Posted by: themoonisdown | March 22, 2009

Where in the world is the Edward Action Figure? The Gates of Hell

Dear Ashley-

It was little Edwards dream to meet you, besides being a HUGE fan he knew how much UC and I loved you. I mean we’re going to be BFF’s after all. So when the news came down the wire that you were going to be at Hollywood and Highland’s Hot Topic he knew he had to be there to see you. I busted her arse to get to Hot Topic to secure tickets then drove like Edward down to LAX to pick up UC and back up to Hollywood again all the while dreaming of the perfect slumber party she would someday host after you all met and knew you must be BFF’s for life.

Needless to say it was absolute pandemonium with hundreds upon hundreds of fans (and friends and boyfriends and husbands who got dragged along) lined up for just a chance to see you.

Entering “the gates of hell” as Rob would say… screaming tweens and angels of death greet us as we settle in for the wait

At first Edward was a bit scared to come out and play cause it was so crazy…

turns out he was a HUGE hit… with girls wanting to take pictures with him and asking where to get their own mini Edward. Seriously girls? Who doesn’t know that?

Then being the good bloggers that we are we decided to update the followers on Twitter as to what was going on. Mini Edward being the crafty guy he is decided to get in on the action by live tweeting some of the news and professing his undying love to all the insane LTR gals and twitter followers who endured the 2 hr wait with us (regardless of time zone)… and a special thanks and ‘hitch of the leg’ to JBell our personal savior and direct feed to all things TWI while driving all over LA and standing in line trying not to get eaten by rabid fans and general Hollywood dbags. You will get your reward in heaven and “fake prize” TBD.

with hundreds of screaming (yes SCREAMING, read: ANNOYING) fans clambering to see you the tv crews were swirling like vultures with their cameras waiting to catch the perfect twihard freak out and rip off her “Edward is Mine, back off Biotch!” tshirt at the mere site of a cardboard cut out. We saw Access Hollywood, E! news, Reelz Channel, the Local Fox affilate and MTV. Loving Larry Carrol like we do Edward decided to show himself  for the MTV cameras and as luck would have it…

Moon happens to get into the shot featured on!

And then FINALLY!! You show up and I have to hold on tight to little Edward because it started getting crazy. Pushing, shoving, screaming, demons being exercised from the bodies of 14yrs olds… you know just your average Twilight event

Finally after we’re peeled off of the floor and our hearts resuscitated by electric shock we run to get in line to meet you because Little Edward simply can’t pass by this opportunity… as we wait in line we meet other twi-fans to pass the time while we  inch closer and closer to meeting you. AND THEN… the clouds (tutu’s, bat wings, twilight body glitter) part and Edward sees you!

All that craziness and screaming and lines and it was worth it. Little Edward, I and UC up close and personal with Ashley Greene at the Hollywood and Highland DVD release party and we couldn’t have been more psyched to meet our new BFF. PSSSTTT check out her earrings!

It was nearing 2AM and we simply had to get out of Hollywood but not without getting a picture with our newest BFF fellow M.A.C., Hello Kitty and Twilight Fan (Amazing Race contestant) Kynt whom we met while waiting in line. Check out Kynt’s awesome sites.

Ashley we heart you and Edward’s life is now (almost) complete!

Kisses, hugs and rainbows,

Check out our rundown of the Midnight “Party” over at Letters to Twilight!

Where else has the Edward Action Figure been?


  1. How fun, I too got a pick with a teen that just kept wanting to hold lil’ Edward.
    Looks like a great time, wish I could of seen Ashley but Catherine was good.
    Oh a JBell got a gift from me. Catherine signed a piece of paper for me for JBell! Yes, I;ve already put it in the mail for her.

    • i think catherine seems like such a cool person, i’d love to meet her

      • She was really cool, very energetic. She would of been a blast to work with.

  2. Kellan & Ashley are following me now…Ack…can I still be a Perv or do I tone it down…

    • @JAG- commented on the last page (to you), but the darn page flipped over again!

    • What are Kellan & Ashley twitter users accnt names?

      • KellenCLutz & Ashely_Michelle

    • lol having the same thought here..except not pervie worries more like…boring bike talk or just silliness with my family.

    • They follow me too and I still talk about my love of Rob. Oh well.

