Posted by: themoonisdown | February 14, 2009

And the winners are…

Dear LTT/LTR Gals (and lost dudes)-

You all are the most creative, talented, generous and awesome-est people we know! UC and I have been blown away by the entries to our lil Twi-alentine’s contest. When we had the idea originally we had no clue what people would enter, if anything! But now all we can say is “WOW” because you all did NOT disappoint. After the contest closed UC and I met at Rob’s place behind closed doors  and had a jello wrestling match super top secret meeting to decide the winners. It was a tough job but someone had to do it!  So without further adieu the WINNERS!!!!!

Poems – write us your best “Roses are red…” Twilight related poem

01 all Twilight series characters
Winner:  Paige and Christina

Poem from KStew to her weed
Roses are red,
you are my green.
When I don’t smoke you,
I get bitchy and mean.

In the morning,
when I wake.
I fill my bowl,
and a hit I take.
Oregano and I sit,
on the steps outside.
We smoke until,
we are flying high.

I love you like,
girls love RPattz.
And even a little more,
than my own cats.

People tell me that,
I really should stop.
When they say this,
I tell them to stfu !

02 Rob
Winner: FutureMrsP

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Everyone at letters to Rob
Wants to spend V-day with you
We will leave our husbands
And our children too
Just to spend one night with you
It’s really not a lot to ask
We will make worth your while
Trying out new things
That is guaranteed to make you smile
So whether you want naughty, nice
Or even lots of spice
We promise to make it
The best day of your life

03. Misc. (Stephenie, Forks, fangirls, whatever your heart desires)
Winner: Melissa

Of course it wasn’t a roofie
that I slipped into your drink…
You’re right it’s getting hot in here,
too hot for that flannel, dont ya think?

While you’re at it lose the beanie
and I’ll help you with those shoes..
Put on your fave Morrissey album
and I’ll get you some more booze.

Better take off those dirty jeans,
& oh, those boxers are the bomb!
Yeah I’ll undo those handcuffs, Rob,
first just let me phone my Mom..

Hey while I’m at it let me log on..
Oh, Spunk Ransom, you’re the best!
Gotta check ‘Letters to Rob’
and send this into the contest!

(moon note: you had me at Morrissey!)

– design a Twi-alentine Day’s card. It can be digital, photoshop, scrap, stamped, whatever you want.

01 all Twilight characters(bella to edward, you to jacob, whatever)
Winner: Julie @starsfallcreations
Bella and Edward

clicky to enlarge

clicky to enlarge

02 Rob
Winner: Amber

clicky to enlarge

clicky to enlarge

03. Misc. (skies the limit, anything Twilight related)
Winner: Rhojo
Volturi and Rob

clicky to enlarge

clicky to enlarge

Rad, aren’t they!? Now let’s give all the winners and entrants a HUGE round of applause! Seriously there were so many great entries it was a very difficult decision… so much so that next week we’re going to feature “The Best of the Rest!” and show off everyone’s creativity.

To the winners: we will use a random picker thingy (technical name) on the interwebs to choose which awesome prize you’ll receive and we will contact you via email to set up prize delivery! Go check out a sample of the SUPER DEE DOOPER prizes that have been donated!

Congratulations winners!
Themoonisdown & Unintendedchoice


  1. Yay! i’ve been waiting all day for the results (damn the stupid uk time zone)! what marvelous creativity!

    Ambers card had me in stitches!

