Posted by: Bekah | January 29, 2009

Where in the world is the Edward cut out?

Dear Rob and Edward,

You know, it seems that the whole of North America (minus the western part, bastards) is covered in snow.

Thanks for helping Sass out with the snow shoveling.

You look so cute in that scarf.



  1. I’d offer to let him come shovel my snow, only there isn’t any. My particular part of the south isn’t covered, either.

  2. OMG…I just saw the pic and ROFL! That is sooo awesome!!

    Hey Rob – I’ve got snow on my porch and a lazy husband…will bring your shovel to my house? I’ll pay you, but now with money…;)

  3. Rob,
    I don’t have any snow but I have leaves to rake in the back yard and then perhaps we can jump on the trampoline for a while.

  4. That is HILARIOUS! Ok now I NEED to buy the Edward action figure AND the cardboard cut out!

    @Sass – did any of your neighbors see Edward shoveling snow? I hope the snow’s reflection didn’t make him all sparkly and give away your secret.

  5. The scarf is awesome. Think maybe he needs to cuddle by a fire after all that work?

  6. OMG thats too funny, you must have a very supportive (or whipped) husband to deal with a real life size Edward Cullen. If they could just make this 3D I’d be in fa’shure. Like sh*t on fur.

  7. Ah, he looks like he needs a hot cocoa or a warm bath. 😉

  8. OMG. Hysterical. May I borrow him so he can stand in front of my car in the School Pick Up Lane to pick up the kids.

    That way no one will double park next to me, thus preventing me from leaving and bottling up the whole “pull through” concept.

    I think he’d do a fabulous job. It’s all in that slightly-menacing-but-oh-so-sexy look.

  9. You know how men have dolls that look real for “other things” do you think they have men dolls that look like Robert Pattinson?

  10. LMAOOOOOOOOO!!! I would love to see Rob’s reaction to this post. I’m picturing him laughing so hard that he shoots beer out his nose..

    The next time my husband gives me shit for reading the series again, I’m going to show him this picture and tell him to shut the hell up. 🙂

  11. @Wendy… luckily,I didn’t see any neighbors out at all. And also, it was still quite overcast, so Edward did not sparkle TOO much… 🙂

    @bennettaj…don’t worry, I took good care of him after he finished… 😉

    @Natasha…to tell you the truth, I am not sure my dh has even SEEN it yet, lol! Sometimes he can be exceptionally unobservant!

  12. @SuzieQ…then your dh will see that there really are wackier chicks out there than you… lmao!!

  13. Can you all see that little spot of white on the pocket of his jeans? Well, on close-up inspection, (don’t ask why I was looking that closely at his um, pocket…) that is the start of a hole in his jeans…you know, the distressed look. Damn near made me want to poke my finger through it.

  14. And seriously? If this is true “life-size” proportion, then Rob is so friggin skinny that I would snap him like a twig.

  15. @Sass – LOVE THIS! (I see he’s not in the dining room anymore!) This is HILARIOUS! We’ve got snow up to our ying yang, we can be next on his snow shovelling journey! Ha ha!

    @SuzieQ- Love your comment! LMAO and still am! I love it… beer out his nose! Can’t get any better than that!

  16. @Sass- good one! …snap him like a twig! Hmmm, has possibilites!

  17. His hair looks like a brown helmet. I’m just sayin’.

    Love the scarf, though.

  18. Oh my god!! hahahahaha so cool. I want one of those.
    Next month I’m going to the states and I’m totally buying an Edward action figure and the cardboard cutout! hahahaha
    I’ll make him travel with me ^.^

  19. @NatalieCastle- can you imagine taking the cardboard cutout with u on an airplane? Like as a carry-on?

  20. I don’t have any snow but I’ll make some if that means that Edward will come and shovel it for me.

    I so need one of those. My husband would die. I just like to torture him.
    @Sass where did you get that? I’ve seen them on Amazon but they want like $20 to ship it.

  21. I would absolutely DIE if I saw someone carrying fully assembled Edward on a plane!!!

  22. @Valerie…I picked him up (heh) at the Suncoast Video store in my local mall.

  23. @Sass- I know, me 2. Just thinking about it…
    What about if you leave Edward outside… what would your neighbours or the mail man think? In the evening they’d think that somebody is standing outside for an awful long time & why is he not moving? Ha ha!

  24. @Genevieve – Well, he’s Edward after all!! He’s known for standing so still he looks like a statue!

    Hahahhaha I’m considering booking another seat at the plane and sit “Edward” next to me. It wouldn’t be that expensive since I would have to buy the ticket that doesn’t include any food.

    He’s on a special diet after all! (wink, wink)

    I’d love to see people’s faces if I actually did that.