  3. @carter – just catching up from yesterday’s posts. Glad you liked SM and my texts, thought it was just too funny not to share. And as far as the convention – we are so totes there. I also agree we need a new name for it other than convention. We need some saucier. I am only to 11am on yesterdays comments, so maybe you guys renamed it later last night. If not, that is something new for our to do list.

    • is there seriously talk of a real-life convention?? where have i been!!

      • It’s been discussed in theory but nothing set up. We have talked about trying to get together at one of the premires. Who knows….. My money is on JBell getting something set up for real.

        • Oh, that would be so much fun!! I hope it works out. I will totally be there.

    • Don’t have time to review from last night. Can you give me update if I missed anything big??

  4. @SpunkMe whoever gets him will certainly be the luckiest lady ever. OMG! That reminds me of a terrible thought I had last night while watching The Girl’s Next Door.

    I was just thinking how terrible it would be if Rob went to a party there (at the Playboy mansion)and hooked up with one of those girls. I mean, you hear stories of the “grotto” and I just think that would be awful! I know lots of those girls aren’t complete skanks, but I’m sure most of them are just there to add notches to their bedposts celebrity style, know what I mean?

    • @FN

      I hope our man has better taste and morals than that! I really think he will hold out for Kristen or someone else after the Twilight Saga is finished….By then he’ll be about 26. He’ll be looking soon at that point to find someone to settle down with. Once you hit 30 you are usually looking into starting a family of your own…

      Man, the lucky B*tch that gets to carry and deliver his child is so F*cking LUCKY! It makes me green with envy!!!!!!!!! My ovaries ZING every time I see him!!!!

      • Don’t worry I’ll invite you gals to our wedding and our baybays will carry all of the LTR girls name’s initials LMAO!!

      • Oh my goodness SMe, please don’t wish for Rob to be on his lonesome until he’s 26, good god he’s a wonderful 22 year old man – Rob get out there and ask someone out and enjoy yourself (I don’t mean for him to be a man w*ore of course either)! And a little hint Rob … nowadays, they are pretty much all going to be a “sure thing” where you are concerned babes. Have faith in yourself. You are GREAT!

  5. Okay, think I’m just about ready to give up today. My comments aren’t showing up, and s/o deleted a comment I made on Twitter last night. *shakes head sadly*

    • no one can delete your comments on Twitter but you, it’s tweet overload that’s all. Don’t be sad ❤ u

      • Really JAG?- not imagining that there’s a conspiracy against me? Paranoid much? ❤ U2! Verra much! lol

  6. *bows* Like I said, I do it all for the greater good of the world. Happy to be of service;)

    “demons being exercised from the bodies of 14yrs olds… you know just your average Twilight event” – lmfao You know, the norm. *shrug*

    Kynt!?! SERIOUSLY!? I love him; I almost didn’t recognize him without the hot pink hair, but yes, it’s most definitely Kynt lol

    RE: Ash & Kellan following you guys on Twitter – Remember that they each follow over 1,000 people so at any given time, your Tweets can be lost to them in a sea of Twittering goodness. Feel free to continue with normal crazed/insane Tweets lol:)

    RE: My DVD commentary comment – LMAO I didn’t think anyone would actually go back and read that!! But damn, I had to let the crazy out! All these things were swimming around in my head and making me insane, I had to share with someone – or someTHING. Oh Lord. I think I’ll repost for those of you who missed it – plus I want to read it again anyway LOL Enjoy!

    • #


      I’m gonna comment to myself because I’m watching the commentary version now and I am DYING lmfao.