    Well done ye winners

  2. Great job you guys!
    I wish I were that talented/creative!
    Congratulations! [insert crazy fan girl screaming here]

  3. Those were all great. Good job everyone!!

  4. Amber, I love your coupons, LMAO! Well done everyone!

  5. OMG, I can’t believe I won!! Thanks moon and UC!!

    *proceeds to do happy dance while son stares at her strangly*

  6. WOW! everyone did a great job. Those cards were awesome!

    @Moon & UC- Thanks a bunch. I’m still in shock that I won something

    Doing my happy dance also
    (the running man followed by the robot)

  7. GET OUT!!!!! I am stunned, I tell you! Thank you SO MUCH! And the submissions of rest of the winners are insanely good. They are all so funny (I just realized that mine’s the only mushy one in the bunch) — but this? “Oregano and I sit, on the steps outside. We smoke until, we are flying high.”= LOVE! All the poems are hilarious , as are the husband coupons, the Volturi, getting Rob “more booze,” “trying out new things,” the whole lot. You guys ALL ROCK. Congrats to all the winners!

    Moon and UC — again, huge thanks!

  8. Wow those are all so great! And

    @Julie– Mines all mushy-ish too, but it’s a poem (not a winner obviously). From Bella, to Edward. Haha, it wasn’t originally for that but i tweaked it to work.

    The winners are all awesome!! Good job =]

  9. awwww great job guys!!!!! well done indeed!! and @ F mrs.p i love ur poem,my roomates all laughed when i read it out loud to them.

  10. Eeeeep. I’m so excited I nearly peed my pants! Thanks for picking my my wildest dreams I imagine seeing Rob walk into my favorite bar and slipping him a roofie while he’s messing with his hair..Congrats to everyone!!

  11. lmao aw these were awesome, excellent job guys!!

  12. Melissa, I knew the second I read your poem it would be a hit..thanks for remembering me before you removed the handcuffs hahaha…they were all great! I think someone better start writing an intervention poem

  13. Let’s go to London — I hope we see your poem soon! I’m glad I wasn’t the only mushy one!

  14. Nicely done everyone! Congrats to all…they all are fab!!

  15. To the girls who submitted stuff to the contest:

    You ladies ROCK!! What a talented bunch we have here!

  16. You guys are all made of win! @Amber…those coupons are the best! ome… $50 for new wardrobe. So great! *bows*

  17. @lovesbcmc – Thanks! It all came to me in a dream…with Rob!!


    Sooooo good! All of them!

    Congrats 🙂

    The prizes friggin’ rock.

  19. Awesome stuff. I am borrowing the coupons for use in the Ransom household.

    Clap, Clap, Clap to the winners. 😉

  20. I honestly don’t know how to do a link thing. I’m not very computer savy, but here’s for hoping. Theres always copy pase haha. I found this entirely It’s kinda ironic, don’t you think?

  21. Ahhhh!! It worked =]

  22. OMG…I can’t believe Paige and I won. hahaha. Congrats to all the other winners too!

  23. This totally made my day!!! The poems are hilarious– great job, ladies. What a fun contest!

  24. Congratulations to all the winners! Great job everybody.

    I especially loved Amber’s card with the “love” coupons and Meissa’s poem.

    @UC and Moon – congratulations on a successful Twi-alentine contest and thanks bunches in organizing it and to those that donated the prizes. Y’all are the best!

  25. ^^^Sorry, I meant Melissa’s poem. I apologize for the misspelling. I clicked on “Submit Comment” too fast.

  26. LOL! These are all great. Congrats to all the winners. 😀

  27. […] that we should be surprised, but our own super-talented designer Julie won the Julie won the Letters to Rob Twi-alentine’s contest!  Check out her beautiful card and don’t […]

  28. […] pretty much done giving me grief about it (he realized it was a losing battle when I won the Twi-lantine’s contest on LTT/LTR). But, there is a small part of me that want to share my Twi-obsession with him. Two of […]

  29. […] pretty much done giving me grief about it (he realized it was a losing battle when I won the Twi-lantine’s contest on LTT/LTR). But, there is a small part of me that want to share my Twi-obsession with […]

  30. Aww cute!!! I wish I would have found this before!

    • itsxtinabitch- well, keep checking back- we’ll def have a contest again! thanks for saying hi! XO

  31. […] prize for my winning Twi-alentines Day Contest entry (my sneaky coupons for hubby turning him into Rob) hosted by my fave ladies over at Letters […]

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