Posted by: Bekah | April 10, 2009

It is a good Friday

Dear Rob,

So today is “Good Friday” and I’m thanking God for all the goodness that is you… Robert Thomas Pattinson. Not that I have to remind anyone at LTR why you’re on my mind on this particular Friday, but the reasons are:

You're so cute when you're drunk

You're so cute when you're drunk (and look heart-breakingly sad here)

Cause you looked THIS hot at a movie premiere. And it wasn't your premiere. And the movie was called "Sex Drive"

You looked THIS hot at a movie premiere. And it wasn't even your premiere. And the movie was called "Sex Drive" 'Nuff said!

Because Stephenie Meyer created Edward but you BECAME him.

Because Stephenie Meyer created Edward but you BECAME him.

Porque Mexico se ve bien en ti

Porque Mexico se ve bien en ti

Cuz anyone else in a white beater just looks white trash

Cuz anyone else in a wife beater just looks white trash

Cause you're badass...

Cause you’re badass…

You look so pure and beautiful- like a boy in a man's body

yet you can look so pure....

you look amazing dirty

you look amazing dirty

but you clean up reallllllyyyyy well!

but you clean up reallllllyyyyy well!

Because sometimes.... no caption is necessary...

Because sometimes.... no caption is necessary...

Whether drunk, sober, working, playing, fictional, international, badass, good boy, dirty or clean… today is a good day.

UnintendedChoice (xo)


  1. Hi…long time reader, first time poster. Sorry to butt into the posting here, but I had to mention, it’s SO nice to know I’m not the only one out there obsessing over this beautiful and talented man. A beautiful man who happens to be ten years younger than me. That’s neither here nor there, however! Minor technicality. lol

    This site is amazing and I love coming here to get my ‘fix’!

    • it’s nice not to be alone, right? HUGS!

      • Hi Wendy!

    • hi! as a former lurker… i’ll tell you. it’s soo much more fun on this side of the fence!

  2. good morning all. ahhhhhh I’ll be walking around with a stupid grin on my face all day just thinking of these pics. Thank you God for all that is Rob. Today is def. a good day.

  3. Boy is that hot!!! OMG…he knows how to work it. I’m so afraid of him. he could sell me ocean front property in arizona and I’d probably buy it…alot of it.

    • hahaha! for a second i thought… oh wouldn’t oceanfront property in arizona be nice! i blame it on the rob effect.

  4. Fleeting Thought –
    I wonder what the cast will do for Easter since I’m sure they’ll have the day off? I mean, I would hope they’d have the day off… maybe not though. Now I don’t know lol

    Dear Rob,
    We’re having dinner at my house Sunday, you can come over and meet your future in-laws. Also, my mom’s birthday is Wednesday and you should totes bring a gift to get in her good graces. Don’t worry, she’s not a TwiMom or crazy. She actually thinks you’re dirty and that your hair is gross, but I think she’s just frontin’ so she doesn’t give Dad a complex and make him feel bad about himself.
    You know the number,

  5. Hey ladies! @Jena sorry for not responding to your hug, I had to go to a meeting – thanks so much! Rob via UC made me feel better this morning. Also, those set pictures are so *le sigh.*

    • No worries! Here’s another one ((((limeslice)))) 😉

  6. @Calliope Did you get any spark of creativity from the set photos last night? Esp the smiling Robward ones?? His smile makes me HOT! Luv him.

  7. Sing it with me all you catholics!! LOL

    “This is a day the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!”

    Especially on Good Friday I just want to let you know that I will be attending St. Mattress in your honor, so you need to show up and take your rightful place as His Holy Wetness. Also, I am VERY religious, so I would like to go to “church” several times today. Just sayin’. I also plan to be covered in “holy water” by the end of this day as well.

    PS, when its time to kneel, I think you might like that.

    • Um, yeah, what she said…

    • ROFLMAO Was just about to Tweet ya and ask if you had anything special for Good Friday re: Rob.