      Dear Rob –
      Oh, I’ll show you how you double pump a clutch alright…
      Apotamkin does not equal Apple Dumplin’. lmfao
      So you’re telling me Sourpuss has seen Little Ashes?? Fuck you. I hate you for seeing it already, like you even CARE. Unless you thought it was about smoking, which it’s NOT! Little Ashes does not equal a movie about smoking Sourpuss, just FYI!
      Dear Rob,
      Do you like ‘Cat in the Hat’ that much? I’ll put my cat in your hat ifyouknowwhatimsayinandithinkyoudo.
      BAHAHAHAHAH!!! “D U H !” Oh Robbie, I love you.
      “I don’t see nothin’ wrongggggg…”
      “Glued it down with glitter glue.”
      Stop degrading your fingers!! Holy crap.
      Dear Rob,
      If you’re into that whole hitting and slapping with straps, whips, chains, whatever – I’m totally down. Let me know.
      Ohhhh Rob in the rain. RainyRob. WetRob. Water dripping off of RainyRob’s lips. Fuck me now.
      AH! “That’s my problem, I can’t follow through…” Mmmmm. I can help with that too.
      “I never understood people who just liked to throw balls around.”
      You can throw your balls around with me, Rob.
      Rob, are you jealous of Billy Burke’s mustache?? Do you wish your Little Ashes mustache was that awesome!? I know, me too.
      Charlie really does steal every scene he’s in. He is awesome.
      Does Catherine & Kristen REALLY need to say that “It was FREEZING” about every scene!? Honestly, we know.
      FRECKLEPORNNNNN in the baseball scene! Mmmmmm!
      Oh Cam.
      Mmmmmm. I want to hear Rob growl… oh yes, I do. Also Rob, can you just say ‘bouffant’ and ‘lit’rally’ for the rest of your life?
      Always noticed that Esme wasn’t actually wasn’t there for the garage scene. From the first time I saw it. Yep.
      Side note – Rob, along with ‘bouffant’ & ‘lit’rally’, can you just laugh and giggle in between? Thanks.
      LMFAO! Saying Kristen sounds like she’s barking! = WIN!
      Okay, seriously. Rob is like, eating every time he speaks. lol …or he has a mouth full of shit.
      Dear Rob,
      I sound like that when I have a mouth full of Cream of Cullen.
      That’s all.
      FRECKLEEEEPORNNNN in the gazebo at the prom. My God. YUM.
      Rob, you totally said something about “Good head.” I heard it…. say it again!?
      Not gonna lie, Sourpuss got it dead-on with pretending to be Rob:)

      Okay. I’m done commenting to myself. It’s 430aEST. Submit Comment. The end.

      –How did we get hereeeeeee!?–

      • My fave of your comments are the ones about Rob in the rain!! Nothing like getting the truth off your chest is there girl? You can be direct with Rob, I don’t think he wants to play games – just tell it like it is. He needs a woman in charge (and def not one that stutters all the time, cough KStew).

        I can’t wait to get the DVD when it comes out here and watch the commentary as it pertains to the film, as opposed to just hearing it.

        Yes it does sound like Robbie Wobbles is stuffing his face half the time in that commentary, just wish it wasn’t with bagles, but hey he’s got to keep himself occupied faced with 2 hours next to those two.

  7. JBell, you crack me up!

  8. yess..the ren and stimpy reference basically solidified the fact that he rules.

    • I was lit’rally in awe when he said that! I froze and had to rewind and listen again lol

  9. Post and run.

    Missed you guys, but too much Robgoodness to view.

    Found these though and must share. Sorry if you’ve already seen them.

    Apparantly this is his “standing against the wall pose” Thank God!

    Another cutie

    • @therealrobzilla

      That first pic is like the casual version of ROBQ Urban Cowboy! YUMMY!

  10. @JBell – Ditto on every comment!! Thought the exact same things! I.AM. DIED. when he did the Ren and Stimpy comment too.

    • what does he say?

      • lmfao Something about his flat head and how he feels like his face is turned inside out and then references Ren & Stimpy when he’s inside his bellybutton… something along those line.

        • I don’t remember the belly button episode. Am going to have to find it now and watch it.

  11. @Gen did you send a tweet to someone & it disappeared?

    • Late last night I addressed JBell and I said ‘are you still up? You must be a machine! lol’ It was gone this morning. There was no twitter traffic last night at all so I thought it was weird that it was gone this morning.

  12. The pic Vogue was talking about- ACK!

    • that clip is so oddly hott in the freakin weirdest way

      • Can you believe that I haven’t watched it yet? Only got around to 1 disc last night.

        • must be watched!!

    • PS check out the guy in the back doing his Bio work (ho hum) LOL!

  13. @SM and anyone else who really wanna taste…

    Edward’s piano concert

    Paired with this..XXX chapter example….Whew! Panties POOF!

    Want the rest from the beginning?….

  14. Okay, so I guess this is the Ren and Stimpy episode Rob was referring to….

    Rob and KStew must have been hitting the bong and watching something besides N17 movies…..

    • That is the only episode I remember watching as a kid.

      • I can remember two pretty well. I don’t remember the exact title to the episodes but they are the one where stimpy loses his fart and the other one was where Ren kept saying I’m the pitcher, you’re the catcher. That cartoon was just too funny.