  25. @NatalieCastle- yes, that’s true! But I mean to non-Twi people it would look weird, especially if they don’t know who it is and they can’t really see him well at well…twilight. They’d think, what the heck is that guy doing standing there so long (in one spot)? Ha ha. Yes, that would be priceless to see (Edward on a plane with you) I can see it!

  26. LOL Sass, you kill me! This is too awesome for words. 🙂 Just picturing all the things in the comments here is way too funny.

    Yes, we do need to have our snow shoveled here and Edward is way better looking than the ones who come to do it!

  27. edward makes a disdainful outdoor worker. poor love is in a tshirt! i’m coming to get him – it’s 43 degrees* here for the 14th day running** – and he could cool things down*** with that cool glare and even cooler skin. Afghan rug not required.

    * that’s 110 to you
    ** this may be an exagerration. it’s actually the 4th day – feels like 14.
    *** me

  28. New foundee of this website. And I want to first apologize for being a Western American–I want some snow, not as much as you, but I want some.

    This site is incredibly hilarious, and I look forward to reading it more as New Moon is in readiness.

    • @ocnlvr83 welcome!!! we will have lots of new moon goodness (and LOTS OF ROB) as the days tick on… i forgive you for being lucky and having no snow 🙂

  29. This is awesome. I have wanted one of those cutouts forever! They sell them at my local mall in the Past and Presents store, along with framed pics of scenes of the movie, mousepads, and coasters.

    When I saw the Edward cutout, I almost cried I’m not going to lie…

    I love this site guys! My letter is already finished and sent!

  30. is rob messing with our minds???

  31. 3 hours after I first saw it and I’m still giggling. bcmc thinks I’m insane. It’s 75 degrees outside, but I can throw some ice on the lawn for Edward.

  32. @captain…that is a total photoshop, the pic of him is a recent one from London, right? I know I saw it here!

  33. is it? either way it’s damn hot.

  34. @captain…here is the link, scroll down a bit:

  35. I stumbled upon this website just a week ago. I will say that it has became my #1 stop on my “Daily Rob Rounds”. You ladies are hilarious! I appreciate your humor.

    I think all Rob would have to do is step outside the side door and all the snow within 100 yards of him would melt .

    • @justme HILARIOUS.. you’re right- snow would melt in front of rob.. waves would part, animals would bow and snow would melt. WELCOME!

  36. @the captain – hahaha that’s the worst Photoshopped image of Rob ever. Actually, Rob was in that picture, but Kristen wasn’t. It’s originally a pic of Rob and me. They must have totally hacked my cellphone!!

  37. @Angela – If they had “dolls” like that for women that looked like Rob, then sign me up!!!

  38. @justme…true, who needs Qik Joe ice melt when you have Rob!!

  39. ahhh i absolutey love it!!!! ugh sass, now i REALLY want one of those cut outs.. i’ll definitely have to make a trip to minnesota SOON!!! And, uhm… we have TONS of snow here… can you send him along?! 🙂 hehe. I promise i’ll keep him nice.. and warm.. and snug….. and entertained. maybe you shouldnt send him.. he probably wouldnt want to come back! haha!

  40. so…I just read this and I have tears streaming down my face:

  41. @lovesbcmc – LMAO! That was hilarious. 🙂

    @captain – that photoshop scared me on several levels, ha ha.

  42. oh dear i am so naive…it must be the extreme heat. and natalie – what was it like waking up next to naked rob? that oxymoron thing is hysterical!

  43. i am crying with laughter ‘where is my counting crows cd?” and “bella we need to chat”. oh dear god that’s fucking brilliant!

  44. @lovesbcmc- that is SOOO funny!

    @Sid- you got that right! My heart almost stopped beating (venom)!

  45. That is awesome! And as great as my hubby is… he would not let me get the life size Edward stand up. 😦 He did, however let me get the life size Buffy stand up. He just doesn’t want to get me something that will compete for his affection.

  46. *is jealous*
    Oh dang, I wish I had snow in my driveway for Edward to shovel…*hates summer*

  47. @lovesbcmc – I have just read the ENTIRE conversation it was HILARIOUS. Couldn’t stop laughing!!!

  48. First of all, mere words cannot express how funny I am finding stand-up, shovelin’ Edward. I need shovelin’ Edward for my driveway, stat. But now I see that “Growing up Cullen” has been mentioned? This truly might be the


  49. Haha, I got mine for Christmas and put him in the window next to the tree. It made people wonder who the hell was in house when they came over to open their gifts. It constantly freaks my mom out because she thinks it’s real. The cats too, they constantly go up to him and rub his legs or lick his hand. Hahaha. It was pretty much the best Christmas present ever!! Oh, and I take my Edward action figure everywhere. He even got to see his own movie in the theater. 🙂

  50. rob you are so hottttttttttttt and sexey!

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