      Damn that was a great day.
      “Nothing says welcome to the Lord’s table like a signed picture of RobCrotch.”

      Will be over for pancakes soon! 🙂

      • OMG, how could I forget about that???? That was so friggin funny…how am I gonna make it through my daughter’s communion??? LMAO!!

      • LOL, yes for some reason I am fond of the religious jokes. I am going to hell very thoroughly. LOL! I think Jena SAVED that comment in her photobucket! LOL! It was one of my prouder moments, right up there with birthing 2 children and throw getting married in there…if I have to. LMFAO!

        • “Breaking all the rules now anyways.
          Since I’m going to hell”

          I thought that was JBell, but I may be wrong.
          Funny day indeed!

  8. @twilighted

    Hi Neighbor!

    Yes…Raised here and live here now with my hubby and 4 kids. I worked at Kennywood in the summer of ’92 on break from Penn State! Should be interesting to see it portrayed in Adventureland as a theme park in the 80’s as I’ve been going there my entire life.

    What part of the Burgh are you from? I’m out East in Murrysville…..

    • southwest…Uniontown! all my live long days lol.. Kennywood..Thunderbolt, JackRabbit…and fresh cut fries. Yenz have all got to try it! lol

  9. There is something very wrong with having Twi-Porn and a Church schedule pulled up in my internet tabs at the same time. Something, VERY, VERY WRONG.

    p.s. i am praying for some “rob pattinson entering church” pics for twilight theater.

    • I would rather have a picture of Rob entering, well, um, you know…

      • and signing your uterus with his holy water? LOL!

        • Why yes, that would be entirely acceptable! LMAO!

  10. Good morning ladies. I bailed early last nite, I’m gonna have to catch up on what I missed.

    Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the ROB…dont I wish LOL

    • *giggles*

    • LMFAO! LOVE THAT! Don’t we all wish *sigh*

  11. He has to know that he is attractive.

    No guy leaves so many buttons unbuttoned on his shirt, revealing his chest, if he doesn’t know he is a sexy beast.

    Rob is confident and pretends to not be.
    Love him.

    • yes yes and yes…he knows how to work it and pretend like he doesn’t….luv it!

    • OF course he knows it…he was a freakin model for goodness sakes…he knows it! I think what makes him so loveable, is that he doesn’t know WHAT it is he’s got or WHY we find it attractive….that little bit of insecurity drives me to :)….

      • that’s supposed to be me drooling…

  12. ok so one of my docs walks over and I here your guy..yes thats right he said MY guy Robert is being called the next James Dean… lol I am three shades of red! Ok perhaps I need to get my robsession under control..

  13. Shall we relive the Communion Comment?? WE SHALL! I love how everyone is getting Jena and I mixed up all the time. We’re actually sisters 😉

    @Sass & @Kristin –

    • Hilarious!

    • Jbell and Jena – You guys are sisters? Not fair, and BTW that means that you should be coming to Nebraska to visit your sister soon. and me. 🙂

      @sass – we were a great team that day! LOL!

      • I ❤ my sistah and yes, sistah needs to come to NE to meet up with us!

    • oh man… i think this happened on one of those days I missed, when the comments first started getting CrAzy!!

      That is so funny Kristin…yes, “breaking bread” together “bone of my Bone(r)….EXACTLY like being at Church…

      I would even go so far as to say that you will even hear the angels sing….

      • I could totally go for another comment going beserk again,
        that was totally hilarious….and I could use a hit of shroom!

    • LMAO! I thought the same thing. I keep reading things going
      “I did?! When did I do that?” ROTFLMAO!

    • @JBell – I knew that was you! 😉

  14. Has anyone read this

    About how the proposal will be handled in New Moon… I predict I’ll get a little faint at those words, and I’m not even the wedding-fantasy type.

    • Seriously, those people at the Examiner, whoever they are lol, LOVE them some Rob & Twilight.