  15. @jbell…..awwwwww u crack me up girl!!I saw ur tweet about the clutch,don’t forget we need to teach rob to prperly “bump and grind” each and everyone here!LMAO!!!! @ JAG…… ur my hero ever for coming up with that Vid!!!

  16. Ok trying again (Rob in Japan)

  17. Bump & Grind
    download link to MP$ if u want it on your MP3 player or ipod

  18. Here they are (all of them)

  19. ok,I just got an email saying Ashley_michelle is now following you on twittet. but we are already following each other from a few days,is it possible to follow someone around in a circle ok twitter?just a thought. sidenote:was trying to type a response to vogue’s post earlier and when I typed V,my iPhone suggested “volturri”. Damn phone scared d shit outta me,so FKL’ed for dissing vogue.

  20. Watching it on Direct TV because whyyyyy Melissa yes that is right still no DVD…ugh ….MY PRECIOUS….come home….

    • …… comment.

  21. * twittet + *on // note to self:don’t type while eating auntie anne’s pretzels.sugar all over screen

  22. * twitter + *on // note to self:don’t type while eating auntie anne’s pretzels.sugar all over screen

  23. Ooppsss sorry double post !

  24. Twitter Kristen seems to be in hiding since Friday… hee hee
    Do the gals at Robsessed think FakeRpatz is really Rob, there was a comment left that led me to believe they do?

    • That would be hilarious if fakerpattz Is actually rob,hiding in plain sight!!! Him and faketomstu are hilarious!

    • @Jag- Kristin posted this morning- had a bridal shower and dance to go to. Was briefly on Twitter too.

  25. Anybody reading Midnight Desire fanfic? Chapter 24 is up—as Edward rushes to save Bella from James.

    • Ooh thanks – love that one.

      Shucks … I am trying to get a few things sorted out in my office … oh well, whatever, there is always tomorrow.

      Anyone else feel like they have become the world’s best procrastinator in recent weeks?

    • Oops. It’s chapter 25.

  26. am having twilight overload……..brain can’t handle anymore…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol

  27. @JAG – just a shout out thanks for the MP3 bump and grind video!

  28. *stumbling out of my crack den for a breather*


    *back to the crack*

  29. Seriously though…

    Those pics of Mr. Casual Urban cowboy that were posted a little way back? Where are they from and why have I not seen them before???

    Do we have any gifs of Edward grabbing Bella in Biology and getting his vampire on with her? Because I was gonna make one for my own continual pleasure, but if there is already one out there, I won’t.

    Rob and his audio commentary was made of win, love all of your comments up there JBell!

    After watching everything, I think we need to petition Summit to release every single bit of Rob that they have on film, coz you know there is more. I want to see the entire piano concert, not just a few minutes of it. I want to see every rehearsal, every take and I would pay handsomely for it.

    • @Sass- are you talking about the one where he is leaning against the wall in the blue shirt? If so, they are Japanese magazine scans from (FLIX) in May.

  30. I honestly feel like I have been on one helluva weekend bender.

  31. Hi Everybody!
    I missed you all lastnight! JBell you comentary comments are cracking me up!!
    I loved the comentary! Kristin actually seemed like she was enjoying it!

  32. ****sneaks in*****

    apotampkin!!!!!!!!! gawds,i love how rob can be such a baby when he says that.

  33. Maybe somebody already posted this over the weekend, but…..

    go and vote for Rob!! I guess we can vote as often as we want.

  34. *I interrupt your DVD/Twi/Robgasms to bring you an important alert*

    I got my mom to watch the DVD with me last night. She actually watched it and paid attention. She laughed at all of the appropriate parts and actually got all of the little snide comments – so that’s how I knew she was actually paying attention!

    — She loved the restaurant scene in Port Angeles. She even went so far as to say that Rob looked really good in that scene. “The lighting was beautiful, that’s the only scene he looked really great in.”

    — She also took note of the song in the scene too. As it was playing she said “What’s this song?? Can you put it on my iPod?” I almost cried, she made me so proud. “That’s Rob’s song! It’s on the soundtrack!” She also wants Linkin Park & Supermassive Black Hole… she liked it in the baseball scene AND she even noticed Rob giving the finger to Kellan!

