Posted by: Bekah | January 31, 2009

Saturday Morning Delight

Dear Rob,

Today I woke up to this Saturday Morning Delight that JustGotWicked found for me (thanks girl!)  Seriously, could you be more perfect?

For some reason I laughed really hard while I watched this video (which I just did 4 times in a row) possibly because the music is by Savage Garden. I never thought I’d have to hear them ever again, but sadly this was not case. I’d love to see picture/video collages of you every day of my life, but I’d rather not share that experience along with the guys who wrote “Truly, Madly, Deeply.” I’ll just take you. Thanks

❤ you,

“ooh, I want you.. I don’t know if I need you…” yeah, you know that song will be stuck in your head all weekend. You’re welcome!


  1. OMG, I haven’t heard this song in ages!! Awww, I kinda liked it…reminds me of the time when I met this one guy and we…

    Never mind…

    On topic…Atomic *POOF* to all of the Rob pics!

  2. :::sigh::: At least now I’ll associate this song with RP, instead of stupid high school boys. 😉

  3. Wow, UC. Thanks…now I’m reliving my LU days. Savage Garden? For real? Sigh…

    My seven year old looked at this and said, “The pictures are moving too fast.” She is a genius, of course.

  4. Husband: “What in the hell are you listening to?”

    Spank: “Um, Savage Garden…”

    Husband leans over to have a look at my screen and says, “you’ve got problems.”

    Do you think maybe he’s talking about how the pics are moving too fast in the video? Because that IS a problem… 🙂

  5. Damn you, Unintended Choice, Damn You! I really needed to concentrate this weekend on getting stuff done but now I am only going to be able to walk around singing that song and trying my best to pause that video on the pic of him coming out of the water. Thanks! Now, I have to go, I suddenly have a craving for a chicka cherry cola”!

  6. Just when I think you can’t possibly get any funnier…Savage Garden. Thanks.

    I used my cat-like powers to Not Blink. And my slightly fuzzy brain (not enough coffee yet) to try to catalogue the images (i.e. that was from….)

    I will now have that in my head while working all morning with 100 cub scouts. At least, I’ll be pleasantly distracted.

  7. UC – it’s pretty bad when my brothers, my mom, and my husband and I are spending time on our friday night, laughing at your site.

    We love it!

  8. UC- Oh I just love me some eye candy first thing in the morning. It gets the day started in the right direction. Now I’m off, singing a happy tune. thanks!

  9. Just got back from the mall, I wiped out the panty selection in Macy’s lingerie department.

  10. Volume down+ KoL sof playing in separate window = Perfect.

  11. OMFG its 4am and yes, i just got in! this post is playing right into my totally drunkbuzzed state of mind. brilliant! (but as an aussie i don’t mind me a bit of SG now and then!)

  12. @the captain…I hope those pictures don’t make you any more dizzy than you already might be!

  13. Speaking of Saturday morning delights, new Twilight outtake:

  14. ha, i used to love savage garden! but yeah, that song will definitely be stuck in my head all weekend. AH!

    But, wow. my smile just kept getting bigger and bigger as i watched this… nothing better to come to in the morning! but really, pics were moving WAY too fast… i dont care if it was supposed to be in 2 min or less… if you put 350 pics of Rob in a slideshow for me, i will sit and watch for it days.. no matter how long it takes… as long as i get to swoon over each one with enough time! 🙂

  15. @sass.. i really like that picture! just gotta get kstew outta there and then its perfect!

  16. Wow! What a way to start my day, though I could have done without the SG song…blech! Anyhoo now my perfect day of going to Indy with my best friend (and fellow Twihard/Robhard) to catch Twilight for the 5th time is off to the perfect start!!!

  17. I need to go and find my re-wetting drops because I didn’t blink for two minutes!!

    And Sass – WHOA, that picture made my day! Yum!

  18. @ Sass,
    Thanks for that pic….love it when he smiles *poof*

  19. Too fast! Too fast! Where’s the slow-mo button?

  20. so when i’m taken to the hospital and they ask whats wrong, i’ll just say ‘i had a seizure from looking at 350 pictures of rob in 2 minutes put to music by savage garden’

    and they’ll totally understand.

    (and admit me to the psych ward)

  21. Yes, I just got dizzy watching this, but I will go watch it again and again.
    @Ginger when you find it please let me know
    @sass, I just saw that pic on live journal, I love it!!!

  22. His expressions are different in every pic. How can one man have so many?

  23. @Valerie… a man of maaany talents can! 🙂 So, thats his acting, his facial expressions… hmm, i wonder where else his talents lay hidden?!! hehe….im sure i can help him find some! 😉

  24. I think I just peed my pants.. 🙂

  25. I wish I could slow it down a little, but hell, that is better than porn! Maybe if I could get it to play on a loop, with a different song.. humm.. NIN might work! 🙂

  26. @Nataliae: I’m with you on the KoL – Use Somebody is the PERFECT soundtrack to this montage.

    Now where can I get my hot little hands on that pick of him biting his lower lip? Because that’s what I picture his face will look like when we… talk.

  27. Damn! I had to blink with one eye at a time not to miss a single pic!!!

    I LOVED LOVED the one where he is doing like this: :P!!! It’s so cute. It’s around 1:06 I think…

  28. ome, that was too fast! I’m going to watch it now and try to pause on all the ones I haven’t seen before!!

  29. WOW that was…interesting to say the least…but now I have a headache from watching it like 7 times and the pics moving to fast LOL That’s ok it was totally worth it!!! 🙂

  30. note to self: stay away from computer after hours. 🙂

  31. Can you say SENSORY OVERLOAD?

    Geez, my mind and hormones are reeling!

  32. Loved all the pics, especially the one Sass posted. Love that smile. 🙂

  33. I think I’m gonna just have to watch the montage with the music of my choice….win/win!

  34. My old memories of that song have now been replaced with much better ones. I feel like I’ve been in one of those herbal essences commercials. 😉
    Thanks for the 1:42 of heaven on earth.

  35. *POOF* … Thud (drops to floor in hopeful anticipation)

    Good lord, how many more knickers (that’s “panties” for you north americans) am I going to lose for this man?

    May as well just not bother with them!

    • @English Girl yay! someone lost their knickers :):) Welcome english girl!

  36. hahah i had the same reaction, my face hurts from grinning now.

    • @nobzy i know that feeling! ps.. you’re new! welcome xo

  37. […] may be a first… a fan video you don’t have to turn down the music on. It’s no Savage Garden, but who can hate on […]

  38. Oh he is just too beautiful…even with all his different “looks”…sigh… I thought this site would HELP with my obsession…ha! The more info I read, see or hear just pulls me in deeper. I have spent the last 2 days perusing your archives & loving every minute of it. Many Thanks! 🙂

  39. Hey, unintended choice! Is there any way to slow this down to get a longer look at all these fabulous pics? You got some great ones of our Rob!

    • unfortunately, i don’t think so! I think the point the video maker was trying to make was ROB OVERLOAD !!!!! but keep looking- we have plenty of slow vids to tickle your fancy!

  40. Oh my. I can’t stop grinning or replaying this video. I’m gonna hit the shower then it’s off to bed with my oh so very lucky husband!

  41. Savage Garden and Rob, SCORE!

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