      • That was about the only thing that bothered me about the movie.
        But I swear to God, Edward mouths it when he touches
        Bella’s cheek when she’s about to be zoomed away in a car by
        Jasper and Alice after he tells her that she’s his life now.
        I swear it! Watch it and report back to me asap!

        • Jena, I swore he mouthed that too!! I have watched that many times and I am sure he said it!!

          • Remember from the
            commentary how
            Catherine said
            they were saying it
            to each other while
            dancing but there were frogs
            in the background so it
            was cut? LMAO!
            Well I still would
            have loved to
            have heard that!


  15. This might be old news but the first I’ve seen of it:
    “the first teaser trailer for New Moon will be included on the upcoming May 5 Amazon release of Twilight Blu-Ray Ultimate Collector’s Set.”

    from here:

    Surely someone will put that on the internet, I pray.

    • No doubt it will be on YouTube 3 days before that. lol

      • Hehe I ❤ pirates.

        • Is it pathetic that I’m considering buying a bluray
          player just for that? I know I know, I should have a
          player by now but they’re so effing expensive!
          Been waiting for them to come down.

          • Hah don’t do it! I guarantee you it will be on the internet.

  16. Ok, that first picture made me sigh, and the one in the leather jacket made me get bobbybumps all over. We’re never really got a chance to see that bad boy image with a ciggy… it’s almost James Dean-esque…

    Great stuff!! Thanks for the smile!

  17. I like the “brit pack”

    Does anyone know if that picture of Rob is real? I remember seeing that when he was cast as Cedric and it appeared to be the only picture anyone could find of him.

    • (And yes, I was creepin on him that long ago)

  18. .“I’m just gonna go out side with this and say FUCK YOU!” With bottle in hand as she puts up both middle fingers……and that is why i love kristen stewart.

    • That fan story officially brought me over to the dark side Melissa. Just so you are aware. 🙂 Saw that last night. PLUS she took pics with the girls in a BATHROOM. MAD respect.


        • This was my fave, LOL!

          “No, Oddly enough I just wanted to make
          sure I didn’t have purple (squeal)
          shit on my lips so the paps wouldn’t
          be all (big hand motions out headlines)
          ‘Kristen Stewart Fucking slob’”
          She checks her self out in the mirror and
          proceeds to try to wash her hands with
          mouthwash, LMAO, we told her it was
          mouthwash and she laughed and asked
          how we knew, “ She totally did it a second
          ago.” Points finger at trina.

      • I couldn’t believe that when I read it…I do think I like her now.

        • I really hope they weren’t serious when
          they told her they were going to Italy to watch
          filming, LMAO! If they were you don’t just admit
          that, LMAO!

    • HOWIEEEEEEEEEEEEE…I missed you!

      • i know i wanted to get on last nite but i was celebrating kstews bday with my friend, who hasnt even seen twilight btw and just thought we were kicking it old school for fun, by downing boones farm and herbal refreshment hahahahh

    • Loved that, thanks for posting it I must have missed it last nite. I have no probs with KStew as y’all know ❤

    • i LOVE this! I saw it last night and was really happy to see a good fan story about Kstew. I’ve said before on here that I’ve always liked her…but I always wondered if she might really be a bitch and my bitch radar was just off – this fan encounter proved to me that she’s really just not into the whole paparazzi crap – she wants to do her stuff and be left alone by the mags…but seems good with the fans – which makes her good with me. Plus, I really like her “Fuck you” attitude. I think I’d be the same 🙂
      I can only imagine how unbelievably overwhelming the whole Twilight thing would be to an actor in the movies.
      Yea! Good Kristen vibes right before I head off to see Adventureland. 🙂

      • i loved loved loved so awesome to see kennywood in a movie!! i kept saying, ohh theres the jackrabbit, oh theres the phantom! LOL

  19. Love the pics UC and Moon, great choices from “The Quad”–the only thing you’re missing is a Vanity Fair pic…but I’ll let that slide, cuz those all have Sourpuss in them….and well this isn’t Letters to Sourpuss!!

    Really, love the pic posts, they make me
    “Super Happy”
    —ten Rob points to anyone who knows where that’s from…moms??