    — When Edward has Bella backed against the mossy rock after the big “Say it. Outloud.” scene and Edward puts his hand on Bella’s chest feeling her heartbeat, mom says as an overtone “Don’t touch her! Your hands are too cold for that!”

    — lol After the big I-sparkle-like-diamonds-in-the-sun scene, every time Rob came on the screen she would say “You’re beautiful” in her best Bella voice. It was funny.

    — Her favorite scene was Bella leaving Charlie. She said she got a little misty eyed and said Kristen & Billy did a really good job in that scene.

    All in all, she actually ENJOYED it and she even asked if there were extras or deleted scenes or anything. “Uh, yeah! 3 hours worth!” We only watched the extended scenes and the music videos though.

    I asked her if she understood it all better now and she said yes. She explained how Edward loves Bella and wants to be with her, but he sees himself as a monster and knows that he has the capability of killing her at any moment. And she explained that he can’t be with her if she is human because he “can’t ever lose control with her” (YES! She quoted it from the movie!!).

    I ended up telling her that Edward leaves Bella in the next book in order to keep her safe and mom threw a slight hissy-fit.
    Me: “What? You’re not gonna read the books anyway!!”
    Mom: “Well I’ll see the movie!”
    Me: “Okay… the movie doesn’t come out until November, and you would have definitely found out by then.”
    Mom: “Now I don’t even care if I see it since you ruined it.”

    Whatevs mom. You’ll see it because I can see that you are slowly going to fall into the Twilight Zone. (Sorry, I had to have the cheesy/cliche line in there.)

    PS – She only said “I vant to suck your blooood” twice during the movie:) Baby steps!

    • Wow she has had an epiphany JBell. Very funny.

      How old is your mum?

      I will feel very depressed if she is younger than me, because I keep thinking she is about 55/60 and “old” like my mum (who is to be sure a very young 68 year old – more like a 55 year old TBH). Your mums is probably younger than me (40 something, not admitting to it though – NEVER EVER EVER). Luckily I am very immature for my age and still have the body of a 17 year old. Yes, that is right I have not grown since I was 17. Well not upwards anyway. Some parts did grow outwards, unfortunately more than just 2, though I try to beat them into submission with visits to the gym etc.

      • LOL! “…unfortunately more than just 2, though I try to beat them into submission with visits to the gym etc.”

        Don’t be depressed! lol My mom will be 41 next month and she’s a young/cool/rad mom; always more of a friend than anything. She and dad have been together since mid-teens and they had me when mom was 19 and dad was 20. :] I wouldn’t have it any other way

        • Gah, I knew it. She is younger than me. Now I’m going to sulk!

          Stamps foot again. (I do a lot of that – I’m bossy me – ask my husband – he has known me for 20 years now since he first swept me off my feet, but he obviously likes the bossiness as he’s still here. Wait, he’s only here for the weekends … maybe that has something to do with it?!!! (Honeymoon marriage – makes you enjoy each weekend more when you don’t see each other in the week).

          I will have to picture a different type of mum when you write about her next JBell … how can a mere 41 year old be immune in anyway to the yumminess of Mr P?

    • yes,an epiphany indeedy!!!! this is a good day,first,vogue’s DH and now jbell’s mom!!!! our motto should be: twi-verting one person at at time!

      • On the other hand I was trying to explain the concept of Fan fiction to my hubbie last night seeing as he was wondering what I was reading online.

        So I’m explaining it takes the characters from Twilight and puts them into different scenarios, some similar, some very different, some rather not to my taste, but there you have it and he says, clearly not having a clue what the **** I am referring to by “Twilight”

        “Twilight, what’s that then, is that that funny TV series with the sci-fi stuff they used to have years ago”

        Now bear in mind that I read the 4 Twilight books continually from start to finish, but in the wrong order (don’t ask … I am impatient and couldn’t get New Moon) over the Xmas period. They are piled on my bedside table and I often re-read bits of them (the good bits, not the boring Jacob bits or Bella going depressed bits) so they are often around the house in other places. He has seen the film with me and also taken me to the cinema and let me go see Twilight whilst he and my son watched another film …..

        He hasn’t a clue.

        Thank god.

        I don’t like he’d like Rob Pattinson much …………… I think he might want to punch him.

        Oh well, better that way probably. *sigh*

  35. I have a strange theory…..

    Remember Rob saying on the commentary “I look like an anime character!” (during the prom scene).

