO THAT!!!!

        • Ok now that I have calmed down. Thinking maybe that is car he was driven to set in. Maybe he was just getting something out of car.


      Dear Volvo,
      I fucking hate you and your “all new2010 Volvo XC60”. Fuck off! If it would have been AT LEAST the same color I would be slightly okay with it; BUT! It’s not!
      You have been FKL’ed,

      PS –
      Chris Weitz; you are not far behind. Do not make me hate you so early on in this!

      • I. knew. it. Seriously? With a movie that has this big of a rabid fan base, they still make the classic decision to have commercial interests and product placement trump story integrity? I’m disappointed.

  44. @Carrie I forgot to tell you that I’m LOVING The Sub.

    • @FN glad to hear. So what chpt are u on??

      • Re-reading 7 b/c that’s the one I started falling asleep on last night. From what I remember (and what I’m reading) it’s a good one. lol WHEW! *fans self*

      • Good thing I kept that to myself, because when he entered me a second time and wrapped my legs around his waist, he did go deeper and he hit spots I didn’t even know I had.


  45. What the??? Not the same car! I’m getting nervous….

  46. @Jbell

    That is the transportation car…the same one he was photographed in yesterday! Not the Vulva for the movie 🙂

    Chill honey, it’s ok!

    • No, the transport cars are all Fords Edge’s

      • Oh well then crap, because it looked the same to me…lol.

        • Yep. They do look the same though, I can see where someone would say they’re the same car.

          I FBR’ed it for ya – 😉

          Ford Edge – Notice the silver lining along the bottom of the windows –

          YouTube Vid of Rob leaving set – same black Ford Edge with silver lining along bottom of windows –

        • Can I just say I love the kid that says “Why didn’t we take down the liscense plate??”

          That soooo would have been me saying that.
          Actually, no. I would have gotten it.
          Scratch that too.
          I would have been IN MY CAR following the damn thing already.
          True story.

          • Yeah we woulda been filming from behind his car following it if I had been there. (Or you would have seen video of me hanging onto the roof wing, while balanced on the back bumper.)

          • Yea no kidding, you’re much stealthier than those amateurs, ha.

          • I am laughing so hard right now!
            All of us at LTR need to be PAs
            already so we can actually do these

    • Oh phew!

      • Wait, transporations are Fords? Forget my
        Oh phew and add an Oh Shit!

        • transporations? Hi, can’t spell!

  47. @Carrie

    Just sent you an e-mail back.

  48. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I swear on all that is holy on this Christian holiday, that man is gonna be the death of me.

  49. And a big squeeeee on the Wide Awake tease!! I adore Darkward!!

  50. He is not driving the C30???? WTF??? Maybe he really did lose the keys.

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