    • Uhhh… I say ‘super happy’ all the time so – it’s from my brain! I won’t pass go and I will not collect my ten Rob points though, out of respect to HHH for Good Friday.

  20. @JBell…oh my, thank you for saving that exchange…I was laughing so very hard at Kristin’s comment…truly a classic!!

    • I wanted to save the whole thing actually. That entire convo should be archived. True story.

  21. @SpunkMe I watched your vid, great job. Loved the song. Havent read Wide Awake yet so don’t get all the references but still loved it ❤

  22. Yeah, the last photo is lethal! Holy God! Er… I mean, holy goodness…

    It’s Good Friday, let me temper myself!

  23. Pictures of Rob AND Sam heading to Kstews b day party up on Robsessed


      • Great minds….. 🙂

      • I love him in a hoodie, why do I love him in a hoodie?
        I don’t know but he’s so damn adorable in a hoodie!

  24. Pics starting to surface from Kristen’s BDay last night 😀

    My boyfriend Sam Bradley was with Rob too!

    • haha your boyfriend. i LOVE the thumbs up!

      • He’s got my jacket on! Yes, it’s MY jacket! 😉

    • (Calliope dances around)
      I’m getting giddy… i’m getting giddy… TWILIGHT THEATER IS GONNA BE GOOOOD. Yesterday’s pics… today’s pics… (rubs hands together)… IT IS HOLY WEEK!

      • Counting down…..Can’t wait. 🙂

      • Speaking of Holy Week, I was just explaining to my 5 year old why we don’t eat meat on Fridays and that today is Good Friday, etc… She looked at me straight in the eyes and said, confused, “So, Jesus died for Meat? So we wouldn’t have to eat meat?” LOL! Try explaining Catholic canon to a 5 year old. I’ve tried…she doesn’t get it 🙂

        Ok…now back to our regularly schedule Rob discussion…..

        • LMFAO!!!!! Brilliant! I’m laughing so hard, I think your kid is lovely!

    • is that jacson with the mohawk hair? love that

      • jackson geez typos today

  25. I’ve decided I’m going to buy a car, paint it like a cab, and roam around Vancouver…who’s in?

    • LOL love it…I’m in.

      • count me in

    • That’s the best idea ever!

      • K, so if we get a fleet going we can get him in the car and then take him to a secret location and meet up and do bad things to him.

        • ill supply the roofies

    • me too, I’ll navigate!!

      • I don’t know why no one has thought of this, I truly think it’s the best non-stalkerish way to meet him.

        • so do we turn away all fares that aren’t Rob…just wondering??

          • Yes, just keep your “for hire” thing off until you spot him.

    • LMAO snmlamb! LOL!

  26. Those pics from last night have Hand Porn with the Thumbs up from Rob! Also, I’d like to note that if I ever do get to meet Rob and am lucky enough that he’d want to sign an autograph…I think I’d let him actually get out of the cab first….
    If I were them, i would be so annoyed with ‘us’….

    • If I ever were to meet Rob, an autograph is that last thing I’d want! Just saying.

      • yeah i wouldnt want an autograph either.

  27. Hello Ladies!!!!

    how are you??

    • Saying Hi, because I seem to never do, so–> *waves*, “Hi!”

      • Hey Janetrigs! lol At least you’d never said hi to me

        Lovely first time!! 😀

        • I think its lunch time and the comments slow down around then. I never hardly leave my desk, so I don’t really take lunch. Lucky people. 🙂

          So you love the Quad’s photo choices? As we REJOICE!!

          • i love the first pic..drunkrobs my fave.

          • Um Yummy! Toadly luv lava touged Rob and his drunkeness. That one video is hysterical where some paps ask him if he’s upset about being cutt off at the MTV Video awards. It’s a classic. He’s sooooo slurr-licious.

          • P.S. Drinking is bad for you. Don’t drink and drive folks…..while sitting here dreaming of Guinness later tonight…….