    Well, given his taste in movies ie; Last Tango in Paris and that other perved-out movie…what was it called…?? Danger/Caution?? It was asian and there was a lot of screwing.

    I will be you $100 he watches anime porn. There are anime cartoons that are unbelievably graphic.

    LOL at the thought of Rob watching that stuff.

    • @Vogue- omg that movie was Lust/Caution. Did you see it? That’s a good summary- ‘it was asian and there was a lot of screwing’ LOL you could say that again!

      • Why am I even worried about having to look near the porn on the top shelf at english newsagents in my search for the RobQ …. Gen … where / when / what is this film. I need to be closer to Rob. Depraved? No, never …..

        Frustrated ….. er yes, very. DH had better be ready tonight. It has been a good weekend for him.

    • yeah the peeps who make anime porn are over the topppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yeah,i can see imagine rob watching anime porn.him and BFF tomstu totes watches it

  36. thats too funny! Rob watching cartoon porn! LMAO

  37. I just got done watching the commentary! I couldn’t wait any longer and then I realized that I was the only one stopping me. lol

    @JBell when I went to watch the movie at the theater with my best friend, she hadn’t finished reading the book, so when Bella left and was saying all those mean things to Charlie, she actually yelled out (loudly) “BITCH!” I couldn’t stop laughing.

    My friend is also accepting my Robsession. She bought me a book called “Robert Pattinson: Eternally Yours” it’s an unauthorized biography, but it’s the thought that counts. lol

  38. The great thing about being a LTR lady is you learn soooo much about sooo many interesting, useful things each day.

    Of course your home falls apart and your family are dressed in rags and eating rubbish …. but you are fully equiped to discuss matters of geography (rainfall quotas in the pacific rainforest), arty farty cartoons, travel logistics (flights to NYC, London, back to Vancouver), up and coming musicians (Rob’s pals) .. the list is endless. It’s like finishing school really … just more, er, lustful.

    • Books you never thought you’d read, movies in French, following every musician he ever mentioned—Tom Waits, J L Hooker, Jeff Buckley, King Curtis, looking up the words to KOL’s Soft…so much useful information to have at your fingertips!

      • LMAO!!!! hunting all these stuff on the internet,causing you a lot of time and effort,endlessly listening to KOL while driving,memorizing the songs….going on different robert pattinson sites to keep up with current rob-events to share w fellow LTR’ers….neglecting to eat,getting sleep deprived from all these robsessing…oh is good.

        • So true, so true.

          • *grinning like an idiot when someone says literallly and imagine hearing it as lit’rally.

            *rewinds the part where he says apotampkin
            *listens to bump and grind and immediately think of rob

            *cheeseburgers are now considered vampire food.

    • LMFAO!! “finishing school”! Complete with porn Rob videos and fanfic (and now anime porn)!

      • Yes underneath that quiet exterior we english are all animal passion. You knew that didn’t you – we just pretend to be stuck up?

        Except with Rob it is kind of in reverse – the exterior is clearly and without a doubt delicious sex god and the interior is quiet and humble. Yummy. Me likey. Lots.

        • Dear English Girl-
          Couldn’t agree with you more!
          In the words of Supertramp ‘You’re Bloody well right’!
          Cheers Gen

          • Very apt Gen.

            Supertramp brings back fond memories of teenage times … I think I must be regressing slowly at the moment.

            I’ve obviously caught whatever Benjamin Button had.

            Or I’m having a mid life crisis, but quite an enjoyable one!

  39. WTF where can I watch Lust/Caution. STAT!

    • I just started looking for it too, but have only found trailers so far, not whole movie. Hopefully someone has link….

    • lemme go to piratebay,maybe they have it there

    • I saw it on the Movie Channel a few months ago! ACKGAHACK! Is all I can say- and when I saw it- Guess who I thought of? and the thought of him watching it- GAHACKGAH!!! Movie is in Chinese with subtitles btw.

      • By the sound of it, who needs the words?

        • LOL Exactly English Girl (EXACTLY!!!!)

          • Girl – we are obviously twins separated at birth tonight!

  40. @Gen…thanks for the picture info!

  41. The final chapter of Midnight Desire is up over at

    I am sad this is the end, I will miss it… *sniff*

    But still laughed my ass off, hee!!

  42. TwilightLexiconNew blog post: Twilight DVD Sells 3 million in the first day

    all i can is..WOW!