  28. U.C.~It totally nice not to be alone! I have sat in silence, not totally gone wacko to my friends and secretly scoured the internet for my Rob fix on my own way too long now. Thank goodness there’s an outlet where I can talk Rob as much and as long as I want! Bless you, bless this site and bless being able to read/leave comments!


    Chinamother~I also thought that same thing about letting him get out of the cab first! He’s so gracious! Sigh.

    Is it sad that I’ve already become obsessed with checking these comments and I only found site last night?? I will also go on record to say I’m totally jealous I don’t live anywhere near Vancouver or in that vicinity so I can stalk, I mean, see if I can catch a glimpse of Rob and others. We aren’t that lucky here in Central Illinois.

    • Wendy!
      You’re new??? Yay!!! Welcome! We’ll have so much fun!!

      The first day I posted here I commented like 100 times, so it’s not sad that you’re obsessed with checking the comments…or maybe it is sad, but we all do it, so it’s a completely appropriate behaviour! lol

    • Welcome to the craziness! And nice name too. That’s my real name, but shhh, I’m undercover so this is my RobName.

      Your actions concerning Rob are all NORMAL. Right UC and Moon? That’s normal!

    • HI! We’re all way normal! Who wouldn’t love his hotness?

  29. @ janet omg ive never seen that vid hahhah..thats hilarious..i remember watching the awards and thinking man, why did they cut him friend was like, wow he got faced..hahah..poor rob.

  30. Oh, I am sure JBell could find it for you if you ask politely. She can find anything in like half a second. Probably already has by the time I am finished typing and hitting enter.

    • Ok JBell, You’ve been challenged! I’ve never seen that video either!

      • She’s prob at lunch or finding more Rob-crack. She’ll turn up…

        Meanwhile. I onece saw that one piece on TMZ or one one of the “Funniest Rob Interview Moments” clips on YouTube, made by someone called Boymeetsbook, or girlmeetsbook, or something. If you search for her videos, if is bound to come up, along with 8 other vids that are hilarious.

        • Man I can’t type today. WAYYY too much sugar. Sorry, but I bet you got the point.

  31. Oh the shiteous nikes are here…it really is a good friday. 🙂 (refering to pics on robsessed)

    • Hey Kristin! I noticed too, and it totally made my day. I hope Carrie sees them, considering we share the Nike’s robsession!

  32. Welcome Wendy! ❤
    You have found your new home.

  33. that examiner article got me thinking… how wonderful would it be if weitz did a “happy times in the summer” montage to further show the strength of the relationship to make a suggestion of marriage so much more plausible at the end of New Moon.

    have i mentioned that i think weitz is gonna rock it? i watched the commentary last night and i just got annoyed with hardi a lot… especially when she talked over k&r during commentary… i mean she’s great and i think she cared i just feel like she let the loopy take over a few too many times.

    • Ok, THANK YOU. Hardwicke annoyed me so much in the commentary, in particular when she didn’t know things about her own movie. Case in point:
      Rob asked: “Is that supposed to be me looking at her from behind the bushes”
      Hardwicke: “Uhh, I don’t know, what do you think?”

      Also others that I can’t recall at the moment. She seemed to genuinely not know several key points about the movie she just made. Plus she was hitting on Rob so awkwardly, so I got mad. Rawr!


        DO. NOT. GET. ME. STARTED. ON. THAT. COMMENT. I wantedt to scream… “idiot! it’s not him… go read midnight sun… RAGH!”

        i think my favorite comment was when they were talking about rehearsing the prom scene and kristen said that she got really emotional and started crying (bc at that moment she realized that this connection with Rob was much, much more… she loved him… at least this is what i tell myself):
        K: Oh i remember in rehearseals during this scene i just broke down crying
        R: Really? You did?
        K: Yeah Remember you were like “what’s wrong”
        R: huh…

        ahhhhhh swoon… you just know he was just giving her that “i’m sorry you were sad, i’ll make it go away” look… meh.

        OH and commentary moment i would love to know about:
        I want to know what went down on set the day they shot Kristen in the hospital that has her saying it was a really, really rough day behind the scenes and that she was lucky her hand wasn’t bruised and cut … or something like that. the nosey neighbor in me is dying.

        • Hardwickey wick drove me nutz to. I’m kind of glad she’s out.
          I love what she did with Twilight, don’t get me wrong, but
          I find her…..annoying.

    • Me too, totally!

      I noticed that she got a hard on for all the “set props”, e.g. the sign from Forks, Forks High School sign, people’s outfits, greenhouse. She used to be like a Prop person, thingy, called a Production Designer and my theory is that it seems that all of the “set dressing” stuff was almost more important to her, than the acting and the story. Her loopiness was a bit crazed. But, at times, I did find her endearing.

      • I found myself going “who the hell cares?” when she kept going
        “that’s my amarillow in the back…notice how I set that can….
        that picture on that wall there.” LOL! And I think she was trying to copy Rob’s “apotampkin” when she did
        “THE EEGGYYPPTIIAANNSS” (ANNOYING!) Noone can top Rob’s
        “apotamkin” LOL! That’s like putting Baby in a corner!
        I’m so mean I know, but seriously…

  34. Lainey says she’s got MORE New Moon… keep your eyes peeled ladies… i’m off to Good Friday office lunch… i kid you not.

    • She kills me.

  35. Ok…I think I found it.. I’m gettin’ good:

    Video of Rob talking about Russel Brand cutting him off – a little slurry… 🙂

    • K, he’s hot when he’s drunk and relaxed BUT…


    • I love the slurriness. I’m sick.

      Again, drink responsibly people. (UC and Moon, this is lawyer Janetrigs coming out, sorry).

      • “i dont see nothin’ wrongggg” LOL.

        • I’m thinkin’ some L.L. would work also “doin’ it, n doin’ it, n doin’ it well”

  36. I gotta thank God
    Cuz he gave me the strength to rock
    im gonna knock you out, mama said knock you out!
    oh ll cool j…

    • LMAO, I love me some LL, something about him lickin’ those lips while he’s singing…

  37. Shell made 2 new VF shoot wallpapers! YUM! (they are the same, one is just canvas and the other is regular)

  38. What a wonderful way to start the afternoon!! Moon and UC, you gals always make me happy!!!

    I thank God for Moon and UC for coming up with this Robtastic website!! You gals make me smile everyday!!!


  39. Wow!!! Great letter today!!1
    I am so overloaded on all the new Rob stuff this week. I’m so dazzled I can’t think.

    @JBell- I so lol’d at this- “she’s just frontin’ so she doesn’t give Dad a complex and make him feel bad about himself.” MomBell is a closet Rob lover. Too funny.

    @Kristin Great Letter

    @Jena- “signing your uterus with his holy water?” That might be new favorite saying. 🙂 I also might have to become fake lezbo lovers with you for this- Or did Jbell find?? Whoever found it is my new fake lezbo lover.

    Speaking of Rob being the second coming?? I would like to see how many times I can make him come in me. I am sure it will be quite the religious experience and will want to put request into the Pope to canonize HHH. Robert Pattinson- His Holy Hotness Saint of the Orgasms. (That was kinda lame. I’m sure Sass or Kristin can ‘come’ up with something better0. 😉

    *waves* Hello to all the newbies!!
    That’s all I got for now. Got to go grab lunch.


    • Hey Carrie *waves back* Yeah, I get the feeling we’re all gonna be backing that request to the Pope lol

    • That would be JBell, but I’ll still fake lesbo make out with you!
      And I wish I could take the credit for the uterine signing, but that’s not mine either, although I added the holy water name to it. Who was it that coined the uterine phrase? I’m brain farting and don’t remember.

      • It was Ayden. But u added to the greatness of the saying. 😉

  40. *sings* I love Shell, oh yes I doooooo 🙂

    • I sent her your photos, think she’s working on that one now.