  43. ROFL! Fakerpatzz posted this –

    • LOL. YES! YES! YES!!!

      • A few hours…just not enough!

    • Oh Hell Yeah!

    • hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!anytime rob!!! any fuckin’ time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • i just totes set that pic as my wallpaper!!LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • ROTFL!!!

      Sure. Why not?


    • OMG, that is well ….too much! Uh, right now? OKAY! LOL!
      ps Vogue what is your twitter name?

      • MadameVogue 😀

  44. @vogue – wasn’t sure what anime was so I googled anime porn. First one that came up was one that started out with a guy who was at comic con. Too funny!! It also ended with one of the screaming scary faces too – bastards!

    • I did the same thing – googled it.
      “You can google it.” Yeah, yeah, I know, thanks Edward.

      I saw a few things and lets just say I had my jaw hanging open in shock. and I think there were a few WTF’s thrown in .

      • i have a couple of those in my HDD,a friend gave then to me,the first time i saw them,i think i had to pick up my jaw from the floor.LOL

      • Seriously! I can’t believe the stuff they will do to the smurfs. And, one page had Marg Simpson with some anal beads. Rob WTF? He’s one kinky bastard isn’t he?

        • hahaha….I’ve never actually seen any anime, but now I’m afraid. lol

          • I hadn’t seen it before either but when Vogue mentioned it and the idea that Rob might watch it, I had to figure out what it was. And OMG!!

  45. FakerStephanieRTwilight sold a lot of DVDs. Hopefully fans will see outtakes and write SMeyer angry emails for being a cockblocker. In books and in film

    LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i say,thank god for fanfic!!!!!!!!!

    • I love you Sherin!!

      Down with Cockblockers!!! Boooo Stephenie Meyer!!

      Yaaay to all the pervs on Fanfic & Twilighted!!

      • hey,it was Smeyer who got catherine to cut out that deleted love scene,the dream sequence one…yah know… the one with rob’s asscandy/

    • sherin can you twitter me a link to fakerstephmeyer so I can follow? couldn’t find them when I just tried. THANKS!

      • her twitter name is fakeSmeyer..ohh wait im sending a tweet

  46. My sister just e-mailed me and said she went to high school with the Producer of Twilight and New Moon Wyck Godfrey and his brother, Jim. She says she’s been keeping up with Jim. I am so excited that’s like 2 degrees of separation from Rob right??!! I’m like can you hook me up with Rob?! Waiting to hear back! HOLY SH*T! Why is she waiting to tell me this now?! Well probably b/c I just told her I was into Twilight yesterday. I’ve been keeping that info from my family for all this time. Anyway! WOOT! I can almost feel Rob! Ahhhhh!

    • oh wow!!! work that angle girl!!! and she knows the producers???oohh….you are soo in!!!!

    • First one to hook up gets the prize! Looks like you’re on your way!

    • Wow, that’s awesome!! Don’t forget your friends!!! *sniff* *sniff* (batting eyelashes faster than KStew could imagine in her wildest dreams, little hearts floating off the top of my head, hands curled under chin)

      • @Vogue

        NEVER! I would never forget you!–any of you on LTR!

        Don’t know where it will get me, but I’m in shock for now! That means I grew up in the same town as the Producer and didn’t know it! WTF?!!


  47. @IfOnly I knew it could be dirty, but Marg Simpson with anal beads?? I didn’t realize that people took it that far….sheesh!

    • I’m sure it goes further than that, people are whack. I just wondered what it was. At first I just thought it referred to the Japanese cartoons, then I went to another page and every single american cartoon from my childhood was violated.

      • Violated…desecrated….penetrated…..I think I need to see that Closer video ASAP!

  48. @$#^%$%#%$&!!!!!!!

    *Dancing around the room like Rob in Little Ashes *

    • @SpunkMe – One thing- It must be your lucky day today! NO SHIZ!

      • @Genevieve

        Holy crap!!!! You ain’t kiddin?!

        Let’s celebrate!

        Shoot some good Rob porn pictures this way!

        Love ya!

  49. i just lurve lurve this site…very educational,like englisg girl said….today’s lesson was rob and anime porn,heavy emphasis on the porn,who am i kidding?everything about rob turns to porn LOL

    • Yeah, ain’t that the truth? Give me the fanfic over anime anyday!

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