  41. I have dubbed it Good Robday, since I no longer go to church.

    We shall enjoy his Holy Greatness and His Power over us.

  42. Let’s run down the check list shall we?? –

    Black Beanie – Check.
    Black Hoodie – Check.
    Brown Bubble Jacket – Check.
    Black Slim Fit Pants – Check.
    Shiteous Nikes – Check.

    annnnnd I’m just gonna guess and say he’s wearing the… hmmm… let’s go with the… White TShirt underneath. 🙂

    • I could just eat him, is it wrong that I am trying to see if I can get a good angle and check out the goods by moving my computer screen around as if I’m looking in between his open legs?

      • Uh, not wrong at all!

        *Hits Ctrl – repeatedly*

        • There you are!! Chinamother needed you earlier, and your vast ROB library. She handled it though, I think. Anyhow, thanks for the rundown of clothing.

          • Janetrigs, I don’t know if I’ve ever said hi to you!
            So “hi” (reinact greenhouse scene in Twilight here, LOL!)

            and Dany, I think I’ve said hi to you but if I haven’t, hi!

            I’m all about the ‘Hi’ love today, LOL!

  43. for the girls creating the taxi company in robcouver:
    I’m going to remove all the seat belts in the cab and INSIST on acting as a HUMAN seat belt… that will be my job in this whole opperation.

    I heart st. mattress…

    kstewie bathroom encounter:
    i love her. she’s the betch i wish i could have been at her age. and when i say betch, it’s a compliment. girls got spunk. she’s figured out that you can’t go around in life trying to please everyone. you’ve got to be the only thing in this world that you can be… YOU. how much more fun would i have had in life at 19 had i just realized that? Tons. Not that my life wasn’t fun. Oh it was a barrell of shits and giggles. but let me tell you… the betch attitude i have now… is SO much more enjoyable.

    • Won’t Rob be suspicious of a cab with like…10 girls jammed in the front seat LOL

      We must make sure he is good and drunk!

      • And I know what I want to grab for an “oh shit” handle!

  44. Dany~I am brand new as of last night and I just couldn’t help myself to jump in and post here. I have been killing myself keeping all of my Rob stuff to myself, and here, I don’t have to! I feel like I can finally breathe! I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of my family and friends, although they do know I have a special fondness for Rob! I just can’t tell them that I am online whenever time, and my kids, allow and I have to check the reports on him everyday!

    iheartedward~Love your name, both of them! I am glad to find a place of other normal people like myself! lol

    Thanks, justagirl! I’m happy to “meet” all of you! I hope I can keep up with all of you! I just love that I have a place where I can come and share in all my excitement and love of Rob. I am not really a person who cared about celebrities but I’m just very impressed with Rob….his look, his body, his acting, his music. Very impressed with this man!

    I’m SO excited about New Moon coming out that I can’t stand it!! I don’t know how I’m going to be able to wait so long! The day it comes out, coincidentally, is mine and my husband’s tenth anniversary, so guess what we are doing for our anniversary?? Thankfully, my husband doesn’t mind sharing me with Rob….sigh. I am glad Catherine is out as director. I just can’t stand her and I vomited in my mouth so many times during the commentary. Was she even there when they shot the film? I’m so excited about Chris directing the second movie. What kind of pressure this man must have on his shoulders knowing all of “us” are out there, watching his every move and expecting so much!

    • Ohh yeah, as JAG said earlier, you’ve found yourself a home!

    • @Wendy Welcome to the Den of Sin!!

  45. You do realize that if the full phone # was
    listed in this picture we could all have ourselves some serious fun right?!

    • Am I the only one having dirty thoughts about that thumb?

      Yes, Rob, lower your thumb and I’ll come sit on your lap!

      • So I googled it and found the number, LOL! It matches what’s on the cab.
        If I was drunk I’d call it and ask insane questions.

    • muahahahah… i love google. gosh i’m such a good stalker, no man will ever be able to cheat on me.

      Black Top & Checker Cabs
      777 Pacific Street
      Vancouver, BC V6Z 2R7, Canada
      (604) 731-1111

      • Now all we need to do is find the right cab, look for bronze hairs on the seat headrest and then we can clone him. One each. Yipee! Sorted!

      • LMAO, that is our competition, we’ll need the address to flatten all their tires so our new cab company can take over.

    • Why is he in a non-smoking cab, ’cause he’s smokin’ hot…bah dum bum

  46. Thank you so much for giving this amazing gift to my eyes!!!

  47. Egads! Why can’t work understand that I need to be on LTR today for Good Robday? Sometimes, RL is a b*tch!

    Hello ladies! *waving maniacally* Smooches

    • Hi Ceri! I’m all alone at work now! However I really should work, LOL!

      • Hey Jena! I’ve haven’t really gotten any ‘quality’ work done this week and of course this morning they actually wanted me to do something. Aarrggh!!

        I am normally such a good little worker bee, but my Robsession is getting in the way. I wouldn’t be surprised if they canned my ass, but they need me, so there!

        I am liking Stewie again after reading the bathroom dialogue. She’s rocking the 19. Maybe she won’t be such a sourpuss and we can see that strong woman Rob’s always talking about.

        • I was happy to see her big smile in the big white SUV when
          it pulled up next to fans!

          And I hear you on not getting much work done this week.
          I’m damn lucky my computer isn’t being tapped (at least I don’t
          think it is, LMAO!)

    • i agree… i’ve actually been busy today. someone called me to plan a meeting and i wanted to scream “EXCUSE ME… why do you insist on making me use my brain in a future-thinking, productive manner. First, its good friday. second, it was kstews bday last night and oregano wasn’t there. Third, there are PICTURES… lots and lots of pictures that are just begging to be theatered. GO AWAY.” instead i said, “you know what, i’m going to have to call you back… my outlook just doesn’t seem to be working properly for some reason. have a nice weekend.” click.

  48. @Jena
    Greenhouse, “Hi.” to you too…..Annoying Catherine Hardwick commentary, “I Love greenhouses.”

  49. I have had to submerse myself in some Robness for a while and schlurp up as many Rob pics as possible.

    We went as a family to see 17 Again this afternoon (daughter and can you believe it husband wanted to see it). It was very funny I must admit and I did enjoy it (in fact I was laughing at all the cougar jokes re Zac and the mum in the film … well we all know why). Zaquisha is good in it, but waaaaay too much fake tan and stripping of body hair and sprayed on water to make him look sweaty (as if Zaquisha could actually sweat … he’s way to sweet and clean).

    Anyway, after having to take in 2 hours of clean, shiny and hairless I needed to “reset” myself with some good old fashioned filthily sex male wilderbeastie. Today’s pics were just the job.

    *sigh* all better now.

    ps Is it much longer til November and New Moon time? Are we nearly there yet? (said in whiny child voice).

    • God I can’t even type properly … I wish we could edit our posts. Sorry for the mistakes folks.

      • As much as I think Zach’s a jealous ass now. I really really really
        want to see this! (I’m trying to not let his statement on Twilight
        bother me because I really find him funny an entertaining, but
        damnit he ruined it for me) But I’m still going to this movie
        because I think it looks hilarious!

        • It really was hilarious! I think the adults in the audience laughed more than the teen kids though. I was a bit embarassed at how much I was laughing, but my hubbie was giggling too.

          Honestly Rob and Zac and chalk and cheese. They are so different. Rob is never going to go for the same type of role as Zac and while Zac might try to diversify a bit, he’s never going to try to do a Little Ashes type role. I think there’s plenty of room for the both of them. The teenagers can have Zac and leave Rob for the real women …

  50. @Calliope…You know what I could use before I jet out of here…bet you know.

    FYI – I am crazy impatient when I am sugar hyped.

    • aghh Janet… i don’t twilight theater will be on here till later! super busy due to not having done ANYTHING (i kid you not) yesterday. will do my best though!

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